Sunday, February 26, 2012

Connecting with London's Trees

One of the things I like about meditating is how things come to life. Today I sat down to open up before my healing session, and the meditation went in a completely different direction. I will usually sit down, fill the room with white light, throw down my roots and then open each of my chakras starting at the root and working my way up. At that point I send my attention to the highest source of light and draw a white beam towards me.  Then I surround myself in a bubble of white light, and off we go! 

Today a few extras cropped up along the way:

  • The first thing I did was take a couple really big breaths, and from there I went on to fill the room with white light. It didn't feel like enough though and the whole building filled up with white light. All the way down to the foundations. I saw a huge rectangle of white light rising up from the bottom and clearing all of the energy as it went upwards. It went through each floor and finally towards the sky. I could sense some passengers riding the white disk but I didn't pay much attention to them. 
  • Next I cleared my own flat three times using the same method, and then let multiple tornados of light spin through it. It was very light and airy by then, and when the tornados were gone I saw a shower of white light fill every inch of space. The tornados and the white light were both airy and they were not clearing anything heavy. It was a nice infusion of white light. 
  • There are huge trees at the front and back of the building, and because it's February they have no leaves on them. Nevertheless, trees still have powerful energy and in my meditation I could sense green leaves surrounding the building and even  lining the walls of my healing room. I was also very aware of their root, and followed my own roots down where I could feel the trees roots supporting me. My first thought was, how nice! I like working with these trees! At that point I became aware of all the trees on my street, in the neighbourhood and even the nearby Kensington Gardens.  What a lovely image! The trees are all interconnected and we can tap into their energy to ground ourselves and to heal as well. 

I just love how many trees we have in London. The trees on my road are tall and really leafy, but at certain times during the year, the release a sap that makes is very slippery on the ground (even if the scent is just delicious).... 

  • What else? I also got some healing for myself. Particularly on my left eye, my brow and my crown. My throat also feels really dry and parched and the message I got is that TOO MUCH COFFEE is causing this. My left eye also started twitching when I was opening up the brow and Coffee was also the culprit on that one. So the Caramel Machiatto I had this morning will be my last. Not allowed to go into Starbucks for the next month - and that will do wonders for my debit card balance! Last night I sat down to meditate for a bit and clear stuck energy and I could really feel the difference this morning. 

I haven't been meditating and healing myself as much as I'd like to and I now have a list of things to look at before I'm done with the healing course. I'm going to approach this in my natural blue style, and make a list that I can cross off as I go along. First off will be some ancestral clearing and healing. A lot of very particular memories have been popping into my mind and I think those are things that I need to look at before I do anything else. My meditation today was only 15 minutes and it worked wonders. In my last psychic reading class the teacher told us we should be doing 30 a day but I'm going to stick to 15 very focused minutes instead. 

Sitting in Nature is Meditation Too!
(or picture yourself there!)

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Friday, February 24, 2012

A Nice Surprise!

Yesterday was a really nice day! When I woke up in the morning and checked my Psychic Healer emails I found a real TREAT! 

There is an awesome website called Memories of the Soul, basically it is a forum where people around the world meet to discuss spiritual topics ranging from past lives, evolution of the soul, life lessons and anything to do with the soul's journey. I really enjoy spending time there, so many great discussions!

A few weeks ago I sent Ron, the admin, an email inviting him to guest post on my blog. He replied saying yes to the Q&A Session so we have a great post to look forward to.  And even better, he replied with an idea of his own!  Guess who is going to be a Forum Moderator on the website?  =) 


I really like the site because it gives me a chance to explore spiritual topics that aren't directly related to healing. It also reminds me why I got into psychic development in the 1st place. Being psychic (or intuitive) isn't about knowing what's going to happen tomorrow. Its about having a very strong connection to God or to your higher self and tapping into that that wisdom in your day to day life. So much of this links into our experience as a eternal soul, and this is what Memories of the Soul is about. 

Cool beans! I couldn't be more excited! =) 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pop Tarts and Spirit Guides

A few weeks ago I joined a gym and I’ve been making an effort to get in shape. Not to lose weight, because my BMI is fine, but to take better care of myself. The area where I've been failing is food. I am a creature of habit and cravings. For example, last night I got home late (from the gym) and put a couple pop tarts in the toaster. Breakfast was not much better. My only saving grace is the cafeteria lunch I have at work every day. Not so tasty but more nutritious than a Pop Tart. 

Tonight I went to the gym again and then to my local supermarket for dinner. First off, I collected ingredients for a Caesar salad, some shrimp to go with it and some pre-cut fruit for dessert. Not much of a cook. 

I’m such a sucker for pre-cut/cooked or convenient food. Last week I was in a convenience store and saw one of those stir fry noodle cups that are always being advertised on TV. They remind me of the a brand that is popular back home; nothing like some greasy noodles to get my flavour buds salivating. I've been really tempted to buy one of these noodles - the ones that just take hot water - but have held back because of the bomb of fat and cholesterol that it is sure to come with it. I love my veins, my heart and my body too much to feed it that stuff. Today I found myself standing in front of the greasy TV noodles once again; to the left I saw a little yellow pack that read: "great for a meal or snack!" 

I picked it up and studied the plain yellow packaging, wondering if that would be a good snack for me. A healthy snack. There have to be low fat and tasty noodles out there, after all, noodles don't have to float in a tub of butter to taste good. Just reminds me of how much I like Dim Sum and other steamed dumplings.

Hmmm, wouldn't it be nice?

There I stood on one end of the canned and pre-packaged foods section, when I heard a strange noise down the aisle. It sounded like a massive deck of playing cards had been shuffled. I turned my gaze to look for the source of the noise - what I saw were 4-5 red pouches of Asian food on the floor. Asian, Indian, Thai, to be honest I couldn't tell from afar but I wasn't interested in the red pouches. It did strike me as odd that I was all alone in the aisle. What knocked them off the shelf???

The next thought to flash through my mind made me laugh. One of the things I have heard is that Spirit Guides will supposedly knock books off shelves for you to read them. I have never quite had that experience, though I did happen to come across a copy of Ask Your Guides by chance. The white cover caught my eye from across the room and I walked over to have a look. I honestly think my Guides made it wink at me, but the book didn't move. 

So the idea that my guides would knock food off a shelf made me laugh. I went with the urge to examine the red pouches. The greasy noodles stayed behind on the shelf.  Nevermore nevermore ... 

This is what fell to the ground (apologies for the blurry photo): 


I just looked at the nutritional tables online, and this entire bag only has three grams of fat. The yellow box of greasy noodles had something like 15 and I don't even want to look at the ones from TV. This is exactly what I had been asking for: a low-fat tasty noodle meal. 


I was holding all of my shopping in my arms so I couldn't squat to pick up the ones that had fallen down. Instead I reached out and grabbed a red pouch from the shelf. At this moment one of the employees walked over to see what had fallen down, and what did he see? There I am holding a huge pile of products in my arms, another 4-5 on the floor. Huge mess, no effort on my side to clean it up. I was about to tell him that I hadn't knocked them down, but why bother? Someone knocked them down to get my attention so I just sorta smiled and walked away with my noodles. 

Loving my Spirit Guides! Thank You! 

Still can't get over it!


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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Pie Image: (Updated 2020)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Fighting off the neighbour's cold!

Last week my team was off-site for three days at a conference. We spent the better part of 48 hours around a conference table and then going out for lunch, dinner, breakfast. You name it.

One of the regional sales managers went home sick on the last day, nasty cough and cold. By Friday we had another three people down. Today my line manager and desk neighbour came in with a scratchy throat, red eyes, and the urge to sneeze. How do I know she had the urge to sneeze? I started sneezing as soon as she came through the door. And when we sat down for a status update my throat started feeling all scratchy. Foggy head. I've been fighting it off since she walked through the doors, and now that I'm home alone my nose is still sniffling. So annoying! Hopefully my trip to the gym will sweat it out of me. Even now as I'm writing about it I can feel my throat scratching up again. 

We talked about this in class a few weeks ago, often we might pick up someone else's aches and pains when we're out in public. It's true of public transport and it's also true of the people you work with. No need to be psychic, this is how all human aura fields react. 

The key is to notice when the symptom first appears, and to ask yourself if it belongs to someone else (i.e. are you feeling someone else pain, etc?). If so, tell your body "I'm not having that" and send it back to where it came from. 

Just kidding!

I'm not planning on directing my would-be cold at anyone. What I have been doing all day is working on my grounding and making sure that anything that does come my way is disposed of via the grounding cord. Staying grounded and in your body is a good way to stay healthy. Or so I'm told. Apparently people who tend to be ungrounded catch colds often. I've also been conscious of my aura field, making sure it's protected. That works and then when I think about it I can feel the symptoms again. So this is the last I'll say about a cold. Off to the gym and looking forward to a bright and healthy Tuesday! 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Working with Chakra Pairs

Had a really nice healing session today with one of my clients! Spent the whole thirty minutes working on the chakras and just finished with a white disc clearing through her aura. That and grounding and protecting her at the end of it, of course!  

This session I worked with the chakra pairs, clearing and balancing them in conjunction as I went along. So for example start with the root chakra and the heart, then move on the sacral and the throat, the solar plexus and the brow and finally the heart and the crown. 

I like using this session because you can spend a lot more time on the chakras when you work on two at a time. I also like to place my stronger healing hand on the active chakra in the pair, and send the energy through the client's channel to the other chakra. The channel is a beam of white light that runs into the crown through the chakras, out the root chakra and into the ground. The way I see it, it appears to go on and on forever. 

I've been using this beam of light to clear through the chakras, especially the ones that are paired. It is a nice way to clear and balance chakras without putting your hands on them directly. Today I tried this with the throat chakra, so I had my right hand over the client's sacral chakra and used my intent to send the energy to the throat.  I used three techniques on the throat chakra: 

  • With my right hand on the sacral chakra, I visualised the energy flowing from the sacral to the throat where it cleared and healed any blocks. 
  • I visualised a white disc of light travelling through the throat chakra from front to back. All along I had my left hand on the floor and my right hand over the sacral chakra. 
  • Finally I placed my left hand over the client's throat chakra and my right hand on the floor beside me. I then pulled any excess energy from the throat chakra down my left arm and out my right arm into the ground where it was grounded and cleared. 

This last technique is similar to the grounding we have learned to do at the end of couch healings, where the healer places their hands on the client's feet and ground their energy through the healer's body. In these instances I visualise myself as a grounding cord and all of their excess energy goes through me into the ground where it is cleared and purified. None of that energy is held in my body, every last bit goes into the ground. At the end of the healing session I will step out of the client's energy field and visualise a huge bucket of water being poured over me to wash away any traces. 

When the session ended the client commented on this without me asking any questions. Her feedback was that she had felt a very strong energy on her throat and opened her eyes expecting to see my hands above her throat. Instead my hand was over her hips. I went on to explain that those 2 chakras were paired and I could work on clearing the throat by keeping my hands over the sacral.  She was impressed. 

There are so many things that I might visualise or put intention on during a healing session and if the client feedback un-prompted it gives me proof that I'm not making things up! At this point I shouldn't need confirmation, but I still like getting it and in some way that feedback session also gives the client a better understanding of how the subtle bodies work. 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Pushy Healer

Today I discovered I am BRIGHT RED when it comes to energy healing. By RED I mean the result oriented, goal chaser you will find in the corporate world. It is a term I've learned to use in my day job. A couple  months ago a consultant came in to show us how we can go about identifying people's thought processes by observing the verbal and non verbal communication they use. You would then use this to speak to them in their own language, finding common ground and then using that to move business projects forward. The training lasted six hours, I will sum it up in a few sentences.

There are four colour coded stereo-types used to identify communication styles:

RED - Result driven, fast moving, timing is off the essence (I need this yesterday), natural leaders who delegate easily and are bored or impatient with details. My marketing department is full of REDs and I am one of them! Yes it's true! The best way to deal with this type is to Raise Your Voice. 

YELLOW - Friendly, outgoing, chatty, like to to establish a rapport before getting down to business. They can do anything, and if they don't they know someone who can do it. They don't enjoy the analytical-numerical side of things but they are still good at numbers when they are needed.  

GREEN -  These are the Mother Teresa's of the world, they care about people and will go out of their way to make sure people are comfortable and happy before moving on to anything else. It is important to make them feel included and cared for in any work environment. Few and far between in business. 

BLUE -  This is my natural habitat. Very analytical, like making To-Do Lists and crossing them off as they go. Very comfortable with huge spreadsheets, numbers, rational. Not emotional or chatty. If you run into a blue person at work make sure you have your facts straight. They will look at the nitty-gritty.

Have you noticed a pattern? 

The colours match the chakras these behaviours are associated with! For example, a very driven and ambitious person will have a strong root chakra, an outgoing and confident chatter box might have a strong solar plexus. A caring Ghandi-type would have an overflowing heart chakra, and finally a very analytical type will most likely have a very active brow chakra. I am oversimplifying things, but the idea popped into my mind when I was  sitting in the Colour Sessions at work, and again this weekend when we were discussing our approach in Healing School. It made me laugh, it really did. They used a different word for RED today .... 

How does this fit in with my personality? 

I used to be BLUE with a GREEN undercurrent, but after six years chasing numbers and launch deadlines I have morphed into an odd combination of BRIGHT RED and GREEN. Red because I am focused on results, and green because I feel bad about pushing people relentlessly until we/they get the job done. Red and Green are polar opposites and these types will seldom get along (same is true for blue and yellow). When I read my report I finally understood why I feel so conflicted at work. I don't like the person I become when I have to chase deadlines. It is also one of the reasons that I've thrown myself into energy healing the past year and a half, these GREEN activities are a lot closer to my natural state of bliss.   

Today I realised I have become even BRIGHTER RED than I thought. Our tutors gave us a list of YES/NO questions to answer about our approach to healing and client management, and one of the answers I gave was driven 100% by my RED side:

Do you find yourself challenging clients in your healing sessions? 


On some level I think I have still been working with a positive outcome in mind, and in truth I don't know what outcome would be positive for the client. I might also expect the client to pitch in to get results, for example by doing grounding meditations a couple times a week if they are ungrounded. I wouldn't question them if they didn't do it, but in the back of my mind I might be asking myself how they expect to get a different outcome if they are not changing their behaviour.  I suppose clients change when they are ready to move on and shift energies. The healing will always have a benefit but the results won't be as immediate as my RED personality type would like them to be. In conclusion, I need to dial down my red, dial up my green, and keep my yellow/blue in place. 

For more info on the colour wheel click here    =)

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Cool New Project!

The past few weeks I have been brainstorming blog topics. I'd love to make it more dynamic and maybe cover topics that are technically too new for me to write about them (even if that's never stopped me before! LOL). In the next few months I'm going to start posting Q&A Sessions with accredited Healers and other light workers. We can ask about their practice, how they experience a session, and any special interests or hobbies in the metaphysical realm.

In the end I am sure we all channel the same healing energy, but I find it fascinating to go into the nuances of each school of thought. This will also be a great way for us to stay up to date on evolving healing techniques.

Are there any topics you would like to read about? If so please leave a comment with suggestions, questions for me to include in the interviews, etc.  I am also up for guest posts please get in touch and we can discuss. Thanks in advance for your support with this exciting new project!  Love and Light, Regina 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Brush with Unicorns!

The past year or so I have been feeling this funny niggling feeling on my nose, something sweeps up and down from the tip to the center of my eyes. It feels like an energetic feather but I can never see anything there. A few times I've felt criss-cross on my brow chakra, right between the eyes. It also felt really nice, like a massage so I wasn't too stressed about what it might be. In the back of my mind I always thought it was a playful little animal spirit of some sort. Or a goblin but that was back in my Harry Potter days!

Well a few months ago I felt the exact same thing during a unicorn meditation in school. You heard me! Unicorns! It was fun, unicorns are magical, inspirational and they also use their horns for healing.  I have had a nice silvery-white unicorn following me around and pointing its magical energy at my face for the past year or so.  It's a very friendly way to say hello, almost like they are rubbing our noses or foreheads. It feels a little bit horsey, but almost like I'm the horse and the unicorn is rubbing my nose. Those of you who have been on my Facebook Page a lot lately noticed the nice new unicorn cards I've been using to give mini-readings during the week. I think this is why I'm so into the unicorn cards, and it might also be why the cards are so very accurate! The ones I use on my Page are actually an electronic iPod version, and it never ceases to surprise me when the card is relevant. Even so, I tend to base my readings on the feelings I get when I see the card, even if it doesn't fit the description. Those are usually the most accurate readings ... 

Every now and then I'll ask them to come say hello and rub my nose. Clairsentience has got to be one of the coolest psychic senses. Clairvoyance is the most fun, but actually feeling something makes the whole experience very tangible. Especially during healing sessions. Sometimes I will get clients that are new to all this despite the fact that they have psychic tendencies. On two occasions I've had new clients who were very surprised when they could feel everything that happened during the healing session. Sometimes they'll feel the prickly sensation of the healing energy, they can also feel their pulse in different parts of their body. Most people feel it when I'm grounding them, but the clairsentient ones feel a "WHOOOSH" going down their body and out their feet. 
You might be wondering if I really believe in unicorns, and if they actually exist? What I've heard is that our collective consciousness  has created mythical creatures in another dimension. Not sure if I would go so far as to call them a thought form, but that could be the case. I really have no clue but these are my best guesses. Either way, unicorns are said to be very spiritual healing beings, and it is a lot of fun to meditate with unicorns and ask them for messages. That could be through a card, but you could also practice sitting in silence and asking one to come to you. Let me know how it goes! 

For those of you who are new to this - a vivid imagination comes in handy! I like to "suspend disbelief" as my high school Lit teacher used to call it. 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Taking a Sunday Off

Having a lazy Sunday! Yesterday I had dinner with some friends from my Psychic Class and we ended up pulling tarot cards (big surprise!). The 1st one I pulled was funny, telling me not to worry about negative thoughts being loaded guns LOL. As in one negative feeling or thought isn't going to bring the world crashing down around you. It was actually relevant on some level. Made me laugh anyway.

The next card said to take a day and GET SOME MUCH NEEDED REST!

London is covered in snow this weekend, really lovely.

I'm toying with the idea of going to the gym for some "me time"

Relax and enjoy your Sunday!

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Active Meditation

Today I finally went back to the gym and did a full session. First time after my fainting spell earlier this week. The last time I joined a gym I felt totally intimidated by the place and stopped going when the sun came out again. London parks are so much more appealing than indoor training rooms! To make it worse, the gym lost my "notice" sheet so they went on charging me. We haggled over it for months before they admitted their mistake and stopped harassing me.

Now that I'm going to the gym my body feels more alive and energised. At least in the evenings when I get home from the gym. Waking up the next morning is so tough! But overall I feel much better. I'm releasing the toxins that were held in my bones and muscles, and the emotions associated with them as well. Its also nice to get in shape again and work on a little bit of muscle tone. Not so much weight loss, my holiday in Mexico took care of any excess pounds. Evidently I've been in the UK long enough to lose touch with the flu bugs that give flavour to our delicious national cuisine. And I ate a lot of it LOL 

So the toxins are going out, out out!

Tonight I felt motivated to cook myself dinner after the gym. I hadn't cooked in a while and it turned out very very badly. My healing skills are definitely better than my cooking. I bought big button mushrooms and left them to simmer in olive oil, a touch of salt, balsamic dressing and Tabasco. I also bought little chicken strips and grilled them on the stove with Nando's Peri Peri sauce. Somehow the supermarket Nandos sauce is nowhere near as good as the real thing in the restaurant. The chicken was done cooking before the mushrooms, and I made the mistake of pulling the mushrooms out when they were soaking in juices. 

My mom tells me that mushrooms are dry to start out with, after about 10 minutes they release tons of water and you have to leave them until that water dries up. Its not bad for you if you don't, but it doesn't taste so nice (at least not the way I like em!) The chicken was going to burn though and I didn't think to leave it covered so I took the mushrooms out, tried draining them by putting a plate over the top of the pot and letting the water run out in the sink. 

The thing about not cooking is that you don't bother buying the proper kitchen utensils. Last week I didn't have a ladle to pour soup with, and today I didn't have a stringer thing to drain my mushrooms. Sometimes I think the only thing that keeps my blog from morphing into a magical healer blog is the fact that I don't cook. All of the cool witchy bloggers spend tons of time in the kitchen. I have however, spotted a Goddess here and there when working on clients. 

I try not to label things, we don't know enough .... 

But I digress. Evidently if you poor wet soaking mushrooms onto a plate with chicken, the meat will soak up the water and become very mushy. It was like eating soup on a plate. If you ever want to thank me for a free healing session, buy me lunch! The only good thing about this whole ordeal is that I was 100% focused on my task, so it counts as a working meditation. Meditation is about being grounded in the moment and not letting your mind drift. I was very focused on the cooking and forgot all about the outside world.  

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Reiki hugs, Regina