This post is a follow-up to my book, Chakra Healing & Magick - I promised to share more on how the planets can impulse your life.
As an energy healer and astrologer, making the jump to planetary magick and self-healing was predictable. The more aware we are of spiritual energy, the easier it becomes for us to connect with the Moon and with the rest of the planets on a day-to-day basis. Healing ourselves also makes these connections conscious - we feel the influence and respond thoughtfully. A big surprise was that we can also channel the planets with the intention to heal our lives.
Doing so requires an understanding of how the natal chart is put together, and being able to pinpoint moments when it makes sense to connect with the planets - usually when they are transiting the Houses in the natal chart that relate to the issues that need a bit of healing. If you’re not familiar with a natal chart, the 12 House relate to specific issues such as identity, love, income, friendship, home, and higher education. If we want to heal or impulse an issue, we can do so easily by connecting with the Moon as it transits that House and channeling its energy.

We can connect with any of the planets to work our magick, each healing the issue from its point of view. For example, Mercury might reshape the way we think about life. Mars gives us drive to pursue objectives and get around setbacks and obstacles. But many of these planets take months or even years to circle through the Zodiac, whereas the Moon makes the rounds in 28 days. It also relates to home, the need for security and to the unconscious. Healing with the Moon is like like redecorating and revamping our home (Earth) life so that we feel cozy and secure. The idea is to connect with the Moon each month as it transits your natal chart, downloading its light and power energy with the intention to heal, activate and impulse specific themes and situations.
Step 1: Energy Healing Foundation
In the past we’ve discussed the chakras that can be activated to strengthen our connection with the planets and the solar system, bringing that energy into our lives with the intention to heal ourselves and to create shifts in our lives. As an energy healer, channeling the planets is fun and exciting, but it does require lots of grounding. We don’t want to lose our footing or burn out. Ideally, we’d start by grounding meditations, taking our attention to the Earth Star Chakra which can be found in the Aura below your feet. This energy center makes it easier for us to connect with Mother Nature and feel her energy, giving us deeper foundations to build on.
Once that is done, we’d turn our attention to emotional healing as this opens us up to give, receive, and to experience life fully. This can be done in many ways - with counseling, healing affirmations or with Reiki and Chakra Healing. From an Energy Healing point of view, we’d focus on the Sacral Chakra (emotions), Solar Plexus (self-esteem) and Heart (self-love).
Having opened the heart and grounded ourselves, the final step would be to visualize and feel the Soul Star Chakra, which can be found in the Aura, 6-12 inches over the head. It holds the energy of your soul including past lives, ancestors and the imprint of your natal astrology chart. I like to visualize the Soul Star as a moon, always full, at times more illuminated than others.
By grounding ourselves and activating our intuition, we also connect with our power. The influence of the stars & planets can be worked with consciously on a day to day basis.
Step 2: Timing for Moon Meditations
Each of the Houses in the chart represents a life sphere, for example, the 1st House relates to how we see and present ourselves in the world, the 4th represents home life, the 7th has to do with marriage and business partnerships. If we want to heal or give extra oomph to a specific area of our lives, we would carry out an energy healing meditation with the Moon. The secret is to time the ritual so that we download the Moon’s energy when it transits the relevant House.
Below is a quick summary of House meanings. As a reminder, the Houses always stay in the same place, while the Zodiac rotates twice daily. The first house is at the 9AM spot on a clock, and the rest of the Houses go counter clockwise through the natal chart circle. You will need a birth chart that takes your time of birth into account for these calculations to be accurate.
- 1st House: Your personal identity, how you’re seen in the world.
- 2nd House: The material world, riches, belongings, values, income.
- 3rd House: Community, communications, siblings, K-12 school years.
- 4th House: Family life, the home, childhood, your foundation.
- 5th House: Creativity, art, music, love affairs, having & raising kids.
- 6th House: Vocations, teamwork, routines, service to others (or not).
- 7th House: Marriage, romantic relationships, partnership, open enemies.
- 8th House: Shared resources, taxes, intimacy, other people’s money, legacies.
- 9th House: What is the meaning of life? Higher education, philosophy
- 10th House: Social and career status, ambition, ripple effect on world.
- 11th House: Your broader tribe, social groups, all of humanity. Oneness.
12th House: The realm of past lives, karma & family secrets.
If a person wanted to bring more love and empathy into their marriage; they’d set that intention and then carry out the Moon Ritual when the Moon transits the sign on the cusp of the 7th House. If they wanted to focus on their work life, they might look at the 2nd house of income, 6th of work atmosphere to improve relationships with colleagues, or 10th to stand out more.
Step 3: A Moon Ritual to Impulse Your Life
I had already been practicing energy healing for more than seven years before venturing into magick; it shocked me how similar they are. In this ritual (or meditation) we combine energy healing and astrology to create tangible changes. This script follows the parameters from my energy healing studies, encouraging us to connect with the highest and purest source of light in the Universe first. The intention is to take our awareness completely out of the box, circumventing the energy of the planets. We then bring that light-power down, with the intention to transform our lives from above. It’s only after we’ve grounded ourselves and attuned to that light that we reach for the Moon or the planets.
Please light a candle and have a pen and piece of paper on hand. If you’d like to bring crystals into this meditation, clear quartz can be programmed with any intention. Otherwise, bring your hands to your heart in Step 6, letting your Heart Chakra capture the Moon’s light & healing.
- Light a candle and visualize yourself surrounded by violet light.
- Visualize tree roots growing out of the bottoms of your feet into the ground. A beautiful crystal shines in the center of the earth, sending a ray of light to your Heart Chakra.
- Inhale, and take your attention up through the Universe the the purest and highest source of light that is available to you at this moment. Feel it flow down to your Heart Chakra.
- Sit with this for a few minutes, breathing in light and breathing out stress.
- When you’re ready, visualize the Moon’s light flowing through your Soul Star Chakra, where the energy of your natal chart is stored. Intend for the relevant House to be activated.
- Optional Crystal Activation: You can write your specific intention on a piece of paper and then tape it onto a quartz crystal, letting the moonlight flow through your hands into the Quartz.
- Always specify that the energy healing align with your highest good, harming none.
- Release that energy into the ground, focus on your heart and radiate gratitude.
- Ground yourself and shield your Aura with violet light, pink or indigo light.
We can do these meditations as often as we’d like, but it’s a good idea to start with just one or two a month until we get the hang of it. There are also other considerations – Christopher Warnock has a wonderful book called Secrets of Planetary Magic, with more techniques.
> I’m working on a book and/or an online astrology class. Like most of the things I do, it will focus on healing and integrating.
Reiki hugs,
Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuits. Read her books to heal yourself.