Saturday, January 18, 2025

Are Spirit Guides Real??

Over the years, I've had many takes on this question. Are spirit guides figments of our unconscious or our imagination? I think it's important to be open to being wrong, and not to become too attached to our beliefs. 

But first, what are spirit guides? 

The idea is that when we ask our intuition for answers, the answer can come from several places - I cover these options in my book, Chakra Healing & Magick, but basically, our intuition brings messages from the angels, spirit guides, your higher self and some would say, from God.

I didn't include the last one in my book (long story) but basically, spirit guides are humans who lived on Earth and that have wisdom or special experience to share with us. Growing up Catholic, this didn't feel like a stretch because I was used to asking a particular saint for help. Like St Francis of Assisi. Asking an ancestor for guidance is common in Mexico too. But after I found my psychic school, my guides became a lot more colorful than that. In the past I've blogged about how I used to see a wizard in my early days as a psychic student. Funny enough, he helped me negotiate a new job for myself, with a much better salary.

But even then, I thought the wizard was a figment of my imagination, and I'd push him aside. Then my classmates started seeing him too, and I finally decided to take him seriously. This was in 2010 to 2011, when I was a newbie. I was still scared of magick and intuition - on one hand, I didn't think it was real and I worried people would think I had lost my mind. This went on for a few years - even after I'd graduated as an energy healer. By 2015, I was completely sold on healing yourself with magick. Soon after, I started writing my magick book.  

Round about that time, the wizard guide disappeared and I started to wonder if he had been a figment of my imagination or my unconscious. The latter would have been just as valuable as a real spirit guide... 

My assumption was that the clairvoyant image was there to awaken the healer or magician in me, and that when I embodied that, he disappeared. I was sad when that happened, but magick is about who we become. Not that I'm a wizard LOL, but now I feel happy and comfortable talking about crystals, astrology, psychic abilities etc. 

So imagine my surprise, when I started teaching intuition in 2016. My first big workshop was on psychic abilities, angels and goddesses. I led the students on a few guided meditations before putting them in small groups. Each of the groups would connect with an angel or guide - a mystical musical chairs where the students changed places to feel the energy of an angel vs. an archangel vs. a goddess. I had attended a similar workshop with Sue Allen, in 2010, when I was just starting out. Loved it 🔮 

> When I was splitting them up into 4-5 groups, that wizard guide came back and asked me to put him with a group. I told that specific group that they were connecting with one of my guides - a wizard. They expected someone solemn to appear, say Gandalf, but he is playful and fun. The cool thing is when the students in that group talked about their experiences, they'd all seen and felt the same things. Like literally the same clairvoyant images, sensations etc. I wasn't guiding the meditation or telling them what to see, because five groups were meditating at the same time, each with a different archangel, guide or goddess. 

So yes, I'm back to spirit guides being real. I have been there since 2016 LOL. They can be a lot of fun to connect with. Have a look at Chapter 6 for details: Psychic Development for Beginners 🌟🌟🌟


Reiki hugs, 





Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Accept your shadow, channel your infinite self ♾️

Years ago, I was meditating and the message that came through was to connect with my infinite self. I was surprised and pleased by the thought. In hindsight, the message was that we have one. 

That feeling is awesome too; it takes you out of your everyday life and makes your problems seem manageable. What can't your infinite self handle? It gives us a wonderful change in perspective. 

On a practical level, I wasn't sure how to get there - how do I have to change or evolve as a human to get there? Again, my intuition has been pointing me towards the theme of personal power and how we had to accept our full human selves first, including the shadow. The shadow isn't bad - it's what we reject in ourselves and in the world. But often, that rejection is based on cultural conditioning or childhood traumas and misinterpretations. We might think something is not acceptable because of an offhand comment heard in childhood ... 

The shadow is what we don’t love about ourselves - often rejecting those qualities in ourselves and in the world. Healing lets us access that in a way that isn’t destructive. 

This theme of shadow healing features heavily on my blog and in my book, Chakra Healing & Magick. It's a biggie too. No power means no magick, and no traction with everyday life. Accepting your shadow and integrating it in a healthy way gives you access to your full human self; that is the trampoline to your infinite potential. 

In my case, shining brightly is part of my shadow (one of the things I didn't want to do). My blog was anonymous for a few years because I didn’t want to put myself in the spotlight. And even though it feels like this is in the distant past now, it took a lot for me to get to a place where I was not embarrassed to talk about what I do. Thanks to my inner skeptic, I didn’t know how people around me would respond.

To my surprise, lots of people have had experiences like mine. You find your tribe when you let others see the real you 💜 

 Reiki hugs, 


ps ... Read my books and free yourself 


Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Performance tips from a quasi athlete (me!)

Like so many of us, I enjoyed watching the Paris Olympics. It also brought back memories from my teenage years - while I was never an athlete, I did change schools a few times and I signed up for sports to make friends. That experience made it into my Chakra Healing & Magick book - have a look at the Solar Plexus questionnaire. 

For example, in my junior year, I joined the Track & Field team. I wasn't much of an athlete to begin with, but it was the only team where you didn't have to try out. Everyone could go to practice, choose a category and only the top 2-3 students in each group would actually compete. 

Every Monday we had to run sprints for two hours - basically races where you ran the however-many-yard-dash quicker and quicker. The rest of the week, we'd do a warm up run for 30 minutes and then practice our individual categories. I chose long jump and high jump. Both were fun and relatively easy once you got the hang of it. 

So two things that I'd like to highlight.... 

> First, oddball happening - I did surprising well with the high jump, participating in the actual competitions and even taking home first place. Until I freaked out about the height and twist of it all - I must have panicked, or maybe my body did, and after winning first place one week, I never again cleared the starting height on that bar.

Mental clarity, objectivity and purpose are super important. I loved the idea of the high jump and I enjoyed mapping out each of my steps on my way to the bar (that's how you know where to jump), but I didn't appreciate risking my neck. And that is how it felt - you'd land on your upper back, turn your head slightly, roll through your neck-shoulder, and then roll off the cushion. 

I dropped out of the high jump category and stuck with long jump that school year. It was an amazing experience and honestly, it felt like something out of a movie. 

> Second ... when I think back to the training for sprints, jumping and anything else, our coach would have us improve our technique rather than put more energy and force into the race. Those infernal Mondays where we ran endless sprints, to start out he'd say: use 50% of your energy, or 70% of your energy - but never more than 85% of your energy... 

No matter what happened, we had to keep 15% of our energy for ourselves. Any improvements beyond that 75-85% (which was what we competed on) had to come from your technique. How you move your legs and elbows. Getting to know your joints, and going through the movements faster, without putting in more energy. 

How can we apply this in life?  

The obvious answer is to keep a generous dose of energy for yourself and to do things to improve your life skills: coaching, therapy, communications training, organizational skills, or priority-setting. Say no and avoid burning out. Improve your soft skills, invest in yourself and improve your technique. 

I'm not an Olympic athlete and I can't guarantee that you'll win first place in life, but we're not competing. Just doing better for ourselves. Less overdrive, more joy. 

And if there is something that you love, but that you're scared of, dig deep and find out why. Maybe it's just fear, or maybe, it's something tangible that you're not aware of. In my case, about 6-7 years later, I discovered that I had a very light case of scoliosis which affects my lower back and neck (not enough to immobilize me or be visible), but that high jump probably was not the best thing for me anyway.... 

I thought back to this after Simone Biles’ Netflix Special where she talks about having to be mentally fit to compete. 

Reiki hugs, 


>>> Read my books to heal yourself, They both focus on hang-ups and insecurities that keep us down. On Amazon Global! 


Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Moon Magick: Transform your life with the light of the stars

This post is a follow-up to my book, Chakra Healing & Magick - I promised to share more on how the planets can impulse your life

As an energy healer and astrologer, making the jump to planetary magick and self-healing was predictable. The more aware we are of spiritual energy, the easier it becomes for us to connect with the Moon and with the rest of the planets on a day-to-day basis. Healing ourselves also makes these connections conscious - we feel the influence and respond thoughtfully. A big surprise was that we can also channel the planets with the intention to heal our lives.

Doing so requires an understanding of how the natal chart is put together, and being able to pinpoint moments when it makes sense to connect with the planets - usually when they are transiting the Houses in the natal chart that relate to the issues that need a bit of healing. If you’re not familiar with a natal chart, the 12 House relate to specific issues such as identity, love, income, friendship, home, and higher education. If we want to heal or impulse an issue, we can do so easily by connecting with the Moon as it transits that House and channeling its energy. 


We can connect with any of the planets to work our magick, each healing the issue from its point of view. For example, Mercury might reshape the way we think about life. Mars gives us drive to pursue objectives and get around setbacks and obstacles. But many of these planets take months or even years to circle through the Zodiac, whereas the Moon makes the rounds in 28 days. It also relates to home, the need for security and to the unconscious. Healing with the Moon is like like redecorating and revamping our home (Earth) life so that we feel cozy and secure. The idea is to connect with the Moon each month as it transits your natal chart, downloading its light and power energy with the intention to heal, activate and impulse specific themes and situations. 

Step 1: Energy Healing Foundation

In the past we’ve discussed the chakras that can be activated to strengthen our connection with the planets and the solar system, bringing that energy into our lives with the intention to heal ourselves and to create shifts in our lives. As an energy  healer, channeling the planets is fun and exciting, but it does require lots of grounding. We don’t want to lose our footing or burn out. Ideally, we’d start by grounding meditations, taking our attention to the Earth Star Chakra which can be found in the Aura below your feet. This energy center makes it easier for us to connect with Mother Nature and feel her energy, giving us deeper foundations to build on. 

Once that is done, we’d turn our attention to emotional healing as this opens us up to give, receive, and to experience life fully. This can be done in many ways - with counseling, healing affirmations or with Reiki and Chakra Healing. From an Energy Healing point of view, we’d focus on the Sacral Chakra (emotions), Solar Plexus (self-esteem) and Heart (self-love). 

Having opened the heart and grounded ourselves, the final step would be to visualize and feel the Soul Star Chakra, which can be found in the Aura, 6-12 inches over the head. It holds the energy of your soul including past lives, ancestors and the imprint of your natal astrology chart. I like to visualize the Soul Star as a moon, always full, at times more illuminated than others. 

By grounding ourselves and activating our intuition, we also connect with our power. The influence of the stars & planets can be worked with consciously on a day to day basis. 

Step 2: Timing for Moon Meditations 

Each of the Houses in the chart represents a life sphere, for example, the 1st House relates to how we see and present ourselves in the world, the 4th represents home life, the 7th has to do with marriage and business partnerships. If we want to heal or give extra oomph to a specific area of our lives, we would carry out an energy healing meditation with the Moon. The secret is to time the ritual so that we download the Moon’s energy when it transits the relevant House. 

Below is a quick summary of House meanings. As a reminder, the Houses always stay in the same place, while the Zodiac rotates twice daily. The first house is at the 9AM spot on a clock, and the rest of the Houses go counter clockwise through the natal chart circle. You will need a birth chart that takes your time of birth into account for these calculations to be accurate. 

-  1st House:  Your personal identity, how you’re seen in the world.

- 2nd House: The material world, riches, belongings, values, income. 

- 3rd House:  Community, communications, siblings, K-12 school years. 

- 4th House:  Family life, the home, childhood, your foundation. 

- 5th House:  Creativity, art, music, love affairs, having & raising kids. 

6th House:  Vocations, teamwork, routines, service to others (or not).

7th House:  Marriage, romantic relationships, partnership, open enemies. 

- 8th House:  Shared resources, taxes, intimacy, other people’s money, legacies. 

- 9th House:  What is the meaning of life? Higher education, philosophy

10th House: Social and career status, ambition, ripple effect on world. 

11th House: Your broader tribe, social groups, all of humanity. Oneness. 

12th House: The realm of past lives, karma & family secrets.

If a person wanted to bring more love and empathy into their marriage; they’d set that intention and then carry out the Moon Ritual when the Moon transits the sign on the cusp of the 7th House.  If they wanted to focus on their work life, they might look at the 2nd house of income, 6th of work atmosphere to improve relationships with colleagues, or 10th to stand out more.  

Step 3: A Moon Ritual to Impulse Your Life 

I had already been practicing energy healing for more than seven years before venturing into magick; it shocked me how similar they are. In this ritual (or meditation) we combine energy healing and astrology to create tangible changes. This script follows the parameters  from my energy healing studies, encouraging us to connect with the highest and purest source of light in the Universe first. The intention is to take our awareness completely out of the box, circumventing  the energy of the planets. We then bring that light-power down, with the intention to transform our lives from above. It’s only after we’ve grounded ourselves and attuned to that light that we reach for the Moon or the planets. 

Please light a candle and have a pen and piece of paper on hand. If you’d like to bring crystals into this meditation, clear quartz can be programmed with any intention. Otherwise, bring your hands to your heart in Step 6, letting your Heart Chakra capture the Moon’s light & healing. 

  • Light a candle and visualize yourself surrounded by violet light. 
  • Visualize tree roots growing out of the bottoms of your feet into the ground. A beautiful crystal shines in the center of the earth, sending a ray of light to your Heart Chakra. 
  • Inhale, and take your attention up through the Universe the the purest and highest source of light that is available to you at this moment. Feel it flow down to your Heart Chakra. 
  • Sit with this for a few minutes, breathing in light and breathing out stress. 
  • When you’re ready, visualize the Moon’s light flowing through your Soul Star Chakra, where the energy of your natal chart is stored. Intend for the relevant House to be activated. 
  • Optional Crystal Activation: You can write your specific intention on a piece of paper and then tape it onto a quartz crystal, letting the moonlight flow through your hands into the Quartz. 
  • Always specify that the energy healing align with your highest good, harming none. 
  • Release that energy into the ground, focus on your heart and radiate gratitude. 
  • Ground yourself and shield your Aura with violet light, pink or indigo light. 

We can do these meditations as often as we’d like, but it’s a good idea to start with just one or two a month until we get the hang of it. There are also other considerations – Christopher Warnock has a wonderful book called Secrets of Planetary Magic, with more techniques.  

> I’m working on a book and/or an online astrology class. Like most of the things I do, it will focus on healing and integrating.

Reiki hugs, 


Ps… I published this article on The Dark Pixie Astrology in July 2022I have several guest posts with them. Wanted to share here too 🤍


Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  



Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Intuitive Healing, Astrology and the Fire in your Aura

 As an energy healer, my approach has always been to look at the stars as a map that we can follow to heal ourselves. No matter what we see in our natal charts, we can lean on energy healing and a bit of psychology to help us get around issues. 

Early on, this holistic view brought up a lot of questions. Where is the energy of the birth chart, is it in the physical body? How do we feel the effect of transits, and is there anything that we can do to soften the edge? And why were so many people focused on Mercury Retrograde? There are lots of planets that need integrating! 

My answers to these questions are partly based on the 2-year healing course at the School of Intuition & Healing in London, as well as the natal charts of healing clients.  

My feeling is that the energy of the birth chart is stored in the Aura and specifically in the transpersonal chakras, which take our attention beyond our individual lives, to the collective. These were covered in a Dark Pixie Astrology guest post called Energy Healing, Chakras, and Planetary MagickYou’ll find a summary below.

Let’s Reach for the Stars!

Before we reach for the stars, we need to ground ourselves. The Earth Star Chakra is situated about 12-18 inches below the feet, at the bottom of the Aura. It grounds us in Mother Nature’s energy and gives us an energetic escape valve that makes it easier to withstand the ups and downs that can be caused by planetary transits. The Earth Star Chakra comes alive with grounding meditations, crystal healing and nature walks. It also strengthens the Root Chakra, at the base of the spine.  

Next we have the Soular (Soul Star) Chakra, which can be found about 6-12 inches above the head, in the Aura. It relates to the soul, past lives and astrology. This is where we develop an intuitive connection with the Solar System; activating the Soular Chakra makes it easier for us to process astrological transits consciously. 

The energy of the astrology chart flows through the Soular Chakra, into the spiritual Aura (the outermost layer). If you are not familiar with the Aura, picture a sphere of light around your body. The Aura is an intuitive muscle; it reads your surroundings while projecting your energy and intentions into the world. 

Working with the Aura

In healing school, we learned that the Aura has many layers. It has one for each of the chakras along the central column (with estimates ranging from 7-12). To keep it simple, our teachers suggested that we divide the Aura into four thick layers. The tools to work through the aura are in my book: Chakra Healing & Magick

  The physical Aura layer is closest to the body. It relates to our experience of life in the physical world including health, vitality, productivity and grounding. It’s red and measures about 2-3 cm; the following layers are threaded into the physical layer. This layer relates to the material world and the physical body. 

  Next is the emotional Aura layer, where we hold and experience feelings and emotions. This part of the energy body reads our surroundings and takes stock of how others feel. If a person is highly sensitive and attuned to feelings, they are likely to have an open emotional layer. It relates primarily to the Sacral Chakra. 

  The mental Aura layer is where we hold thoughts, beliefs and opinions. These can be fluid and changing, or rigid and stubborn. It depends on the Zodiac signs that are active in a person. Thoughts on this level impact our self-esteem. 

  The spiritual Aura layer stores information on past lives, ancestors, and the astrology chart. It is where intuition leads to mystical experiences. We become aware of angels, spirit guides and the guiding light of planets & stars.

The cosmic blueprint is in the spiritual Aura layer; it underpins the rest, as each Aura layer flows through all inner layers until it reaches the physical body. Based on intuitive healing sessions, these layers relate to the Elements and the Zodiac.

  • Physical Body: Earth Signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo 
  • Emotional Body: Water Signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
  • Mental Body: Air Signs - Libra, Aquarius, Gemini.
  • Spiritual Body: Fire Signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. 

The energy of your birth chart is captured by your Soular Chakra, in the spiritual Aura layer, and filters through the inner layers according to your natal chart placements. Let’s say a person has Venus in Pisces (Water); that is felt in the Soular Chakra (the cosmic antenna), and it is also felt on a daily basis in the emotional Aura layer. 

If a person has lots of Water placements, they may need to address that with energy and vibrational healing – likewise if they don’t have many. Stimulating the emotional layer adds depth to relationships and bring happiness into our lives, while grounding brings balance. The same goes for the remaining Aura layers and their corresponding Elements and Zodiac Signs. 

Energy Healing Tips:

There are many ways to balance and integrate the energy of the natal chart. Here are some of my favorites: 

- Grounding yourself in Nature and softening your metaphorical posture will help a ton; trees with deep roots and flexible trunks withstand storms & quakes. Try a simple grounding meditation; visualize tree roots beneath you and breathe deep. 

- The softening happens when we work with our individual Elements to become less rigid; softening Earth with Water, and burning through rigid Mental (Air) structures with Fire. We can work with the whole Aura, or heal and integrate two layers at a time. Coincidentally, if we think of the Zodiac as six coins with two sides, Fire signs are always paired with Air, sitting opposite each other on the Zodiac wheel. Earth signs are always paired with Water Signs. For example, if a person has the Sun or Venus in Pisces, we’d ground it in Earth to balance it. 

- Vibrational remedies can soften the effects of transits and natal placements. There were covered in a previous guest post with The Dark Pixie Astrology: A Do-It-Yourself-Astrological Pharmacy.

My Chakra Healing & Magick book lays the groundwork for healing with astrology, including the Elements and crystal magick to clear the aura: Amazon Global. Online classes coming in 2025

Ready to Get Started? 

Join me on Instagram for a meditation to integrate your planets. Have a look at the meditations in my reels, it’s the one with a navy blue zodiac circle on the cover image.

Ideally, you’d have knowledge of your natal chart, but it isn’t entirely necessary. Check out the Astrology tab in the menu bar for an introduction to natal charts + a few book recommendations. 

Reiki hugs,

Regina ~ read my books to heal yourself!


FYI: I published this article on The Dark Pixie Astrology in August 2022; I have several guest posts with them. Wanted to share here too 🤍


Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.