Thursday, September 30, 2010

Golden Sun Healing

Guides, thank you for that wonderful sun healing, I had't remembered to try that and my emotions & bottled up energies have been getting the best of me for the past few days. I was also starting to accumulate and attract a bit of stress and sadness, and worry abou not getting things done. 

What I had liked most about this week was that I was super relaxed on Monday and Tuesday, very calm and centered. I also expected the beginning of the week to be tougher, but on wednesday night i started stressing out about getting stuff done and that threw me off balance. It may be aggravated by the fact that I was sittting in starbucks all day today, and busy places gather energy. 

But none of that matters now because I've managed to sit for 20 minutes and let go of the week. It was interesting because when I was clearing my chakras I had to try something new on the sacral to get it open. I started breathing faster, and sucking my gut in so that it sort of slammed into the sacral chakra. It helps that I've put on a bit of tummy fat, this gave it a stronger smacking and it just opened up and the energy went to the solar plexus. 

Beyond that, what else can I say? When I got to the solar plexus I started feeling anxious and scared. It was related to my life, my job and me worrying about doing a good job. I think this is something that I need to acknowledge and work with, I don't expect the first few months to be easy. 

Last week I felt that I was past the initial learning curve and I expected this week to be easier, and then the level of requirement just got that much higher. Not in a bad way, but it was like the universe is telling me to step it up a bit. I'm also meeting my boss tomorrow to set goals and objectives, which means its time to be reaslistic. 

q mas? had an interesting chat with Fe & Su, they were talking about how having an over-inflated idea of you talent & greatness can lead to a downfall. I am not there, but this new job is showing me all the things that I have yet to learn.  

Just remember to breathe, and buy one of those mood relaxing drinks in the morning!

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Thank you, Regina 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Experiment with Intention & Help

Ok, so I bought a plane ticket to Latin America a few months back, a friend is getting married in October and I was hoping to go to the wedding. It turns out that I won't be able to make it, and I have a British Airways "non-changeable" ticket.  The people at Expedia suggested that I call British directly to talk to them, they might be able to switch it to another destination (where I'm going for Christmas!)

Because it cost GBP 660 and that's loads of money I would really like to have it transfered to my NY flight. Angels, runners, light beings and friends please send good thoughts and good will in the direction of the British Airways operator that will take my call tomorrow morning!

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Taking a Day Off

I stayed in all day today, have been struggling with a bit of a cold but I think it's more of a deep blue feeling that is cramping my style. My stomach had been hurting for a while, and I can feel pain and tension in my solar plexus.

After about 5 hours chilling at home, watching TV and daydreaming my tummy relaxed and it hasn't hurt again. So that's good, I think I gave myself a day to recharge and get better. I was sick this week, missed a day at work and sorta trudged through the rest.

My orange chakra is also healing itself, but more than anything I think I need to learn to separate myself from others so that I can interact with them emotionally without taking stuff on. Lately I find that I worry too much about how others feel, if they're comfortable, and I can sometimes feel their emotions.

The book I'm reading talk about the sacral chakra (under your belly button!) and how naturally empaths will absorb other people's problems, stress and anxiety. They relieve them of their troubles, but take the pain on themselves. I've always lived in my own bubble, and as selfish as it might sound I'd never been one to fall for that sacral chakra trap. 

Learning to deal with people when you're open psychically can be a challenge, you take stuff on when you probably don't need to. It can be a real challenge learning to separate, and let them solve their own problems. It was so much easier when I floated around in oblivion but now that the blinds are off I can't put them back on.

I've had to take breaks from friends, colleagues, etc to recharge my batteries. But it's time that I start paying more attention to my aura's boundaries, and to the flow of energy going through my chakras. It's cool to help people find their way, but we're not really equipped to take on other people's problems, even if it's just energetically.

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Friendly Encounter

I bumped into a friend when I was astral travelling today, it was a funny experience. This guy is a friend from home, and by home I mean from my soul group. We are from the same city and similar backgrounds in this life, but we've coincided so many times (even between lives).

So I was gliding through the Hall of Learning to meet my spirit guide and noticed that there were other "people" there too. The last time I went I'd only seen the building, light, and staircases. I was walking up the stairs and ran into this friend, it was kind of like bumping into him at the mall only we were really on another dimension! 

It was surreal, I recognized him in his human form when he went by, but then up close he seemed a lot brighter, and less defined physically. Its like he wasn't entirely there,  I could recognize his essence and see a figure that was slightly fluid and movable.  He walked with me till we ran into my guide and then said goodbye. 

I love having friends that you can talk to about this, as soon as I came back from my trip I sent him a text message to tell him about it (blackberry messenger, nothing paranormal or telepathic lol).  

What a crazy day!

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

1st Day of Class

As of today I am officially a student healer! I've been learning for about 8 months, practicing on myself and occasionally on my friends. But today was my 1st day of the two year accreditation course. It's really interesting, I hadn't really practiced in months until a few weeks ago when I practiced healing with my friend G. 

At one point in the day I am pretty sure that I heard one of my spirit guides tell me to stay in my body. The tutor was talking, and even though I was listening to her lecture I kept floating out until I heard a voice tell me to stick with it (in Spanish!).  I went through the grounding process, through my roots down, called my spirit back and then was pretty much grounded. Its still hard for me though, I kind of feel like I'm floating at times. Or like I'm in a dream, watching this scene through my eyes like I was behind a mask or a set of binoculars. 

So we are supposed to pay attention to the foods we eat, how they make us feel and what we react to. I hope I am still able to eat spicy foods, but I am starting to think that I can't take lettuce anymore. I had a huge salad with shrimp, mozzarella, and rocket/spinach today and then my tummy inflated like a baloon. I had to sit on the ground and ground and heal myself again, I spent ages on my sacral and solar plexus chakras. 

Speaking of the solar plexus, I had a cord tied to that as well, and had to untie it, and release whoever was on the other side. I couldn't quite get rid of the cord, so my Guide cut it  and loosened the knot around the chakra. At that point I sucked it in like spaghetti and slid it out the bottom of my grounding cord where the little shredder I visualize to destroy neg energy and send it spiraling downwards sent it to the bottom of the earth to be burned and released.  So we effectively destroyed that cord and then I kept my hands near my tummy for about 5 minutes to channel energy to it. I am getting a feel of green in my stomach, I think I am going to be sick, its a queasy color but it is also related to jealousy.

During the healing N told me he felt like my solar plexus was imploding. I felt a bit of pain when he was working on it. Earlier in the day when we opened up I started to feel very anxious when we got there.  I tried tapping into the anxiety again when I got home to work through it but I couldn't quite make it. I am not sure what I am anxious about, but its there and I will need to face it. 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Healing with Intent and Visualization

The new school term just started, I've had so much fun with the healing practice this week!  The method we're learning involves working off the body, throughout the process my hands are actually in the energy field at the outer tip of the chakras.  You start by placing your hands above the crown chakra, where you can feel it tingling without actually blocking it.  I always know I've hit the spot when I feel a jab in my palm, or a sudden rush of cold. 

From there you pace yourself and move down the chakras with your hands suspended mid-air on either side of the client's torso. The crown, brow, solar plexus and sacral are easy enough to manage.  The base chakra can be a bit awkward, you have to kneel with one hand under the back of the chair, and the other suspended mid-air about 5 inches over the client's lap. All of this without losing your balance!  

The Youtube Video below is a good demonstration of a chair healing. The healer touches her client's hips and knees though this isn't always necessary. We usually place our hands on the clients shoulders and feet only. I like to hold my hands close to the body if they feel pain in a particular area without actually touching it. The physical aura layer is the one we're healing in that instance.

Chair Healing Demonstration (not me!)

Last term I got to the point where I could remember the correct sequence, find the chakras,  but I struggled to keep the energy flowing through my hands and into the client's aura. For the past few months I've been practicing my grounding, and also making a huge effort to connect to the light at the highest level and really plug into the energy. With that done, there is so much you can play around with during the session to make it more dynamic, and clairvoyantly stimulating.

What I tried this week was applying some of the energy management tools to the client.  For example, there's an aura cleansing technique where you visualize a huge grounding chord that extends down from your aura to the center of the earth. With the power of intention, you command it to vacuum excess energy from your physical and energy bodies, and send it down to the center of the earth where it is purified.

This was what I practiced during my homework session, and the incredible thing is that the client actually noticed when all of that excess energy fell through the floor. She didn't put it in those terms, but I could see it happening and then during the feedback session she mentioned how that point at the end made her let go and just relax.  

I'd like to practice on someone who's a little bit psychic, they can see and feel things that others can't.

Anyhooo, this was a good day!

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Friday, September 17, 2010

What's my Vocation?

Recently I've been wondering where all of this is going to take me, what I'd end up doing with my life. I've only been on this journey of self-discovery for about a year, even though it seems like so much longer. I love learning about healing and noticed a few months ago that I have a natural ability for spiritual healing. 

So today I caught a ride back from work with a colleague, we were talking about a breathing course that she took and how much it changed her life. We ended up discussing the aura, energy centers and some of the other fun things that I have learned at school and I only just realized how much I already know. 

It dawned on me that I like sharing my experiences with people, and suddenly I saw myself teaching a group of friends about my new experiences. I have the feeling that when I start talking, I'm going to say things that not even I knew were true. And it will be a whole new way for me to learn and discover my own truth.

It's like I've finally seen where I am going to go with this, and it came at a really good time. Earlier today I was talking to a colleague at work and mentioned my meditation classes and this new healing course that I'm about to take. When I mentioned that it lasts 2 years he was a little surprised, and its like I finally unveiled a piece of my true persona. I think I'll only be truly happy and comfortable with myself when I am open and honest about who I am. It's like I need to come out of the spiritual closet.

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Spiritual Significance of Pain

I read my cards and they scared me, it took a couple days to make sense of it because I was so put off. The first one I got was Suffering, the 2nd one was Death, and the 3rd one was Rebellion. The three of them were very red and heavy in terms of color, I guess what freaked me out more than anything is that I was asking about my job got such a violent, physical reply (maybe I'm being too literal?)

The 1st one talked about the fear of pain and how sometimes you can't get away from it and it helps to ground you. The only encouraging message was that I would be able to handle whatever was sent my way, and that I'd heal from it with patience, time and help from my guides & angels.  The 2nd one is about the end of a cycle, easy enough, and the 3rd one was about my warrior guides helping me deal with my rebellion against authority. Not sure what that means, but I guess I can take away that my warrior guides will help.

The pain is supposed to ground you, and that's what my sciatica does whenever I have it. I usually get shooting pains in my back when I'm daydreaming about work, usually lofty dreams about what I'd like to accomplish and the shooting pain in my side always brings me back to life. I've been happy overall, calm, peaceful. But I have had 2 sudden attacks, the 1st one when we were in an inspirational meeting with the team, and the other one on a weekend when I started daydreaming about my career (sad).

I guess the pain is meant to ground me in the present moment?  I'll do my best to try that on my own, I'm sure if I'm feeling it I still have real issues to face.

So tough this emotional body of mine!

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Lost Sheep Returns ....

I went back to mass this weekend, first time in 10 years. And guess what? It is so much more fun now that I am clairvoyant! I still had trouble staying in the moment and listening to the sermon, but somehow I was able to tune in at the right moments and finally realized that the priest is just the messenger. 

I could actually see and feel the Spirits in the church, St Paul during his lecture and then I could distinctly sense all my Spirit Guides & Angels when the pastor was giving the homily on the "Prodigal Son".  It really rang true, either that was one hell of a coincidence, or my Guides maneuvered me into that church at that specific moment. 

Funny, I had been feeling a bit lonely and disconnected the past few weeks and when I walked past that catholic church and saw the families pouring out of it I got a little homesick. The first thought that popped into my mind was that church is a social event, and then I looked at the schedule and another mass was starting in about 5 minutes. 

My ego was trying to pull me away from the church, I kept wondering if it was OK for me to go to Sunday mass in sweat pants and finally figured that God wouldn't care if I was wearing trainers. I sat down half way down the aisle, then got up and moved to the back so that I would be able to leave if I wanted to. That's how reluctant I was. 

It was pretty cool, I still struggle to open up and listen voluntarily but the priest was a lot more progressive and practical than the ones we had back home, and some of the things he said seemed like they were meant for me.  My attention kept going from the sermon to the spirit guides, angels, and the occasional saint.

The best part is that now that I let myself open up and tune into the spirit world in general, and divine guidance in particular, I hope to have much better communication with my Higher Self & team of helpers =) 

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Thank you, Regina 

Image: (updated 2022)