Saturday, March 31, 2012

Ready for Change

I'm feeling stressed these days, lots of changes at work and the people around me are overworked. At least I think they are. I think I may be taking some of their baggage and adding on to my own. 

If I've learned anything from Doreen Virtue's Magical Unicorn cards, it is that change is good. There is a particular card in the deck that really speaks to me. The image is of a big strong Unicorn walking down a path towards us, and just as the snapshot was taken he crosses a gate. It isn't a white unicorn, instead his colors are deep brownish-grey. A grounding color that brings the readee back to the moment and focuses them. The words at the bottom say "The changes you're going through are good." When we flip it, the description goes on to talk about how change is a natural part of life, people move on, grow up, change. 

I welcome change. What worries me is that when all is said and done, I might end up in the same place. Funny thing is the runes, the cards and even Guiding Stars interactive readings told me to stay put. It's worked out well for me so far but I'm still feeling a little bit unsettled and unenthusiastic. 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Is PMS a Reflection of the Inner Feminine?

Today one of my case studies came in to the healing session with PMS and then she left without it! Was a great experience. I didn't expect that to happen, but we always ask how our case studies feel before and after an energy healing session. The cramps and bloating that come at that time of the month can be a complete pain in arse, and there is often the emotional overhaul that comes with it. I have done self-Reiki to try and ease my own PMS and I feel it is creating a shift in my feminine energy. 

What is the secret? In my case, it has been to accept all aspects of womanhood, PMS included, and stop fighting myself! And a little crystal healing too =) 
  • When I lived in Mexico, I had crystal healing a couple times and it seemed to help with PMS and with other hormonal imbalances. I have a history of DVT and my doctors advise against conventional treatments for PMS. So I saw a crystal healer instead, and it helped more than I thought it would. After a few sessions my cramps subsided and I stopped breaking out. Can't really tell you much about the session. I used to lie down on a cot and she would cover my fully-clothed body with tiny crystals and tap her fingers on different parts of my body. I don't remember much more, or how it worked.  
  • A couple months ago I started getting stronger cramps and I sat down to work on myself. At first a normal energy healing, then I decided to reach for a pendulum and let it swing over my sacral chakra until it was done clearing it. I didn't really learn this in class, I just asked the pendulum to swing one way for "clear mode" and another way for "healing mode" ... It swung in "healing mode' over both my sacral and root chakra for what felt like ages! At the end I was tired from holding the pendulum, but it helped a LOT with the cramps. 
  • A few months later I read You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. I really do swear by that book! It links physical symptoms and illnesses back to certain emotional and behavioural patterns. What it says about PMS and cramps is really interesting - PMS is due to us rejecting the process of the female body. It makes sense, when I was a teenager I would hate getting my period (who doesn't) and I would always think what a crappy system - can't nature do better than that? My attitude was always one of dread and dislike and I have been passing that stress onto my organs. Up until recently they felt unappreciated. Since then I have been sending my reproductive organs love and thanking them for doing a good job and for being healthy. Now that I welcome the process it has been easier, with less discomfort all round.
I don't explain this when a woman comes in and mentions that she has PMS and cramps, it would be odd if I suggest they speak to their organs. Instead I used a rose quartz wand, a quartz pendulum and a carnelian stone to clear the energy, heal it and then channel warm loving energy and positive feelings into their sacral chakras and the uterus, ovaries, etc etc etc. At first my hands could feel a little pain on the palms when I worked on the sacral, and after a while it cleared. I also worked on grounding out any excess energy and filling their core, their sacral and their grounding cords with rose quartz energy. 

One Last Point - I use complementary therapies everyday hoping that when that time of the month comes, I'll be OK. But if I do have PMS that month, I still take an OTC product. 

Reiki hugs, 


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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Energy Healing & Reiki are complementary to medical care, not alternative. Consult a doctor if you have symptoms; they will be able to advise on available treatments.  

Image: (Updated 2022)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mind Readers Anonymous

There's a psychic skill that makes me really uncomfortable. You may have heard of empaths, those special people who can feel what others are feeling. For example, empath #1 might be sitting on the bus with a friend. If their friend is down in the dumps that empath might feel down in the dumps as well. If you're perceptive enough you might also know who the feeling or thought is coming from. It's happened to me a couple times, at first I ignored it. There are people who make me feel like crying whenever I see them. I'm not always sure what to do,  how to help, or if I should ignore it and let them be. Awkward.

If empaths know how we feel, do they also hear what we think? 

Remember that Mel Gibson movie, What Women Want? Its about an ad exec in Chicago who wakes up one morning and he can hear all of the thoughts that run through women's heads. There is a scene where an intern thinks she could disappear or die without anyone in her office noticing or even caring. How sad! When he confronts it about her, she is shocked to learn that he could tell. She doesn't know how, but the realisation that her misery was so apparent has her feeling just a little bit sad. This is an extreme case, but most of us wouldn't be too comfortable if we thought other people could hear our thoughts or witness our inner most feelings. 

The past month or so I've had two thoughts that really surprised me. Usually something that I would never say or think in real life. Both times I glanced over to the the person next to me smiling. The first time it happened I was in one of my psychic classes and I thought that the lady sitting next to me might have heard my thought, but looking back on it I probably sensed hers. For a second I thought it was my own and I was really shocked at the un-politically correct joke. 

One of my psychic teachers told us that eventually you can hear other people thinking, particularly if their thoughts are really loud. On a few occasions she has verbally responded to her siblings' thoughts and they always get mad at her for being in their heads. To which she responds by telling them not to think so loudly! LOL

What is the difference between a loud and a quiet thought? I think loud thoughts are projected by our throat chakras even if we do not say them aloud.  That same "tone of thought" is the one I've used when I talk to my Spirit Guides, so it must be some sort of telepathic communication.  I guess there must be people who project their thoughts without realising it, and lucky for them most people can't hear it. 

This post feels like a flight of fancy, would love to HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS on the subject =)

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Taking on Foreign Baggage

When I'm in a healing session I am always careful to clear, balance and heal the client without taking on any of their baggage. People come through our doors with lots of dense energy to clear. I will always ground and protect myself before a session, and I am also very much attuned to healing energy which flows through me into the client. There isn't much energy going in the other direction. 

Today I had a major realisation. 

I need to do the same grounding and protecting in my everyday life! Or to be more accurate, I need to be more aware of my energy levels and my interactions in my day to day life. There have been two cases recently where I was speaking with a friend who is anxious about a particular topic, and in trying to reassure them I take their anxiety and claim is as my own. Subconsciously of course! The 1st time this happened, a colleague was telling me that she doesn't do light weight training at the gym because she's scared of hurting her back and doing permanent damage. 

I remember thinking that was ridiculous! Our bodies are very resistant, there is nothing wrong with her from a medical POV (she has seen doctors). If our bones can heal from an actual break, how likely is it that we will throw our back out permanently by doing crunches? I believe back pain can sometimes be psycho-somatic, there are a couple really good books out there that talk about how our stress, our thoughts and our worries will trigger chronic pain.

The book I'm reading now is called "Why People Get Sick: The Mind-Body Connection". One of the things they talk about is how you might have 10 people with a spinal abnormality but only 5 of them have pain. The authors view is that people with pain actually triggered it somatically, which leads the doctor to order an x-ray that finds a cause in the spinal abnormality. I'm not going to go so far as to say that every case of back pain is psycho-somatic, but mine certainly was. I used a self-healing technique called Knowledge Therapy to condition my body NOT to mask stress and emotional challenges with chronic pain (the theory is that our subconscious mind creates this pain, to distract us from something in our life that would be difficult to face head-on). Please Google Dr John Sarno if you would like to read more about it.


So with all this in mind, I was using my rational mind and arguments to reassure my friend and colleague. Her back was strong, she is young, she had once isolated incident and why would that recur? Our bodies can heal themselves. The rational arguments made no headway, and I started to sense an underlying anxiety and fear. Irrational fear and anxiety. Unfounded fear. But fear that was still very real. What did I do? Have no idea how it happened but I took it off her energetically, and made it mine! The very next night I went to the gym and pulled a little muscle in my neck doing the silliest thing. Really! I need to be more careful.  The unicorn card I've chosen tells us to let go of stress, and if you read the booklet it also tells us that we've been feeling other people's stress and emotions. It encourages us to stop doing this asap. 

This is the 2nd time I take someone's fear or anxiety off them, leaving them really cool, calm and collected. Can't say the same for myself. The good thing is I've learned my lesson and I won't be doing it again. When I was a kid my mom used to tell me not to rescue other kids - my brother and I were the kind who always stood up for the underdog and befriended them. At the time I thought her advice was a little bit selfish and wrong. There is a lot to be said for being nice to the outsiders, but taking on this "I want to help you" role is completely out of place. People have to learn to fend for themselves, and as healers we can only help to a certain point. The rest is their lesson to learn, and we're not doing them any favours if we just lift it off them. Am I being too harsh? I don't think so! Let's see if I can follow my own advice, ask me about it in a couple weeks. 

Love & Light, 


ps ... My approach to healing is complementary to medical care, if you have health concerns please see a doctor. Physical problems need physical solutions

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Image: (updated 2022)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

How to Clear Stubborn Fat and Cellulite

Recently I did a chakra meditation at the gym intending for emotional baggage to slip away. It was a fun way to combine my healing studies with my workout, and you know what? It worked!

Many people meditate with their eyes closed but I like to keep mine open. The Third Eye works even when we are jogging or doing crunches. 

Why energy healing and weight loss?

I should mention I am already pretty thin, but there are pockets of stuck energy (or fat) that I would like to clear. Most of it sits on my bum, hips and stomach. There is not much of it. The reason I go to the gym is to stay toned and rid myself of stress. Why not kill three birds with one stone and heal myself as well? 

A lot of us can relate the topic so I'm putting it out there even though I'd rather not write about  cellulite. How we feel is more important than how we look, and I'd rather focus on emotional baggage and how it can lead to extra weight on our bodies... 

Louise Hay on Stubborn Fat:

Fat can represent fear and the need to protect ourselves emotionally. In healing school, we learned that many healers and empaths gain weight around the belly because it shields them from other people's stress and drama. This is easily remedied by shielding your Aura

In her book, Heal Your Body, Louise Hay tells us that fear masks hidden anger and the resistance to forgive the past. Where it is on the body clues us into the meaning: 
  • Cellulite is stored anger and self-punishment
  • The buttocks represent power, or loss of power. 
  • Fat on hips and thighs represents stubborn anger from childhood (often at our parents)
With this in mind, I set out to do a clearing meditation that would wipe away traces of anger, self-punishment, fear, need for protection or a perceived loss of power in my life. I don't weight myself often but I can feel a difference in my clothes, and better yet, how I feel about myself and my life.

Try It Out! (Eyes Open, Please) 

Step 1) Intense Workout With White Light

I began with 20 minutes on the cross trainer at a comfortable speed, visualising white light scrubbing away and releasing traces of anger from my body. I then placed a huge grounding cord at the bottom of my Aura and let that energy fall to the center of the Earth for purification.

Wherever I felt I had pockets of fat or cellulite (the last stubborn lumps), I focused my attention and asked my intuition to show me what it was. The flashes I had were from my first job. I wasn't living up to my potential and felt powerless to change it.  

Eventually, I quit and moved to London, where I now work. Some of that energy was still with me and as the workout continued, I let the frustration slip away.  

Step 2)  Walk It Off ... 

Next, I moved to the treadmill and power-walked it off. I intended to walk away, leaving all of those memories in the past. My third eye popped open and I pictured myself walking in a forest. The terrain became a bit steeper and I adjusted the treadmill to reflect this change of scenery (eyes open, always!)

As I continued, I could sense the trees around me, the wind in my hair and the moonlight shining down between the tree branches. All along I had my eyes open and was perfectly aware of my surroundings. 

I could feel my spirit soaring and soaking in the light, the air, and also the nutrients from the soil under my feet. This went on for a few minutes, and then the mental image shifted to a slight downhill slope, and it finally disappeared. At that point, I went to do a light "toning circuit" and then went home. 

One Last Suggestion!

Read my Tiny Buddha article, Stop Crash Dieting: An Enjoyable Approach to Weight Lossfor a comprehensive view of emotions, self-esteem, food patterns, and generally being kind to your body.

Reiki hugs, 



Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  


Image Source (2020):

Sunday, March 11, 2012

No Show Clients

Feeling a little disappointed as one of my healing clients was a no-show. Will do my best to get past this and enjoy the rest of my afternoon. 

At least I got some much needed housecleaning out of the way while I was waiting for her to turn up. It's a really sunny day and I am kind of annoyed that I spent the past couple of hours indoors when I could have been enjoying myself outside instead.

It's a small setback but I still have time to get the rest of the sessions done before end of term. Always an awkward moment on the phone when you realise they forgot to come. Never know quite what to say.

I am going to start sending out confirmation texts before the appointments.

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Reiki hugs, Regina