Thursday, January 31, 2013

Time to Create

Today is the first day of my new life! I was sad to leave my job though I'm feeling so much freer today. Thought it was worth taking a day off to celebrate so I spent the morning walking around Notting Hill. Then I caught up with one of my classmates from school. He's also trying to go fulltime with healing and readings. We had a nice brainstorm session and talked about our business plans. How exciting to think of everything that comes next! 

Lots of creations, activity and fire - like the Queen of Wands! 

I am still very much in corporate mode and have all of my ideas on a powerpoint presentation that covers about what I'm doing this year and where it will take me in 2014. I've also mapped out the books I want to write, when I'll release them and what I'm doing along the way to get by from a cash flow point of view. Of course things change along the way, but I find that planning helps me keep the butterflies and doubt out of the way. It helps me to focus on what I need to do next; put one foot in front of the other and keep going. Otherwise it is easy to get lost in the world of ideas; or in  my case to get caught up with angel readings and Facebook. LOL

This new phase is about creation. Taking all of my dreams and putting them down on paper, wrapping them up into books, articles or videos and sending them out into the world. I'm really looking forward to it; and I'm also keen to get back into Healing. I've been writing about it rather than practicing the past few months. Its time to get back out there. Tomorrow I have an interview at a cancer centre where I would like to volunteer as a Reiki Practitioner. I can see myself doing that 1-2 mornings a week. I might also start a Reiki Practice in London soon. Lots going on at the moment; I'm looking forward to the next few months. This card has been coming up a lot for me; as well as the King of Fire and the Queen of Swords. I like it when I see powerful cards in my readings. 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Image Source: Rider-Waite Tarot 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

You Are Good Enough!

A couple weeks ago I got a really nice angel reading from one of my Facebook friends. The details are a bit fuzzy now, but it ended with "You Are Good Enough! Don't Take No for an Answer!"

I remember seeing that and wondering who was going to tell me I wasn't good enough? So far things are just falling into place naturally. I've had tons of support and angelic guidance all along. 

So today I discovered that mystery opponent and it was none other than myself. Yes! You heard me. I was flipping through my draft looking at all the things I want to change before it's print ready. Suddenly I found myself thinking "Who are you kidding?!? When are you going to turn this into an actual book?" 

The next thought was "Can I really pull this off?" 

At that precise moment, the reading flashed through my mind. I remembered the words You Are Good Enough! The doubt came from my own mind.  I'm very grateful for that reading. It was totally relevant though I had no idea what it meant at the time. Its also giving me hope and encouragement to carry on.

So Thank You! You know who you are =) 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Monday, January 28, 2013

What Comes Next?

This is my last week on the job! It's gone by so fast, I can't believe it! I gave myself a reading to calm my nerves and chill out. Though I don't make decisions based on readings, I do ask for confirmation along the way. Today the question was: do I focus on my book for a few weeks and then look at other options?  

You'll be glad to hear the tarot cards spelled out the following:

  • Finish What You Started (the book) ... Take 2-3 weeks max.
  • This last bit requires hard work, determination and beating your own lack of  confidence. Spot on as I'm nearly there and find myself struggling with grammar, syntax, structure. I just need to get the last 10% right.
  • I also pulled the Eight of Cups which is about sadness at leaving the status quo behind. I'm sure that what I am doing is the right for me, but I'll miss my colleagues and the friends that I have made at work over the years. 
  • This card I have conveniently forgotten. I think it might have been a picture of a boy reading a book though I may be wrong.
  • New partnership on the horizon ...?  =) 

Obviously I'm nervous, but I am also feeling a lot like this song from Leonardo Dicaprio's movie The Beach (Pure Shores by All Saints) ... 


Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angels, tarot and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as an Energy Healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Blogging since 2010, Regina's passion is bringing the qualities of love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuits. 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Channeling Christ Energy

This weekend I sent distant healing to a friend of my mom's. She is undergoing treatment for cancer. This is the first time I send her healing and the session came as a surprise. I usually sit in the park and send healing; thanks to the cold I sat in a Catholic Church instead. It is nice when you let the environment influence the healing. I lit a candle and said three quick Our Father's with the intent to channel Jesus's healing energy before drawing the Distant Reiki symbol in the air. I had never tried this but it worked well; the energy that came through was solid gold and it had a Christmassy feeling to it. Christ Energy is typically described as gold and this looked and felt like liquid gold. 

I had a sense of it filling her heart with pure golden light and healing before spilling over to the rest of her body. The energy went from gold to pale blue; Mother Mary's calming energy. By then I was just observing. It went back to liquid gold and proceeded to fill every last cell in her pancreas. Solid gold capsules formed in the areas where the tumor had been. They contained the energy of the tumor so that it could be healed, dissolved and released without coming into contact with the other energies in her body. What happened next was confusing, I heard the words heart transplant. 

Did this mean she needed a heart transplant? Clearly I wasn't going to carry out a physical transplant so I thought maybe her Heart Chakra needed some serious healing? The Heart Chakra feeds energy to the pancreas, so this could be the case. But what was going to heal her Heart Chakra  This is when the image of the Sacred Heart came to mind. In Christian iconography the Sacre Coeur represents Jesus Christ's immortality. Did this mean I was supposed to visualise the Sacred Heart going into her Heart ChakraApparently not. 

It went into my heart instead and my Chakra went from green to gold. I felt a warm, solid energy building in my heart and spilling down my arms to my palms. It was a strangely beautiful sensation; I had a healing heart transplant! Next I visualised my mom's friend sitting in front of me, got a sense of where her Heart Chakra would be and let the energy flow to her. I could feel her Heart Chakra even though she wasn't there. When I tried bringing my hands closer together there was a pressure that wouldn't let me move them in. I also had a sense of this gold connecting to a similar gold in her core. It was beautiful. Have to admit my Heart Chakra felt empty and a bit plain when it passed.  


Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angels, tarot and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a Healer at the School of Intuition & Healing. Regina's passion is bringing the qualities of joy and empowerment to healing pursuits. 

Image Updated: (2021). 


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Let go and Let God

Once upon a time, I sent healing to a friend's family. He was worried about issues that his parents were facing. They are from India and my friend lives in London so the distance was weighing on him. It is not easy to be far from home when things are not right with family. 

During the energy healing I worked on clearing some of the unhealthy patterns that had been handed down the ancestral line. When it was nearly over I was surprised to sense a very powerful, protective and intimidating energy around them. The energy was letting me know that he/it would take it from there. 

I had never felt anything so strong or powerful. My intuition told me it was noble, though I was also a bit awed and scared. I asked for a name and got a one word answer: Ganesh. My first thought was "I must be crazy" but I went with it anyway. I got a strong feeling that he was looking after them and that I should pass that message on. He aso suggested I back off, as my healing wasn't needed. I was reluctant to mention Ganesh to my friend because I might sound like a complete nutter. Who was I to see or hear him? 

I met this friend for dinner and I worked up the courage to mention it over dessert. He was shocked. He told me he had been asking Ganesh for help and had been feeling hurt because he thought Ganesh abandoned them. This is something we can all relate to. How many times have we asked God for help and then resented him for leaving us alone with our problems? I remember hearing sermons about it as a child, though it went in one ear and out the other. Even Jesus asked "Why have you forsaken me?"

The experience taught me three things: 
  • It would make all of our lives so much easier if we learned to tune into our intuition. Not everyone has a psychic friend who can spot the angel over their shoulder and confirm their presence. Faith can be reassuring, but certainty takes it to a whole other level. You see it, you believe it and it makes you feel better, knowing you're cared for. 
  • When we ask for Divine help it is best to back off. Whether it is God, a Saint, your favourite Archangel or even Jesus, Mary, Ganesh or a Goddess (I have glimpsed them too), let them get on with and then wait for a sign on how to proceed. They send us clues but often we are so stressed we miss it. Let go and Let God. Relax.
  • There is something to polytheism though I can't put my finger on it. I don't know what Ganesh is - a deity or a massively powerful spirit - but he is definitely real. He feels stronger and more powerful than the Archangels or even Mother Mary. Less human than Jesus. It was something else. 

This Ganesh Was a Gift From A Friend =) 



Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angels, tarot and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a Healer at the School of Intuition & Healing. Regina's passion is bringing joy and empowerment to healing pursuits.  

Image: (added 2021)

    Wednesday, January 23, 2013

    Purpose and Motivation

    The past two weeks I've been procrastinating. For whatever reason, I havent been motivated enough to sit down and finish my book. I should be feeling pressure to publish it as I'm leaving my job in a week. This book is one third of my plan; reiki and angel readings the other two thirds. Still, I've been dragging my heels. There are so many changes that I need to make before its ready. The creative phase has passed and it's time to polish, rewrite, expand, clarify, etc. Where do I find the motivation to plough though that?

    Today it dawned on me that I have to finish writing it so that people can read it. It is not really about me, and apparently I'm in no rush. This little book on Self-Healing and Cancer could help a lot of people by giving them a different point of view. As well as a healthy dose of optimism and empowerment. Not to mention a good understanding of energy healing, relaxation techniques and different tools that are part of self-healing. I'm feeling motivated again now that I've reconnected with the purpose for this book. 

    I am giving myself 21 days to finish! 

    Please hold me to it =) 


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    Reiki hugs, Regina 

    Monday, January 21, 2013

    I'm Nearly There!

    I have two weeks left at my job! Can't believe it has gone by so fast. Nearly six months ago I handed in my resignation; mostly because I wanted to do something different with my life. Healing will be a big part of it. In the next few weeks I hope to set up shop. I'm also going to continue writing. Initially I didn't think I had it in me to be a professional psychic. It has been about 3 years since I started taking lessons at The College of Psychic Studies. Flies by!

    Not sure if I'll ever give a full hour session. Right now I can work my way up to 15 minute readings. Even that is a stretch because I speak very quickly; written readings are better because people can read them at their own pace. I also like my approach of giving short readings to lots of different people. Sure, you can go into more depth with a full hour session, but a focused 15 minute session can also give you lots. A little redirection and some focused feedback. 

    I really enjoy shuffling cards to trigger the readings; more often than not the reading won't ressemble the official card meaning. The characters on the cards seem to go off-script in my mind. Whatever I see the doing is what I communicate in the reading. For example, when I pull the knight of earth several things can happen. Sometimes I see the knight nodding and then riding off. Other times he watches me, telling me to start working. Still others he dismounts and comes over to chat. LOL. This sounds really nutty! 

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    Reiki hugs, Regina 

    Saturday, January 19, 2013

    Is Loving Everyone Possible? - Ram Dass

    Ram Dass and Eckhart Tolle hosted their first ever joint lecture this year. I'm watching it right this second on the Bright Star Events website. Round about minute 38 Ram Dass said something that made me pause the video and write a blog post! I had no idea what to expect from him as I haven't read his books. He was going on about the soul being awareness, and how we need to love everyone, putting us in a state of loving awareness. Ram Dass was also quick to point out that the ego gets in the way of us truly loving everyone:

    "When [his guru] said to me 'love everybody' I first of all, the politicians? ... love them? I can't, I mean, certain ones I can bear."  He then goes on to say "that was my ego, judging, judging, judging. The soul doesn't judge." 

    I really struggle with this one. Is it possible to love crooked politicians and violent criminals? Though I'm all healerly in London; when I go home to Mexico its hard to stay neutral. You hear lots of stories about drug violence, extorsion, kidnappings, home invasions, etc. The disturbing stories aren't the ones you see on the news; it's the family friend who was taken from her home in the middle of the night. Or the one who was snatched after refusing to pay anti-kidnapping insurance to a local gang. Though my heart tells me most Mexicans are honest people, the few rotten apples make it an unpleasant place to live. 

    Why does violence become so common in the first place? I find it hard to believe that people are just plain evil. My bet is on poverty, financial inequality, and an undercurrent of resentment, anger and entitlement (no matter the cost). For a small minority, these feelings justify a violent lifestyle. Though initially I wasn't inclined to send healing to these violent souls; my angels tell me it is the right thing to do. It's all I can do. This was when I realised that I  need to care about them, not because the individual means anything to me, but because we're all in it together. It's a case of dysfunctional oneness; when the criminals act up, it hurts everyone. The truth is, not even criminals want violence in their backyard. Puerto Vallarta is rumoured to be the safest beach city because that is where  the cartel leaders have their weekend getaways. We all value peace. 

    Beyond this, I also get the sense that poverty and inequality are at the root of all the problems Mexico faces. The government is supposed to be working on this, and hopefully new president will do a good job of it. There is also a responsibility with every individual; we can all facilitate the healing and recovery process by making a genuine effort to help those less fortunate. This would also help allay feelings of resentment and anger, which are often palpable on the street. It is hard to be angry  when people know others really do care. Again, I'm back to poverty and a lack of empathy as the No 1 problem for the country. Mexico is a good case study; though we can look at global issues in the same light. Lack of empathy and "us vs them" mentalities create lots of havoc. 

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    Reiki hugs, Regina 

    Wednesday, January 16, 2013

    Angels, Trumpets and Gold

    My new psychic class began today! Our tutor Michelle came in with loads of Christmas Cards, postcards and photographs and told us to choose one we were drawn to. I spotted my picture even before she was done laying them on the table: a purple Christmas card with two lovely angels blowing their trumpets over a gold path. So cute I had to take a picture. We then went on to swapping readings on each other's cards. The messages were spot on, especially as I am new to the group. Have a look at the card: 

    These messages came through in the readings: 
    • There's an overwhelming sense of purple, gold and silver which for spirituality. I pegged the gold for healing, and my tutor chipped in saying it was also Christ Consciousness. How awesome is that. The card feels so Christmassy to me. I love the fact that it has purple, gold and angels. 
    • One of my classmates saw the gold path and told me I was on my way; though where it ends isn't clear. I'm going in the right direction and the door at the end of the path leads to a new life. 
    • The trumpets represent an announcement coming up soon. 
    • The yellow and purple angel represents spirituality. The one with the red rim represents grounding in the physical world. They're equally prominent which means I'm spiritual and grounded. Apparently I'm not "off with the fairies."
    • Apparently I'm also into angelic energy. So much so that I'm thinking of working with angels in my career. Oh my gosh =)
    • The dark purple represents intuition and spirituality. Light purple represents compassion, a calm nature and happiness. 
    • I keep my life compartmentalised which is also true. My job sees one side of me, my healing circle and my family another. It recently dawned on me that I need to integrate better.  
    • For some reason, no one mentioned that lovely star. I think its guiding me and helped me find my way to that gold path. 

    All in all an amazing start to the new term! 

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    Reiki hugs, Regina 

    Sunday, January 13, 2013

    Psychic Student seeks Tutor/Class!

    I was really looking forward to my new psychic development class at the College. We were going to make our own runes, learn to read tea leaves and other fun stuff. It just so happens that this class has been cancelled. The back ups I had in mind have also been cancelled because there weren't enough students! There is one last class that I was hoping to get into if there are spaces left. 

    If I can't get into an ongoing class I will have to step up my extra-curricular activities. Use it or lose it. Last term I was giving 15 minute readings in class, which I really enjoyed. Maybe I can keep this up with Skype readings or by practicing on friends. The new Angel Reading Hour should also give me a chance to practice. One of my former classmates is also organising a weekly intuitive circle so that could be a good alternative to enrolling in a proper class. 

    That or a writing workshop would come in handy! 

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    Reiki hugs, Regina