Tuesday, November 30, 2010

When's a Good Time to Talk?

I had a funny thing happen to me today, just had to mention it. We were sitting in a lecture on digital media and how Mac and Facebook are changing the world. Seriously, our kids will spend a ridiculous amount of time playing around with iPads and smart phones.

We were discussing the advertising value of Youtube - fascinating subject -  when a psychic thought hijacked my mind. For the past few weeks I  have been wondering what I can do to become a  productive medium and today I realized the importance of being clear and impartial during readings. A light bulb went on in my head and I tempted to start automatic writing on the spot.

It was a bit disconcerting, if I had to describe the experience I'd tell you that someone came to pull me out of class and was lecturing me in the hallway while the rest of the group stayed behind. I had one ear on the Youtube discussion and the other on this psychic revelation: don't jump to conclusions, don't try to smooth things over.  I actually had to ask my guides to come back later because it wasn't a good time, and only then could I disengage and go back to work.

Asking them to hold off for a few hours really worked, when I got home I pulled out a notebook and wrote it all down.  I think I managed to capture almost everything, but I will still try to  arrange quiet times to connect at least once a week (5-10 minutes?) They probably saw my receptive attitude as a chance to send the message, wonder how long they had been trying to get that one through!

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Thursday, November 25, 2010

How Do They See Us from the Other Side?

This is something I've wondered on more than one occasion: will family members be able to witness our accomplishments after they've passed on? And what about our Spirit Guides and Angels, how much of our daily lives are they privy to? Will they notice when we've failed a math test, or if we ran a red light?

I can't pretend to know the answer to this one, but I just read a quote that inspired me. Its from the book Ponder on This, a compilation of thoughts from one woman's spirit guide (a little too science-fiction for me, but still a good read). At one point he tells her: "I have watched you succeed and I have seen you fail, this I do through the pulsation of your light not in watching the detail of your daily living."

The thought of humans as light beings is comforting, what a shame that we haven't learned to see each other this way. I imagine swarms of light all over the planet, with dark patches in areas of intense pain and conflict. But there are beacons of light even in the darkest areas, and we each have what it takes to turn it on. The book went on to describe the process and to my surprise it wasn't through meditation, but through "high thinking, right living and loving activity. "

Our thoughts and actions can raise our vibration and make us better, brighter beings - the idea is so simple and so true. The past few months I've been focusing too much on meditation, as the year draws to a close it is time to think of habits to foster in the New Year. Is it cheesy to think that we can make the world a brighter place? In my mind I see them looking down at us from above, and marvelling at the sphere of light.

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Interpreting Symbols

I am giving clairvoyant readings at school, it can be a lot of fun when you get past the stage fright. It took me a while to get started because I kept trying to force a dialogue with my spirit guides and they don't really communicate with me that way. I do a lot better with guided meditations and just keep an eye on all the images and scenes that go by. The clairvoyance comes easily when you relax, the tricky part is learning to interpret the message. 

For example, a couple weeks ago I saw my sitter traveling halfway across the world on a spiritual holiday. She was very excited to go on this journey and had sturdy walking boots to symbolize a challenging trek. In my meditation I saw her going to a temple in Asia, it was very peaceful and fulfilling for a few seconds and then a Samurai warrior appeared on the scene. His energy was combative, it seemed like he was ready for a battle and waiting for it to start. 

I tried to bring my mind back to the tranquility of the monks but it just went back to the Samurai, I felt like I should enjoy the tranquility of the monks but the aggressive Samurai spirit didn't let me. After a few minutes I gave in and just let the images switch back and forth between peace and war. I almost dismissed the struggle as a product of my imagination, but when I mentioned this to my sitter she confirmed that she actually felt this way in her life. 

Even during the reading my logical mind was still trying to convince her to consider a trip to Asia, or to take up a Buddhist practice. Looking back on it, the Asian backdrop had more to do with my own subconscious than with the message I was supposed to give her.  I spent an hour at the British Museum looking at Samurai swords and Buddhist sculptures last week, and just yesterday I bought a book by a Tibetan master. This scene served as a backdrop for the real messages: the inner struggle, the spiritual journey and expansiveness of the horizon.  All of these were based on feeling evoked by the images, not by the images themselves.

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Starry Night and Wildflowers

One of my fellow students gave me a psychic reading this week and she absolutely nailed it, the first thing she mentioned was my book collection and the fact that it’s all over the place. I have books topics ranging from business, marketing, kabbalah, quantum physics and religion to astrology, healing, energy management, angels and dowsing. She described me as quirky and then went on to talk about how to integrate that quirky personality that wants to be psychic but also wants to be a part of mainstream society.

There were a lot of reassuring messages in the reading, my favorites were:

1. My guides want me to try Automatic Writing as often as possible, it's my best bet if I want to develop my abilities and also learn to trust them. I struggle a lot with putting faith in what I experience on a psychic level and end up dismissing a lot of it when the sun comes up the next morning. Having the words on paper gives me something to come back to for proof, and also gives me a chance to go back over the messages and make sense of them.

2. I spend too much time worrying about things like my career, my flat, the handyman and the repair work that needs to be done. My primary focus in life will be my spiritual development, this is what will make me truly happy. As long as the spiritual path is sorted out, our guides will take care of all the little details like the job, the living situation, the cash flow.

3. I was given a symbolic gift but I can't remember what it was, that's why I need to write things down.

4. She also told me that she saw me living in two opposing worlds, but still managing to make them blend seamlessly. The images she saw in her meditation where of a huge garden filled with colorful flowers. Half of them were very organized, trimmed down and neat like a groomed Japanese garden. The rest were wild flowers that grew tall in all directions. The two flower types weren't separate though; they swirled together and occupying the space in peace & harmony.

We both took the nice groomed flowers to represent my life in mainstream society, and the tall wild flowers to be my psychic and spiritual development. The key message was that I didn't need to try keeping them separate, or go out of my way to seem "normal" with some people and "psychic" with others. The idea is very encouraging, and it suggests that I need to accept this wild flower side without worrying about what other groomed flowers might say.


Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  

Image: canva.com (2023)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Automatic Writing for Beginners

There are many ways to access your intuition, but my favourite so far is automatic writing. My first attempt was spectacular, I started asking random questions and  when I got to the right one, the answers came intuitively. Some describe it as telepathic or psychic dictation, others say you enter into a hypnotic state and your intuition guide your hand.  For me it was like a conversation, and I rushed to capture everything before it slipped my mind. 

There are lots of books out there on automatic writing, this is what worked for me:
  • Ground Yourself: Bathe yourself in a cocoon of white light and throw your roots down from the bottom of your feet to the center of the earth.  If this is new for you, imagine each of your legs like the trunk of a tree, and visualize roots growing down into the ground. This helps keep you anchored, which in turn leads to clear and centered messages.
  • Ask for Protection:  The  white light helps, but if you're looking to contact a spirit  you are much better off with the big guns looking out for you. I  always call in the four archangels to cast a protective circle around me: Archangels Michael, Rafael, Gabriel and Uriel. It might be overkill, but I like to bring the whole crew in so I can ask for answers without worrying about who is communicating. 
  • Open Up: Today I started by pulling earth energy up  my left leg and then down the right leg back into the ground.  This gets the energies flowing and also makes you more conscious of your own vibration. Then visualize and feel the energy flowing up both legs past the root chakra and up the spinal column, flicking on red, orange, yellow, green, purple and blue lights as it passes each of the 7 chakras.   

This whole process can take 5-10 minutes depending on how much control you have over your energy field. There's a good meditation by Elliot Jay Tanzer that really helped me get in the practice of opening up, just remember to protect yourself before you start because he doesn't cover it. You also need to visually close and protect your chakras at the end, to keep from picking up psychic garbage.

Now here comes the fun part, pick up a pen and paper! 

  • Say What's On Your Mind! Pour your heart out, I write a page with all the stuff that's bogging me down, this clears the mind and creates quiet space for our spirit guides to make contact. As my guides once told me, they can't get a word in if our minds are going a thousand miles per hour! 
  • Pay Attention:  There comes a moment when the mind chatter fades and the tone of voice changes. The words you're writing start to calm you down, and the messages are reassuring and peaceful.  This is when your guides start to communicate, in my case the narrative will often change from the 1st to the 2nd person.
  • Trust What's Coming to You: One of the things I struggle with is knowing where the info comes from. Is it my subconscious? Is it a spirit guide? Am I talking to myself?  Guidance can be very very subtle, you just have to learn to recognize it. With time you may start to notice that some of your wiser thoughts come from someone else. 
  • Clear and Shield Yourself: Once you're done, its important to clear your energy by visualising white or violet light running down through your Aura and body into the ground. This releases any psychic energy. Next visualise your Aura returning to its normal size, and arms length above, below and all around. Fill and surround yourself with violet light, intending for that light to shield you. Thank the angels and snuff out the candle without blowing =) 

One of the best ways to stimulate your abilities is to talk to people who are on the same spiritual path. Finding common ground helps us recognize and develop our psychic skills, so if you've had any luck with automatic writing go ahead and tell us about it! 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Reading Colors in Auras

Yesterday I saw aura colors during a healing session, I wasn't even trying to read her her and they just appeared.  These things always take me by surprise, the last time I saw colors it was in the healing energy as it went through the chakras. I had never actually seen anything in the client's energy body.

I was healing my client's legs and when I placed my hand near her left hip I saw the lightest, brightest blue.  How can I describe it? It wasn't like her legs turned blue, the way I experienced it was a wave of pale blue light that flooded my mind's eye when I placed my hand near her left hip.  It surprised me and I kept my hands there for a few minutes more than I needed to, trying to get a feel for what the color had to say.  It was a light peaceful mood, but still a bit melancholic.

After the session I mentioned it to my client and she said that was how she'd been feeling, and that she was going home that weekend to see her family because she missed them. Interesting enough, our base chakra and our legs connect to our roots and our family life (our origins). It wasn't a coincidence that I'd seen melancholic blues in her legs and I'm glad I mentioned it because it reinforced my vision.

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Reiki hugs, Regina