Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Knowing Your Limitations

I am really getting to know my limits, this week I ran into a few of them in my sessions - Oh the joys of life as a student healer! ;-)

1) Healing when I have the flu is not a good idea. Healing when I am getting over the flu is not a good idea. I didn't just say that twice, its just that I'm not sure how flu-ed up I really was on Sunday (and you saw my posts on FB over the weekend complaining about my ungrounded cold). The healing session went well, but I was wiped out afterwards and it took me an hour to come around. The energy going towards the client was fine, but my own energy management took a nose dive. We went to he movies after the healing and I ate a ton of sugary popcorn to stock up on energym and lots of water too. This is one of those mistakes I hope to make only once ...

2) I am not a psychotherapist, maybe when I am done with healing and anatomy I can take a counseling class. Healing stirs up a lot of things and if it is appropriate to bring any of them up I should know how to do it. Otherwise I am worried that I might counter the peace that the healing leaves behind. The healing still helps, but people get riled up when they are thinking about their problems and I don't think healing is a place for that. We'll see, might be wrong about that. Still undecided.

3) Time is precious! In one of my sessions I got carried away and tried to do it all. What should have been a 30 minute session ended up taking twice as long. I should spread out the healing in bite size chunks, it may be easier on the client and it will also leave time for other things in life.

Moving on from the healing sessions, my biggest lesson this week is that I HAVE TO TAKE BETTER CARE OF MYSELF!!! I've been feeling like crap since Saturday, yesterday I was tempted to take a sick day and again today. Ignoring this, I soldiered on because of a few meetings that I thought I shouldn't miss. There I was trying to hang on for a few extra days, and all for what? 

Love these little learnings that have nothing to do with the client, and all to do with the healer looking after herself. It's one of those things that keeps coming up in books and I didn't think it would happen to me. I don't want to be your stereotypical runaway healer, you know - the one who ignores her own symptoms and just keeps giving. The past week or so I have been ignoring this feeling that I need a break, and it finally caught up with me. I usually get sick when my body needs a rest, and now I can't wait to crawl into bed and fall asleep. Going home to La-La-Land ...

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The trouble with free healings ...

Last term I had a bad experience with a client who kept standing me up, arriving late and postponing sessions. It nearly drove me up the wall and toward the end of the term I could barely stomach our sessions, it was a huge relief when they were finally over. The only reason I kept going was that I'd fail my class if I quit on him, and it was too late to recruit a new client and fit in six sessions. This time around I was lucky to find two clients who are huge fans of healing, one of them I've carried over from last term and she really seems to like it. The second client is brand new, I know her from work and she always remarks how chilled and relaxed I am. I get that happy-go-lucky feel from my healings and meditations, and she went away with the same happy vibe. Both of them are a pleasure to work with. 

I wish that was the end of this term's healing homework but we're now supposed to recruit a 3rd client.  This one is proving to be difficult to fill, usually I will schedule a pilot-healing with a potential client, and if they really like it they will sign up for the five sessions we have to complete for class. Some people tell me flat out that it's a huge time commitment, and they're less than keen. Others will really enjoy the session, and though they're keen to continue their busy lives get in the way and they're hard to track down. And if you're lucky you'll find a client or two who are in the habit of making time for themselves and will go out of their way to schedule the sessions. I have yet to confirm this 3rd slot, there are a few birds in the bush but none in hand. A couple weeks ago one of my previous clients referred a friend, who really seemed to like it.  She's signed up for the 5 sessions, but its been a couple weeks and it's been really hard to schedule a follow up. Really, really hard.

After last term's painful experience I only want to work with people who are really into healing, and its hard to weed out the fluffy ones if you're not allowed to charge. Generally people are more respectful of things they have to pay for, and when its for free the effort and the healer's time are taken for granted. This has been the exception, rather than the rule in my case, but still it can be frustrating when it happens.  My rational mind tells me this one will see it out, but I've already scouted a back up in case things don't work out. This client management is proving to be the most challenging part of my course.  Right now I'm doing this for credit so its no the end of the world if they don't show, I'd be a lot more stressed out if this was something I did for a living. My guides also tell me that some people might not be ready to receive healing, even if they consciously ask for it. I can usually see how it would benefit a particular person, but they need to see it as well to take it seriously.

We'll see how it goes, I will definitely keep you posted on this one! I should probably ask the Archangels to help me schedule appointments and find the right clients. Especially Archangel Michael, he is supposed to look after light workers and in some way I think we're both working towards the same goal. I am still trying to be optimistic about these homework clients, sometimes sorting this out puts more pressure on me than my day job and that can get a little bit tiring. At least now I'm aware of the struggle, last term I was carrying tons of tension in my muscles and it literally disappeared after my last healing session with that disappearing client. I have since asked Kali to erase any trace of that stress from my energy field, and to put an barrier between us. Essentially, his energetic imprint has been dispatched to another dimension, and I'm in a bright and happy space again. I can't be dispatching all of my clients though, so I'm asking my angels to send me good people that I can work with and learn from!  

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Asking Archangel Michael for Help

Archangel Michael is back, it has been at least a year and a half since it was appropriate to call on him on a daily basis. And particularly in my work environment which is interesting because it means he is here to help me effect change on a very practical, earthly level.

We had two spaces for readings in last night's class, three really but the first one wasnt with Michael. The first time I tuned in to get a message for myself the message I got was how I am starting to come into my own strength in life. And how that confidence will give me the oomph I need to move on to the next growing phase of my life (I was about to say growing pain! Lol)

Anyhooo, his message was about taking charge and being resilient and in my element. Looking back over the past few work years thats the karma that I still need to break. Its long overdue. Archangel Michael has very direct energy, one that screams "let's get down to business" and that is what I need now. The past few months I have been asking what's next for me, not so much at work as in life. What am I going to do with energy healing? How can I spend more of my time on something a little more meaningful? One of the things we learned last night is that Archangel Michael looks after lightworkers and sets them on their path. The message I got yesterday is that I don't have to figure it out alone. :-)

What else did I get? A suggestion that I should bring him to work everyday which also sounds intense. I have been chorded to through my solar plexus (thats gone now!) There are still lots of heavily directed energy currents, can't think of any other way to describe it. The message I got was that I should continue to trust and love no matter what, and we were also told that grounding and centering in love is great protection. The more open and sensitive you are, the more susceptible you become to the energies and tensions that accumulate with basic human interactions. Especially at work lol!

So yes that was my reading in a nut shell! This was a real diary entry, thanks for reading as always! Oh and before I forget, I rocked the reading that I gave my classmate yesterday! This "strength and confidence" helps a ton with readings, I am less self-conscious about it and I didnt freeze up at all LOL!

Michael is going to make sure I get to class on time, no working late on Thursdays from now on haha!

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Healing with a Hangover

I'm such a nerd! We have a new homework assignment that had me smiling in class! And it isn't actually about healing, it's about writing! This term we are supposed to keep a healing journal and make note of all those instances where our healing practice starts to change our life. Obviously there is the big time commitment that goes with attending the classes, carrying out healing and chasing homework clients to complete the case studies. That and the 5-10 minutes that I should be spending on a daily meditation. But the list does not stop there! There are so many little things that start to change on you, for example the way you interact with the grumpy co-worker. Or my diet - remember that post I wrote a few months ago about red meat making me ill? And how about my heightened sense of smell, or the fact that I no longer feel comfortable in crowds? Becoming sensitive to the energy in food and people can have it's ups and downs, this is what we're going to be writing about in our healing journals. 

Coincidentally, I have a great example that I will NOT be handing in at the end of the term. Today was our 1st day back after summer and the school year started with a jam-packed Sunday session that ran from 10 am to 5 pm.  It was not easy waking up at 8:30 to get to class, especially because I went out to celebrate a friend's birthday last night.  There is a cute little place in Notting Hill that looks like a posh version of  Winter Wonderland, mixed with Mardi Gras and some fairy dust. They play dance music from the 80's onwards and sell fruity cocktails, white wine and lots of other drinks. From the outset, the night looked like it was going to be fun, but I decided to pull a Cinderella because of my early start this morning. We spent most of the evening chatting and dancing, a couple friends came in from other parts of Europe that weekend and it was good to see everyone. I was torn between staying out later and having a good time with these friends, but the prospect of dragging myself out of bed at 8 am was too much. So I went home, had a bite to eat and then fell sound asleep. 

When I woke up I felt pretty good, if not a little bit dehydrated and tired. It turns out that even that level of dehydration and alcohol remnants were enough to put a damper on my healing abilities! I really sucked today! I was tired, ungrounded and a bit hung over (the Mojito or the white wine?) By noon I had drunk 2 liters of water, one cup of tea and another cup of coffee.  All in all, I made it through the opening meditations OK, the sound healing flew by cheerfully and I even manged to remove a cord from my brow chakra. After lunch I started feeling the effects of the hangover especially when we split into pairs to carry out cord cuttings. I have done this a dozen times and could talk you through one with my eyes closed. Cord cutting was my 1st experience with healing almost 2 years ago and I am generally very good at feeling the cords and removing them. Not today! I had to scan the classmates aura three times before I found a cord, and then I couldn't quite figure out if it was her base or her sacral. Granted, if you're sitting in a chair they are very close together! At one point, the teacher was standing next to us, and I was feeling a little bit self-conscious because she was very interested in our little session. The classmate and I talked through it, we came to the conclusion that it should be removed and out it went. The cord cutting went well, so the healing energy was flowing. It was just my sensory perception and grounding that were shot.

So today was a surprise! I have healed people when I've been getting over the flu, when I've been jet lagged, when I've had a sore throat, etc, and its always been OK. Evidently, trying to heal people after a night out isn't. My body didn't have enough energy or fluids to be a clear channel. Alcohol, tea and coffee are diuretics so you end up running to the loo a lot more than you would without them. The water in our body is a conduit for healing energy. Today I was running low on all these things and the class wasn't as enjoyable as it should have been.  I'm not sure if the tutors noticed or cared but it was still a big learning for me.  What surprised me most was the fact that two drinks did it. Maybe it's because I've hit my 30's and at this age we don't bounce back as quickly? I probably should have had dinner, or had more water. Anyhooo, I need to test my limits and if one drink turns out to be too much I will have to settle for no drinks. Or a very light Mexican beer, which I love. Most nights I stick with my Diet Coke anyway so it's not a big deal. I think I've been out to a club three times the past year, so far this is the only time I've "gone out" before a all-day healing workshop.

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Monday, September 12, 2011

BBC Music Festivals, Lenny Kravitz and Telepathy

This is one of those days when I wonder if I am really psychic or if I am just making stuff up! For those of you who follow my Facebook page you may have noticed that I went to Festival in Hyde Park yesterday. A friend had extra tickets to see Lionel Ritchie and I tagged along.  I'm not a massive Lionel Ritchie fan but I do like his music, and I love the park! Had no idea who else was on the agenda ...

As it turns out, Lionel Ritchie canceled because of illness which was a shame, but soon after we found out that Lenny Kravitz was playing!!! And James Blunt! And the Pierces! I expected the best show to come from Lenny, but I'm a huge Pierces fan so I was thrilled to see them on the set list. As it turns out, I didn't reconize any of the songs The Pierces played, so I'm not as big a fan as I thought. They were great though, one of the sisters wore a flowy white dress with bell sleeves, the other sister wore a  long black dress. With the full moon over the stage it looked very black-and-white-witch-magical. Loved the music, loved the look and feel, but I was still left without my favorite Pierces songs. Listen to the songs, or scroll down to read about my first attempt at telepathy (really!)  

Now back to the psychic side of this post ...

Don't ask me why, but I desperately had to hear Lenny Kravitz sing American Woman. He started out singing some of the newer songs, like Stand, he went back to the Cab Driver single that was apparantly popular when he 1st played London 22 years ago, and then moved into a rocking rendition of Fly Away.  There were thousands of people in Hyde Park, the crowd was going wild. I was close to the stage which was also awesome, maybe in the front 1/5 of the crowd. At this point, Fly Away was winding down, I really reallyyyy wanted him to sing American Woman but wasn't sure how much longer he'd be on stage. What's a girl to do?

I grounded myself,  visualized a dark blue beam going from my brow chakra to his brow chakra and I sent the intention to "Sing American Woman" his way. That went on for about 10 seconds, then Lenny turned to talk to his band - as he does after every song - and they started playing American Woman! 

It was amazing! These are the songs I enjoyed most: 

Thanks for reading this quirky blog!


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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Monday, September 5, 2011

Feeling Energy Currents

Today I carried out an impromptu healing on a friend. I  haven't done many over the summer holiday. It was really cool because I still remember the things we learned the last school year though I did draw a  blank balancing chakra pairs, what chakra was the solar plexus paired with? LOL! I will have to check my notes before we go back to class in two weeks! 

The teachers pay attention to make sure we're doing things properly. And it is easy to forget some of the technical details, especially if we're expected to do things in a particular order. At home it doesn't matter as much, what I work on in my case studies is the intuitive side and just learning to read and channel energy. All in all it was a good session though, I'm excited to get back into the swing of things!

I've never had a session that goes the way I expected it to. This one was a surprise because I found myself feeling the energy currents in her body, rather than seeing them clairvoyantly.  It happened when I was checking the flow of energy in her healing meridian. We learned about this current of energy in my last class, it runs up your right leg to your shoulder, crosses the clavicle to the left shoulder and then goes down again. I've only worked with it a few times so far, I've always seen it as a wire of white light that runs through the clients body. In the past, I would notice dark patches where the light was off, and instead I got a brown wire. We are supposed to look for these spots, tune into them and ask what it's about. 

Sometimes that dark patch will correspond to an organ that needs healing, and the lack of energy is a signal for the healer to stop and listen. In the past I've noticed tiny breaks at the throat, a faded patch down the left abdomen, or even in the legs. Today I couldn't actually see the light, instead I found myself shooting energy up my client's right leg and following it clairsentiently as it made it's way up, across and then down her body. It was almost like a fountain or a straw, and I was using my force to propel it. I then noticed that the energy slowed down a little bit on the left side of her ribcage and walked over to tune in. Her pancreas was full of energy and I gave it healing before going back to the meridian and reestablishing the flow of energy. 

It only now dawned on me that I felt the energy in a different way, and very much used my intent to channel a stream of energy through the meridian. It was pretty cool, the "feeling" energy was very light and watery so I'm guessing it should also be refreshing for the client. All in all a very good day!  =)

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Reiki hugs, Regina