Monday, July 25, 2011

Psychic Development Simplified

A few months ago I stumbled upon a blog called A State of Mind –  for those of you who aren't familiar with it, it is full of articles on how to develop your psychic gifts. The author, Nathaniel, has been on the path for 5 years, and writes about what worked for him in minute detail. Now he’s published a book called Psychic Development Simplified, covering everything under the sun in just enough depth to give the reader a psychic taster and a solid foundation in energy management. It's a great place to start if you're a beginner, and there are a also a few surprises for those of us who have been exploring this for a little bit longer.

This is a summary of what you can expect from the book: 

  • Psychic Development Simplified operates on the understanding that it takes at least a year of diligent energy work and meditation before you can open up safely to more advanced techniques. The book lays out a series of exercises that will give you a good grasp of energy management before you start trying things like psychic readings, telekinesis or mediumship. I for one turned straight to the chapter on telekinesis, only to find that I couldn’t get my psi-wheel to spin. Need to start at the bottom and work my way up, and moving things is a lot of work!

  • The book approaches meditation from a mindlessness angle. Most of my meditations so far have been focused on chakras, this one poses a real challenge by telling us to empty our mind and stare at the wall (or a candle) for 30 minutes. And then he tells you that it’s OK to fail, the point is to let all of these thoughts clutter our mind so that we can observe them, and in observing them detach ourselves from this constant mental chatter. It helps the reader along the path with a series of ABC’s. It also talks about prayer, protection and a few techniques to tone down your excess energy before you start meditating. 

  • There is a nifty exercise called Tactile Visualization -  What this allows you to do is recall sensations like the touch velvet, a cold metal table, or sand under your feet. These details make meditations a lot more fun, you’ll start sensing things with your five senses. I really enjoyed these exercises, and going down this route will also enable you to start hearing and feeling a breeze when you’re meditating on a beach. It’s awesome, even if it has no spiritual purpose, LOL. And we have to admit that on some level, having psychic powers can be a lot of fun!  =)

  • The energy management section teaches us how to draw on earth energy and run it through our body. You will also learn to absorb and store it, so that you can then use it in your psychic and energy work. There is also a neat trick, where you draw energy through your body, out your hands creating a ball of energy (called psi balls in the book). I’ve used these in my healing sessions, I will often program a disc to cleanse and aura and then I use my hands to move it through the client’s energy field.   

All in all, Psychic Development Simplified is a great book and I definately recommend it. If you're waiting for the other shoe to drop, I did find a couple kinks in it's theory (but nothing major). In most cases I would be in favor is agreeing to disagree, but for the purpose of this review I'll throw a few challenges out there :

  • The author's knowledge of the chakras and the energy body is spot on. However, I did notice that one of the aura's layers went missing in the descriptions. When talking about the energy body, the author covers the physical, etheric, mental and spiritual layers (skipping the emotional layer of the aura, which links to our sacral chakra). This is a very important part of our energy body, especially when it comes to healing as many illnesses are linked to emotions.

  • There was a section that made me laugh – Shopping Centers are Evil – Not really, the author  says, but he still tells us to stay away from public places because they are full of energies that can give us headaches. This is true, but it’s not practical to stay away from crowds and malls. Instead, I would suggest that you learn to desensitize your chakras and close down. If you’re a full-blown clairsentient you may need to take extra precautions, but grounding and closing down will be enough for most of us. 
  • The author is against channeled messages, and tells us not to channel messages unless you’ve been doing psychic work for 30 years! My entire lifetime, and then some, LOL! His view is that we don’t know who is on the other side, and that we shouldn’t put our trust in them. My view is – Trust Your Judgment! Don’t put 100% faith in spirit guides, or mediums. If it sounds like gobbledygook just flush it. But if it makes sense and sheds light on your problems, take it into account. And lastly, don’t try this at home folks, a safe professional environment is usually best =)

At the end of the day, Psychic Development Simplified’s greatest strength is that it is based on the author’s practical experience with energy management and psychic development. There is a lot in the book that I haven’t covered here, read it to get started! 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Medical Intuition Workshop

A few weeks ago I went to a workshop on Medical Intuition, wasn't too sure what it was but I knew that Caroline Myss practices it. We started out with a normal meditation. After a bit of theory and discussion on various ailments, the teacher had us do aura scans on our classmates. We were put in pairs,  and she had us look at our partner's grounding, and then scan each of their chakras starting at the base and working our way up towards the crown. 

At one point we went with our eyes closed, at others we went with our eyes open. I find it easier to work with my eyes open because it keeps my attention focused, otherwise it wanders. I also keep my eyes open during readings, meditations and healings.  

1st Stop: Aura and Chakra Scans 

I had trouble tuning into my classmate's energy at first because we went through grounding and the first few chakras with our eyes closed, but still I got a good view of my partner's personality.  

She was a warm, friendly woman in her forties with very strong grounding, grounded, practical and very loving in her relationships. I also got the impression that she had her feet on the ground and her eyes open, so she could see her situation very clearly. 

As I moved on up, I got one very direct message from Spirit: She could do with being a little more selfish. When we talked about this later, I went on to tell her that the people around her would welcome the chance to look after her if she'd let them, and they would not be put off or annoyed if she looked after herself as well. It was a very simple direct message, and the whole thing resonated with her which was pretty cool.

She then went on to tell me about my own aura, I have good grounding from my feet but my base was not grounding. She told me that she could tell I was trying to ground from the base, and that I would get there eventually. That was great news! I have only been able to ground from my Root Chakra once or twice, I usually visualise roots going down from my feet - or I'll float off to la-la-land. 

She also told me that my solar plexus and my heart needed to be more in touch with each other, that the energy flow should be more of a two way street in instead of each of them doing their own thing. This is the 2nd time I have had this message about improving the communication between my ego (Solar Plexus) and my Heart. The last thing she told me was that my solar plexus center was perfect calm, and that I should tap into this and rely on it more often. Nice message over all!

2nd Stop: The Body's Personality 

After this bit, we went on to learn about a few key organs and the endocrine system. To go back to the beginning, Medical Intuition involves scanning a person's aura, chakras and their physical body to identify anything that might be out of place. 

This could be a flu virus making it's way through the aura towards the body, it can be a tumor or a growth, it can also be checking in with the Liver to find out if the person's diet is affecting their body in some way. 

The liver processes everything we absorb, through the environment, the skin, food, drink etc. It has a perfect record of everything we feed our body, and if you look closely at the liver it will give you a lot of secrets. This when class started getting really fun! 

3rd Stop:  Listen To Body (Literally) 

We started the healing same as always and then went straight to the liver, looking to get a read of its energy, shape and color. Initially we were working with our hands in the aura, and after a few minutes we put our hand on the ribcage. 

The tutor ran through a list of questions for the liver; and we waited with our left hand over the liver, as the left hand makes it easier for us to receive messages in the form of words, pictures, scents, etc. 

This is what I perceived (new classmate): 

- How does the liver look? Reddish-brown
- What is it's energy like? A big strong Ox! This liver liked pulling lots of weight
- What is their diet like?  I got lots of veggies, etc
- What does she eat too much of? Salt
- What would you like more of?  A juicy steak!!!

It went on to show me other images, and then after a little while I just sent the liver some healing energy. My classmate turned out to be vegetarian, and when I asked her she said that she hadn't had meat in 15-20 years. 

It was funny because I felt very sorry for the liver that wasn't getting red meat or wine - did I mention that it also wanted wine? I like rooting for the underdog, and I kept trying to talk my classmate into trying animal meat. I identified with her liver; though it is healthy so she can probably eat what she likes. 

Her liver's energy was a little bit childish; similar to a kid pouting or throwing a tantrum. It was just the liver that wanted red meat, the other organs didn't. That was a surprise! Each organ has a personality.

Last Stop: The Endocrine System

After lunch we moved on to the Endocrine system, starting with the pituitary. This gland responds well to praise, so we did a little bit of cheer-leading to get it in a happy, appreciative mood. This new classmate had a bright blue pituitary gland; I could see it clairvoyantly (I know how weird that must sound...) 

The pituitary directed me to her pancreas, which was cool because a song started playing in my head, a soft rock song that I listen to when I am in a chilled out and relaxed mood. The song massaged the pancreas, helping it let go of things that it didn't need and by the end of the healing session, her pancreas felt energized and ready to go. 

After this I went back to the pituitary gland, and noticed that it's color had changed to a very bright purple. It emanated a steady light, and I could see and feel the color all the way out to my hands. 

At this point the teacher was guiding us to tell the pituitary that it was doing a fantastic job, and I heard myself say the words in Portuguese! I understand Portuguese but I don't speak it. Where did that come from?  Overall the whole session left me with a very warm, feeling. And also feeling like I wanted to fly to a beach in Brazil and throw myself in a hammock.  

What A Day!!!  

So this was my 1st attempt at Medical Intuition. I slipped into psychic reading mode straight away, which was helpful. The chakra scanning was very enjoyable, and I was pleasantly suprised by the organs. My knowledge of the body and how it works is next to none, so I have a long way to go before I can actually scan someone and tell them what I see (as if I was an MRI). 

Our teacher gave us a few examples of how she'd been able to scan people and tell them they had specific growths and lumps, and that they turned up in MRI's just like she described them. You need to have a very good understanding of the physical body, the muscles, the organs, etc, to be able to do that. Otherwise you'd see lots of blobs and not know what they are or if it is normal. 

Next semester I have to register for an Anatomy class as part of my healing accreditation so I guess I will learn the basics. The day after the workshop I walked into a book store to find an Anatomy book, thinking it would be cool to get a head start on that. 

Unfortunately, Anatomy books are very detailed and I was put off by the amount of things that I would have to plough through. So I left without buying anything, and will focus on being medically intuitive with the chakras, and the few big organs that I can find, i.e. the heart, lungs, liver, pancreas and possibly the digestive system. And I can always wikipedia some of these to get a better understanding of them!

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Image: (added July 2021)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Channeling Archangel Michael and Metatron

We've been giving angel readings in class and a couple weeks ago it was our turn to work with Metatron. I have already forgotten if he's an Archangel, I just know he used to be human. The class was pretty cool because he let any angel come through during the readings, and I ended up channeling Michael instead. I have been calling on Michael for months but I had never gotten a good look at him. As soon as the tutor told us to identify the angel I saw a flash of royal blue, closely followed by a sword. It looked like a simple coat of arms. Michael doesn't need much to impress. 

I missed the first few weeks of the term so I wasn't there for the guardian angel meditations, or for Michael's week either. It's been interesting because I am very used to working with him so it was probably my time to get to know the other ones. Today I was pleasantly surprised when he made an appearance, but the dynamic felt very different because he wasn't there for me. The reading was for my classmate, and I got a steady stream of images, thoughts and feelings. It was pretty intense (so is Michael!) because as soon as I sat down to tune in the information hit me and I just sort of sat there and waited for 5 minutes until she was ready to hear it.  

All along I could get a sense of Metatron taking notes in the corner, he is one of the few angels that is supposed to have had a human existence at one point in time. I saw him like a skinny Jewish guy in modern clothing, standing against the corner scribbling in a notebook. Not that he's a skinny Jewish guy but it was his way of telling me that he was human, at one point in time. And that he's a meticulous nerd, although that has nothing to do with Judaism or any religion for that matter. LOL. 

So what does Metatron do? There was more to it but these are the basics:

- He is God's scribe, he writes down everything we do in minute detail
- He is in charge of the Akashic Records
- He clears chakras and auras, and will connect your chakras from crown to base. 
- He is good with kids, especially indigo, crystal and rainbow children
- Good at organizing, time keeping, managing and stretching time even!
- Healing, not sure I remember what kind though ... 

So that was the Metatron class, he took a back seat and let others talk while he took notes on what went down. I can only imagine what our feedback session will be like in the afterlife, everything we do is recorded. So remember that next time you wimp out of facing a new challenge. Or if you are not as friendly as you could be, LOL

Thank you for reading! Join me below
Reiki hugs, Regina 

Monday, July 4, 2011

Can we ask what the future holds?

One of my readers asked a great question - How can some psychics tell us what the future holds, doesn't it depend on our own choices and action? How can they be so sure, if our fate isn't decided? 

As for myself, I've never been able to tap into the future directly so I wonder if it's possible. Then again, I've given a few tarot readings that turned out to be very accurate six months down the line. So there is something to divination. Before we get into matters of free will, destiny and fate, let's discuss  how a psychic acquires information to begin with. As far as I can tell, it happens in one of two ways.

Where does Intuition Come From?

a)  They will sense information through their energy body.  They might feel pain in their left knee if a client has had surgery. This is how clairsentients tune in, and clairaudience and clairvoyance work the same way. Read on for more details! 

b)  We can also get information from an angel, a spirit guide or from the client's Higher Self. The guides and angels have visibility that we don't have. They may be able to see things that time and space keep from us, I like to think that they are higher up so they can see farther into the horizon.

One of my teachers tells us that every layer of the aura allows us to tap into certain bits of information. We have to learn to activate each one as we move on in our psychic development. This is usually done through meditation, and we usually start with the aura layers that are closest the body. Most beginning psychics will be able to activate the first two. For example, the Etheric layer is 2-3 centimeters thick and sits on your skin. The etheric level is connected to the root chakra, which in turn influences our physical body. Clairsentients activate the etheric easily,  this is how they feel other people's pain.

Next, the emotional layer allows us to empathize with others on an emotional level, and to a certain extent feel their joy or pain in our body. If you’re sitting next to a friend that is sad, you might feel overwhelming sadness for no apparent reason. The best example I can think of is a little quirky, but if it resonates this means you are definitely psychic on an emotional level. Think a figure skater cutting her way across the rink at the Olympics. She is skating round the bend, jumps into a beautiful pirouette and makes three sharp turns mid-air. Her body descends gracefully and just as her skate hits the ice, her knee slips and she crashes to the floor with a loud skid. She won't stop smiling, but the public can still feel the emotional pain from the fall. This is a great example of the sacral chakra at work.

Physical clairsentience and emotional empathy are great examples of how we process information on an energetic level. We are able to sense and interpret information that is true in the present moment. In class we were told that most psychics will work at levels 3, 4 and 5. If I had to take a stab at what this means, I imagine it has something to do solar plexus (warning signs), heart (intuition connection to Higher Self), and finally throat chakra (clairaudience). The brow chakra will let us receive messages clairvoyantly. To see the future clearly, we have to activate our 7th aura layer, which corresponds to the crown chakra. This relates to the divine plan, and seeing a life unfold before your eyes, if not literally then symbolically. 

As always, the clarity of the message depends on how clear and grounded the psychic is. An ungrounded psychic might give you very accurate but useless information. For example, if I am told that a red car will crash in Tokyo today, this is 100% useless even if it is accurate. Psychic readings should give us  practical and timely info. With this in mind, let's ask: 

Why would Spirit pass on information about the future?

A HEAD'S UP:  We may be headed down a rough patch, and they want to warn us so that we’ll be prepared. On more than one occasion, I have felt the urge to pick up an umbrella on my way out, only to realize 4 hours later that the sunny day turned into a thunder storm. This is a very concrete hint at what the near future will hold, the only goal is to make sure I don’t get wet. Other than that, I’m not expected to do anything about the rain. And whether or not it rains has nothing to do with me, my decisions, or my life. It is what it is. 

OUR LIFE PATH  REQUIRES A CHANGE OF DIRECTION: Our future does depend on our decisions, and our guides and angels will be able to tell us where those decisions take us. How many of you read a “Choose your Own Adventure” book as a kid? If you’re not familiar with the concept, this type of book became popular in the ninety’s with children and preteens. At any given point, a character would be faced with a dilemma and the reader could choose what he did next. If “John” breaks up with his girlfriend and moves to Paris, the reader is told to turn to page 75. If John marries the girlfriend the reader turns to page 27. 

The book can be read several times, each with a different outcome. After a few rounds the reader become savvy, and can tell you how to get to a desired ending. Our Guides and Angels know where our decisions will take us, and they will sometimes throw us a bone to make the trip easier or shorter. It’s up to us to be receptive to their guidance, so that we can shift the future to our advantage.

YOU MAY BE ASTRAL TRAVELING. One of the things I read is that when we are sleeping we may astral travel to dimensions that are just a few time zones ahead. In that dream you might see that a wrong turn on the highway will lead to a car crash. If you remember the dream, you might avoid the car crash by staying on the correct road. It is also possible to see a tragedy like 9/11 happen; in these cases there is nothing you can do to prevent it. 

One of the reasons that psychics will get accurate but useless information is lack of grounding, and wobbly intent. Whenever we start a psychic reading we should always ask Spirit to send a clear, practical message. Otherwise we bring a lot of stress into people’s lives, for no reason at alll. This is true for any reading, not just one that tells the future.

SYMBOLIC ROAD MAPS:  This is the part of my post that comes directly from channeling, the message I'm getting is that we all have a set of life lessons to face. And these will come no matter what we do, we can't get away from them. If your life path involved learning to deal with pushy people, you will run into lots of pushy people not matter where you go. And they will keep popping up until you learn to deal with them. You might even have a pre-birth contract with a specific person, specifying that if you haven't learned this lesson by the time you are 35 years old, they will come into your life and they will make your life a living hell until you learn to push back and stand your ground. 

A psychic that works on the seventh and eighth levels will be able to tune into these things on a symbolic level, and they will be able to tell you with great clarity what lessons are coming your way. I had one of these readings when I was thinking of quitting a job a few years ago, and the psychic told me that there was a specific person that I had to sort out before I moved on. Otherwise there would be a bigger pain-in-the-arse waiting at the next company. It ended up working out pretty well ...

HOW DO WE DEFINE FREE WILL? Most of us think Free Will only applies to decisions we make in our day to day life, i.e. I am going to become a lawyer. I will or won't marry my current boyfriend. I will quit my job and move to Hawaii, etc. These are the decisions that we are conscious of, but we also made a lot of decisions before we came into this world. If you believe in reincarnation this will be easier to follow, I'd drawing on Michael Newton's case studies in his book Journey of Souls. This talks about how we all have a life plan before we incarnate, and we map out what we want to work on the, the challenges we want to face and some of they people we will bump into to in order to learn those lessons. 

If you're not living up to this plan, you might find yourself in tough situations that will force a change of direction. In these cases it might look like this situation has been forced on us, but in reality we chose it in our life-between-lives so it still falls into the Free Will bucket. If we're lucky a talented psychic might be able to spot these trends, and it really helps to shed light on some of the difficulties we might be facing because of our sacred contracts. Caroline Myss has a great book on the subject if you're interested.

So that's it for today, let me know what you think! 

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Reiki hugs, Regina