Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Raise your vibration with goddess energy

I love reading up on different themes and seeing how it all comes together; it’s not surprising as I majored in Philosophy (Tufts ‘02). That probably explains this blog 👀

Last year, I started reading the Hermetic books from the 2nd to 4th centuries, which are attributed to the greek Hermes Trismegistus. Believe it or not, the original set doesn’t mention the Kybalion (the 9 manifesting principles); those were channeled 1,500 years later. Instead, it’s a dissertation on the origins of the Universe, humanity’s place in it, and how we can practice meditation to connect with the divine. The first part looks at astrology, that was my favorite chapter. For the purpose of this blog, it tells us that when we meditate on the image of a god (or a goddess), that deity pulls us up, closer to his or her level. 

The books read as a dialogue between Hermes and his teacher, in the style of the Greek philosophers that we read at school. Hermes is given that visualization, but we can all apply it. My gut feeling is that we can then vibrate in harmony with that goddess, radiating light out to earth in unison. Rather than ask for miracles and everyday goodies, let’s climb that ladder and manifest it for ourselves, as part of a dynamic duo. We always get what we give - let’s send love, joy and abundance to everyone. 

This is what we try to do in meditations with Tara, the female Buddha of liberation … 

Heal the world too 🌺🌺🌺

Kabbalistically, the world’s dysfunction and chaos end (in part) when we reclaim our feminine energy, raising it to the same level of importance as the masculine. It’s a ladder of awareness that we climb through meditation and grounding, and it takes us out of a mental framework where zero-sum games rule. Your Higher Self is halfway up that ladder. Intuition opens the door 👉🏻 Intuitive Meditations HERE

Kabbalah speaks of 10 spheres of Light - the 3rd one down from the top is the divine feminine. The 10th, where we live and breathe, has a strong feminine energy energy that protects us - it’s a reflection of that third sphere. I have an inkling that Mary Magdalene can help us navigate a lot of the intermediate spheres. Those are spheres that we interact with on a daily basis through our mind and emotions.  

I began connecting with Mary Magdalene this year after a trip to London when her image popped up everywhere. My intuition tells me that the balancing of masculine and feminine polarities has to happen in the same framework where we lost it, so that it takes root in the unconscious (especially for us women). Otherwise it’s like you have to leave home to feel valued and accepted. That points me to Catholicism, with its Kabbalistic and Ancient Egyptian roots.

Goddess figures are present in many cultures but their psychology and energy vibe shifts based on their concept. Choose the one that feels right for you. 

Reiki hugs, 


Ps … The Kabbalistic references here are from class, and from Gershom Sholem’s book, Kabbalah and its Symbolism. See here for an introduction to the Tree of Life


Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Crystals, Reiki and a Flower Disaster

I had a crazy experience with crystals many years ago and I forgot to blog about it. Here it goes! I bought a handful of stones in a museum shop. Most crystals have great energy to begin with, and I do clear them before activating them. But on my way home, I took a carnelian out of the bag and held it in my palm. It didn’t seem happy. 

My hand stung after a while; it felt like the crystal was angry. Instead of clearing and keeping it, I decided to return it to nature. Burying crystals is a great way to clear their energy. But I just happened to walk past a huge flowerbed, and without thinking, I tossed it into the flowers 🌷🌷🌷

Three days later I walked past the flowers and they were all drooping. The flowerbed was about 6 feet wide and the whole thing looked terrible. I felt awful - so I gave the flowers Reiki for a few minutes and left. It didn’t help. A friend joined me later that week and we spent a lot of time sending healing to the flowers. When I checked again, everything was back to normal! 

Lately, I have been thinking about this experience and how crystals, Reiki and water can help us bloom. Also, how the effects of energy healing are not purely psychological or based on belief. After this particular example, I’d say that it doesn’t matter if we connect with energy healing logically or not. Let’s give ourselves the chance to receive light and bloom.

Visualize white light radiating through your aura and your water. And yes, clear your crystals before connecting with them. 

And read my book! Chakra Healing & Magick looks at crystals, energy healing and other kinds of magick. I published the book a year or so after the experience that I have described here. You’ll find a flower mandala on the cover, the idea is to channel energy healing and let yourself bloom! 🌻

The book is available on Amazon, now in Spanish too! 👉🏻 Bookstore Here 

Crystal not included lol. That is my favorite malachite - there for love and prosperity. Thank you for reading my blog!

Reiki hugs,



Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  

Image: canva.com

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Pluto: Power to the People

I made several edits to my book this week, Chakra Healing & Magick. Two small things that niggled at me since publishing in 2016, and one conceptual reframing. The book prompts self-reflection in a fun and creative way. 

Here are the edits: 

Mandala's are in Chapter 3, on creative healing. They are part of Eastern religions, representing the divine, but also the sphere of influence of a particular deity, such as Tara, the goddess of liberation and compassion. In the book, I refer to mandalas as works of art but I didn't go far enough with their potential - we can draw new universes and realities for ourselves. I don't mention the Buddhist practice in the book, but I did revise it ever so slightly to hint at that potential. 

The book’s cover happens to be a flower mandala - connect with your Higher Self and paint your future. 

- Tarot is mentioned in Chapter 4, in the section on clairvoyance and the Brow Chakra. In the book, I suggest learning tarot by starting with the Minor Arcana - giving tips on how to use them, without going into the meaning of individual cards. I left a hook open though, telling people to set the Major Arcana to one side. Then I forgot to tell the reader to come back to the Major Arcana. Not a huge deal. The 22 Major Arcana cards are important for magick and healing, but that will be covered in future books and on social media. 

Tarot is also mentioned in Chapter 7 on crystal magick for self-healing. The cards show us what we need to heal and then all of the tools in the book will help us heal and release. From an astrology point of view, all crystals help us integrate the shadow - what needs healing will point you to specific crystals, as outlined in Chapter 7. 

Btw - I love this deck! Much brighter and based on the classic Rider Waite. 

- I have rewritten the introduction to crystals, talking about the shadow and how we need to accept it to channel all of our power. This topic figures on my blog and on Instagram, but I hadn't included it in the book. It is massively important. No power means no magick, and no traction with everyday life. 

Tarot shines a light on the shadow. All of the energy healing tools in the book will integrate the shadow, but crystals are ruled by Pluto, so they go deep ... 
Lastly, this is a magick book, not an energy healing book - it's taken me this long to realize it. Pluto rules magick, transformation, power and healing on the deepest levels. Pluto is officially in the book, and in Aquarius too.

🫶🏻 Power (and joy!) to the people

My intuition tells me that the highest vibration of power is joy - it’s being able to create the life you want to live. And being able to help others. The lowest expression is seeking power over others; that stems from an unhealthy and dysfunctional ego. Heal your ego and love your shadow.

Check out my books below!  
👉🏻 Now in Spanish too 

Reiki hugs, 



Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  

Images: canva.com 

Monday, June 17, 2024

I’m the tiger from my nightmares 🔥🔥🔥

Growing up, I had a recurring nightmare where we were having lunch at my grandmother’s house. The wall came tumbling down and a roaring tiger came out from behind. Everyone went scrambling - my aunts, uncles, cousins and family friends who were there for lunch. My 8- year old self ran and hid behind a big black piano. 

It didn’t look like exactly my grandparents' house, for one, we seemed to be eating on large picnic tables. I have a clear image of one of my aunts there, the rest of the people were hazy. The walls were made of carton too; it didn't keep anything back. 

I would stay huddled behind that piano bench, scared that the tiger would eat me. It paced back and forth but it didn’t feel angry or hungry. My inner child was terrified, as you would be if a tiger suddenly appeared in front of you and you were stuck there. 

After a few weeks of this recurring dream, one night I was watching the tiger and I suddenly realized that it was a dream. The tiger wasn’t there. But unfortunately, someone at school had told us that if you died in a dream you would then die in real life. So I hid from that tiger for years…

Decoding Dreams

Fast forward about 35 years and I asked a Jungian psychologist for recommendations on child psychology books. At the time, I wanted to enroll in a counseling masters but I wasn’t sure what style to adopt. 

He recommended an author called Donald Kalsched and I read a book on dreams, nightmares and what they have to tell us. The ebook was super expensive so I got the Kindle in Portuguese 🇧🇷: O Mundo Interior Do Trauma (The Inner World of Trauma).  

My Portuguese isn’t great but this is what I learned. The book is good, by the way: 

  • According to Kalsched, the elements in the recurring dream, or nightmare in my case, are parts of your psyche that are trying to protect you, while also revealing an unconscious complex. It's all you in the dream. 
  • He calls those complexes archetypal self-care systems (translating from Portuguese) and they have energy and personality in our dream state and unconscious. I imagine they influence our behavior while we are awake too, in knee-jerk reactions? 
  • We can revisit the dream to decode it; as far as I can tell, this is part of counseling sessions. My approach was to send healing to that part of me with Reiki and energy healing. 

Here are my insights. I read the book two years ago but I'd forgotten about it until recently, when a song made it click.   

  • If you die in a dream, you don’t die in real life. Obvious, but my inner child needed to hear that. Yesterday I started there and then sent healing to the part of me that went into hiding... 
  • I‘d already been connecting with Inanna, the goddess of music and war, after a meditation where Katy Perry’s Roar came up. I was trying to make friends with a tiger but my inner child was still terrified. In energy healing, that’s a fragmented part of your psyche that that has to be brought back into the fold, gently. 
  • A few weeks ago I realized that the tiger represents someone in my family - it’s a person and an energy that is powerful and that had the intention of standing up for me. That tiger energy was there for all of us. 
  • But as a child, and even more recently as an adult, big displays of emotion would throw me off. That energy was terrifying to me as a child, because of the emotion and the tiger image. My adult self isn't scared; I like the idea of a tiger spirit animal. 

That tiger was always larger than life in my unconscious, but when I bring it up and integrate it into my personality, it's amazing. This is what I need to go out into the world confidently and to keep from recoiling. So yes, awesome; the antihero becomes the antidote. I'm the tiger, it's me 🔥🔥

Intuitively, I've felt that tiger walking with me during meditations, and leaping out of my solar plexus chakra, into the world. Here is the song that inspired this aha moment!

BTW -  I’m fluent in English, Spanish, French and I speak a little Italian. I don’t speak Portuguese but it’s similar enough to work it out. Got through a third of the book, just enough to decipher this dream. 

For now my energy healing books are available in English and Spanish.

Reiki hugs,



Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  

Friday, May 3, 2024

Tapping Into Your Soul’s Infinite Potential ✨

I had a big aha moment and I want to share it with you. In the past I’ve written about how, astrologically, the North Node’s zodiac sign indicates how we can find happiness outside of our comfort zone. The opposite sign, or South Node, is where we get stuck in an unhappy and self defeating behavioral pattern. Moving from one to the other can be uncomfortable, and often requires self-healing. The tools in my book, Chakra Healing & Magick, will help you break free. 

My North Node is in Leo - it asks me to shine bright and share what I do openly and enthusiastically. But for the longest time, I was reluctant to talk about energy healing and my mystical interests. Showing off felt like a taboo when I was growing up, and the mystical healer side was unheard of in my circle. Owning and revealing that was a challenge; my blog was anonymous for a few years. I was working in a science environment, which made it harder. 

This started to change after I read my first astrology book, even though the shift was slow. The North Node gives us direction, but breaking through our deepest patterns takes time and a lot of self-healing 🌤️

In parallel, I have blogged about the Kabbalistic Tree of Life and how it depicts our connection with the spiritual world, as well as providing a map for the soul’s growth. The Tree is a map of sorts, with ten spheres of light, one in the physical world and the rest in the spiritual, mental and emotional realms of existence. 

You’ll find a diagram below. Without going into the full details here, the bottom most sphere (10) represents the physical world and universe.The upper nine represent the spiritual realm, and aspects of your soul are on all of those, ready to wake up.

The spheres above it, 1-9 represent various degrees of divinity and on a personal level, human consciousness. We become self-aware bottom up. The themes that relate to the bottom four spheres are where we most need healing: relating, mental clarity and integrity, emotions and physical reality…

The upper most spheres (1-5) are where we connect with the parts of the soul that have been least impacted by the trials of human life, and where we find our spiritual power. We need to let go of our human insecurities to get there, including limiting beliefs and attitudes that we’ve inherited from previous family generations and from past lives…

That freedom to be yourself can be found in the 6th sphere - your Sun. This is where we choose our soul’s path over conditioning, and turn our attention to our full potential. Aim for the infinite light, the uppermost sphere and beyond. The direction is what matters, not so much that we reach that place, if it even exists as a destination. 

The Adventure  of a Lifetime 

The Aha Moment. Two days ago I streamed a meditation on my spanish instagram; the focus was healing family patterns. Yesterday I was thinking about that meditation and it dawned on me that your South Node is where your soul enters the world, we find that energy in sphere 10 on the Tree of Life. Your North Node is on sphere #1, what we aim for as we grow and evolve. The ability to break free, through clarity and self-awareness, is found on the sixth sphere - that Sun ☀

There is more to Kabbalah than this, but each of the spheres on the Tree of Life has an archetype that relates to its energy and function. That Sun has two archetypes that help us unlock its light and power. One of them is your Soul; the task is to follow your soul’s path to infinite growth, leaving behind conditioning and limiting family patterns. That said, it’s not about leaving behind everything our family taught us, just the behaviors that may have worked for them in the past, but sabotage us in this life. There are a lot of good things that we can keep. 

Funny thing is I had this aha moment yesterday when the Moon was at 29 degrees Aquarius - my south node and what I need to leave behind. It’s my learning curve, amplified because I’m also a natal Aquarius. The natal chart points to our specific challenges, what we internalize.

So for example, my immediate family, my siblings and parents, are always encouraging and happy to shine. This bit of ancestral programming stuck with me because of my south node, and it’s self sabotage that I’ve been releasing for years. 

Even as I was writing my book, Chakra Healing & Magick, I was self-conscious about it. You won’t believe it, but it’s taken me this long to be comfortable with the magick part being out there for anyone to read. And the book is fantastic, have a look!

Join me on social media below. 

Reiki hugs, 



Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  


Thursday, April 18, 2024

Rewrite Your Life Story with Tarot & Energy Healing

If you are lucky enough to find a tarot coloring book you will have struck a gold mine, as the symbolism in tarot speaks to our subconscious in ways that a pop culture or movie-themed coloring book never will” ~  Chakra Healing & Magick, by yours truly…

Energy Healing and Tarot

One of the key themes in my book is how we would all benefit from engaging with our creativity as part of the energy healing process - whether we turn to music, art, theatre or automatic writing. Writing and drawing are two of my favorite techniques, especially when I combine them with crystals or tarot. Tarot speaks to the unconscious in a way that is profound, and as discussed in Chapter 7, it also helps us focus our energy healing sessions. 

The idea is to heal the mental, emotional and spiritual weight of past experiences - tarot brings these to life in a way that is accessible to everyone. We can then combine those insights with energy healing to heal the past, rewriting our story so that we become catalysts for growth, as opposed to victims of circumstance. I offer energy healing sessions that are based on tarot, and this overall approach can be combined with Jungian counseling. Let’s go deeper by clarifying and reframing the personal narratives that hold us back. 

Color Your Unconscious 💜

Today I’m excited to share that one of my tutors from The College of Psychic Studies is releasing a tarot coloring book later this year - can’t wait to see it! Avril Price is a fantastic teacher, with 20 plus years of teaching and tarot reading experience. I signed up for a workshop with her last month, on my London holiday. Out this November, the book is sure to be a gold mine. It’s called The Watkins Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Coloring Book. It’s on preorder now, have a look on Barnes & Noble. 

Avril’s new coloring book focuses on the original Rider Waite Smith deck, upon which most modern decks have been designed. It is a good place to start because once we learn the symbolism of RWS, we can read dozens of other decks without having to make a huge effort at memorization. But as I’ve mentioned elsewhere, what matters most to me is that I am drawn to the images, both intuitively and artistically. 

With this in mind, I’ve added snapshots of some of my favorite tarot decks to my latest Instagram post. They are all fab and easy for beginners. In full transparency, I haven’t seen Avril’s book yet but based on my experience with her in class, I’m sure it will be great. If you do buy another deck, having both visuals will come in handy. 

If you’re new to Diary of a Psychic Healer, the blog posts on this link are from my student days with Avril Price. Please have a look at the blog on your laptop and search for the topic of your choice. Many years and 550+ posts since this adventure began. 

Reiki hugs, 


Ps … Book a reading with Avril on Instagram.com/avrilpricetarot


Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  

Friday, March 15, 2024

Remote Viewing & Mediumship

I’m on vacation in London for a few weeks - it has been ten years since I moved away and I find myself loving it. It’s my favorite city, by far. Didn’t realize just how many friends I still had here, and it’s been so cool catching up with everyone. 

Along the way, I signed up for two workshops at my former psychic school - or the College, as we tend to call it affectionately. Funny enough, both workshops were held in the same room where I took my first classes, back in 2010, and where I later had to do a platform demonstration of angel readings. Have to admit I was feeling nostalgic. 

The first workshop was taught by the remote viewer, psychic and podcaster, Ann Théato. We began with a few intuition exercises to read each other’s Auras and pinpoint areas of tension. My classmate saw stuck energy in my left ankle (I wear a compression stocking that wasn’t visible) and in my tummy - both impressions, accurate. 

But the big surprise came when the teacher had us do the same psychic meditation that we did in my first ever clairvoyance workshop at the College, back in January 2010. You tune into your classmate’s home psychically, seeing and feeling it with your intuition, and describe it to them. When I attended that class 14 years ago, it totally blew my mind 🤩🤩🤩 Now it seems normal.

One of the things that stood out this week: I intuited that my classmates home should have music but that it wasn’t there. It turned out that her partner is a DJ and music was the norm for them, but his speakers broke down. The music was playing in his headphones, not the house.

It was a real testament to our tutor, Ann, that by the looks of it, most of my classmates were able to remote view each other’s homes. The teacher’s way of working was very direct, a quick opening meditation and onto the good stuff. 

After that we changed partners and tried a new exercise that blended mediumship and clairvoyance - tuning into the home of a family member that had passed away and describing their home. We didn’t know who the person was; finding out was part of the class assignment. 

I felt it was my classmate’s paternal grandmother, and when I described the house, the look on her face was a clear confirmation. I liked this particular approach because looking at a loved one’s house is emotionally easier than receiving messages. Still not keen to go there, but it’s nice to know that it is possible. It gives people closure. 

If anyone is interested in mediumship, Ann Théato teaches through her website (AnneTheato.com). And of course, mediumship has always been a big area of focus at The College of Psychic Studies. Since Queen Victoria’s days …

Reiki hugs, 


Ps … I flopped at the classic remote viewing protocol. RV is a detailed psychic technique that has apparently been used by law enforcement to obtain information on cases. My previous remote viewing posts can be found here (2013-14)


Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.