Over the years, I've had many takes on this question. Are spirit guides figments of our unconscious or our imagination? I think it's important to be open to being wrong, and not to become too attached to our beliefs.
But first, what are spirit guides?
The idea is that when we ask our intuition for answers, the answer can come from several places - I cover these options in my book, Chakra Healing & Magick, but basically, our intuition brings messages from the angels, spirit guides, your higher self and some would say, from God.
I didn't include the last one in my book (long story) but basically, spirit guides are humans who lived on Earth and that have wisdom or special experience to share with us. Growing up Catholic, this didn't feel like a stretch because I was used to asking a particular saint for help. Like St Francis of Assisi. Asking an ancestor for guidance is common in Mexico too. But after I found my psychic school, my guides became a lot more colorful than that. In the past I've blogged about how I used to see a wizard in my early days as a psychic student. Funny enough, he helped me negotiate a new job for myself, with a much better salary.
But even then, I thought the wizard was a figment of my imagination, and I'd push him aside. Then my classmates started seeing him too, and I finally decided to take him seriously. This was in 2010 to 2011, when I was a newbie. I was still scared of magick and intuition - on one hand, I didn't think it was real and I worried people would think I had lost my mind. This went on for a few years - even after I'd graduated as an energy healer. By 2015, I was completely sold on healing yourself with magick. Soon after, I started writing my magick book.
Round about that time, the wizard guide disappeared and I started to wonder if he had been a figment of my imagination or my unconscious. The latter would have been just as valuable as a real spirit guide...
My assumption was that the clairvoyant image was there to awaken the healer or magician in me, and that when I embodied that, he disappeared. I was sad when that happened, but magick is about who we become. Not that I'm a wizard LOL, but now I feel happy and comfortable talking about crystals, astrology, psychic abilities etc.
So imagine my surprise, when I started teaching intuition in 2016. My first big workshop was on psychic abilities, angels and goddesses. I led the students on a few guided meditations before putting them in small groups. Each of the groups would connect with an angel or guide - a mystical musical chairs where the students changed places to feel the energy of an angel vs. an archangel vs. a goddess. I had attended a similar workshop with Sue Allen, in 2010, when I was just starting out. Loved it 🔮
> When I was splitting them up into 4-5 groups, that wizard guide came back and asked me to put him with a group. I told that specific group that they were connecting with one of my guides - a wizard. They expected someone solemn to appear, say Gandalf, but he is playful and fun. The cool thing is when the students in that group talked about their experiences, they'd all seen and felt the same things. Like literally the same clairvoyant images, sensations etc. I wasn't guiding the meditation or telling them what to see, because five groups were meditating at the same time, each with a different archangel, guide or goddess.
So yes, I'm back to spirit guides being real. I have been there since 2016 LOL. They can be a lot of fun to connect with. Have a look at Chapter 6 for details: Psychic Development for Beginners 🌟🌟🌟
Reiki hugs,
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