Friday, May 30, 2014

A Visit with the Drepung Gomang Monks - by Leslie

I'm thrilled to introduce a guest post on Mandalas by Leslie from Inner Calm Reiki. Leslie is a gifted healer. You can visit her Facebook Page or find her on Twitter (here!). Reiki Hugs, Regina 

A Visit With the Drepung Gomang Monks 

I attend a small Spiritualist Church, The Journey Within, located in New Jersey. Its humble beginning is a story in itself. Recently, we invited the Deprung Gomang Monks to honor us with a visit and were elated when they agreed to come. The Monks go on tours throughout the states (and perhaps the world), to bring awareness of their plight, share their traditions and to spread a message of peace and unity. Although all of our beliefs may not be the same, during their visit it didn’t matter. You just wanted to be around them. You needed to feel their energy. To be in their presence, you immediately felt the calmness and inner peace that is their very core.

They had an opening and closing ceremony filled with music, chanting and blessings. They chanted for us and we sung for them. It was moving to say the least, and they appreciated us just as much as we appreciated them. In between the ceremonies was when they worked on the most incredible peace mandala. If you’re not familiar, a mandala is a colorful piece of artwork made up of symbols. It may include a variety of religious symbols, elements (earth, wind, and fire), people, etc. Each symbol has a meaning and a purpose.

To create the mandala, a chalk drawing using rulers and string, so that the lines are precise, are first drawn out on a wooden platform. Fine sand is dyed with brilliant colors and inserted into long metal cone/tube like instruments, which the monks then use to gently tap out sand, a few grains at a time. Sections are carefully layered until they become three dimensional. They are precise and meticulous in their work. What it represents to them means too much to allow for error, and you immediately sense its importance.

I sat in our little chapel and watched these talented Monks sit on the ground, legs crossed pretzel style and work for hours on this mandala. I crossed my legs and meditated, totally absorbing the energy from the room. The chanting music playing in the background filling me, and I allowed myself to let go and chant along within my mind. I felt safe and I felt accepted.

In most cases the finished mandala is destroyed by sweeping up the sand and setting it free in a nearby body of water symbolizing that nothing has permanence. The waters are said to carry healing energy throughout the world. Some, like my church, opt to preserve it so it can remain on display. Not an easy feat, but it can be done. 

Several weeks after their visit, I was still basking in the afterglow of their energy. Their message of peace, unity and healing is one we should all share. We must do better, be better, be selfless and be more giving. Recognize that there is no I alone and that we are truly one. We need to heal and to be healed so we may all persevere.

Love & Light be with you always - Leslie

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How to Shield Your Energy

We made it! This is the third in a series on Grounding, Clearing and Shielding the Energy Body. These steps can be done individually, but it’s much better to follow a sequence and get the benefit of all three. It only takes a few minutes when we get in the habit. 

What is Shielding? 

When we shield or protect our energy field, we activate our Auric Boundaries so that we can keep our energy free from other people’s thoughts, feelings, emotions, opinions, frustrations, etc. It also keeps us free from energetic debris that might be floating around on the streets, hustle and bustle, etc. 

This will be helpful if you take public transport or work in a place with lots of people coming and going. It's not uncommon to have a hard time with crowds, if this is the case, grounding and protecting your energy will help a lot. 

For those of us who are interested in energy work, it’s vital to ground and protect ourselves everyday. It’s like getting dressed in the morning before going out. Shielding insulates us from the cold; we still go out, interact and enjoy ourselves, etc. The only difference is we’re warm and toasty!

How to Shield Your Energy:
  • The quickest is to ASK for protection and to TRUST that it will come through. We also have guardian angels looking out for us, they can keep us energetically clear and protected if we ask. If you’re into psychic meditations, be sure to protect yourself and to ask your guardians to filter the energy that comes through. We only want high vibes. 
  • Asking for help is great, but we can also do our part. I prefer quick meditations where I picture a bubble of light around my body. Some people like to try wackier visualizations: scuba gear, astronaut suits, even sleeping bags! Whatever works for you. Maybe a fuzzy wizard cloak ;-)
  • Ground and protect your energy before you go to sleep, and then again when you wake up in the morning. Having a routine makes it part of your awareness, so that you’re grounded and protected day after day. The KEY ingredients are INTENTION and of course, TRUSTING that it will happen. 
I learned most of this at the School of Intuition and Healing in London, where I trained as a Healer. One of the techniques we learned is simple and effective: ground yourself in Mother Nature and then cloak yourself with the energy of LOVE. This is all we need to stay clear. Every now and then I meet people who are interested in energy healing, psychic development or intuition, but they're scared of what they might encounter if they open up. Truth is, feeling grounded, protected and loved keeps you clear. Our thoughts are also magnets - repetitive thought patterns are crystalized in the Aura so keep an eye on mental chatter. And please stay grounded! See below for a great video by Sue Allen from the School of Intuition and Healing. She also covers opening up and closing down during sessions, good to know! =) 

If you're interested in learning psychic development or energy healing, I would encourage you to sign up for a class. For those of you in London, check out The College of Psychic Studies and the School of Intuition and Healing. 2021 Update! I have energy healing meditations on Youtube (See Here!

Shielding and Relationships: 

Some personality types have a harder time maintaining their energy, especially in relationships. Their boundaries might be blurry and they cross them often. This happens when we’re too eager to please, to rescue or to help other people. Or when we don’t feel secure and confident enough to say NO. There will be times when we need an extra boost, for example, when we spend time with certain people. Especially if we feel flooded by their drama, their emotions or their agenda. Our energy and strength could use a boost. Start by visualizing a gold plate over your Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakra. 

A quick point on the CHAKRAS: 
  • We relate to others on an emotional level through the Sacral Chakra, just under the belly button. Healers often put on weight around the tummy area to add a layer of protection. If this sounds familiar, it might explain cravings for sugar and carbs. There are healthier ways to go about it. Strength training and martial arts can help a lot, especially if you work on your core strength. We can protect the Sacral by placing a hand over it. 
  • The Solar Plexus is our Personal Power Center. It’s located in the abdomen and is representative of us as individuals. We rely on the Solar Plexus for strength in negotiations, be it personal or business. Shielding the SOLAR PLEXUS keeps us clear of other people’s agendas and opinions, so we can formulate our own. You can stimulate your Solar Plexus with core bodywork, like Yoga or Pilates. It’s also a good idea to strengthen our boundaries by defining what we will or won’t accept.  

If you are interested in becoming a healer or an intuitive, it’s also a good idea to keep your energy grounded, clear and protected during sessions. This allows us to read the client’s energy without taking on any of their baggage; after all we don’t want to heal others by taking on their stuff and making ourselves sick in the process. Learning to protect and manage your own energy is a big step. 

Reiki hugs, 



Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angels, tarot and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a Healer at the School of Intuition & Healing. Regina's passion is bringing joy and empowerment to healing pursuits.  


Image: (updated 2021)

Monday, May 26, 2014

Distant Reiki for Puppies!

I'm getting a puppy! A Yorkie! 

Found her last week. She's only six weeks old so I won't pick her up until sometime in June, when she's old enough. In the meantime, I'm playing around with distant reiki for puppies. I'm hoping it will help her settle in when we finally pick her up, and maybe make for a happier, well adjusted pup. 

In healing school we learned about sending reiki to the past, present, future, also to people we haven't met or to situations that we were going to face at some point. When something new comes up, whether it's a new puppy, an exam, or my first time on AIR Psychic Radio, I read up, rehearse, send myself Reiki. I am not the kind of person who just wings it. Learned it the hard time when I didn't practice enough for a demonstration healing during my final exams: stage fright got the best of me and I totally failed an "easy" exam (see here). A puppy isn't an exam, though I'll be tested with housetraining her. And helping the puppy feel at home. Reiki can help loads with that! =) 

Here's the little pup!

Please Join Me Below!
Reiki hugs, Regina 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

How to Clear Your Energy

Hi Everyone! This is a transcript of my A1R Psychic Radio show. The second in a series on Grounding, Clearing and Energetic Protection."

"My name is Regina. I am so excited to be here on A1R Psychic Radio. For those of you know don’t know me, I’m a qualified Healer and Reiki Master, as well as an Angel Reading Enthusiast. You can find me on my blog and Facebook page, both called Diary of a Psychic Healer." 

Last week we talked about the practice of GROUNDING (see here) and how important it is to connect with Mother Earth on a daily basis. Keeps us sane and energised. Today we’re moving onto the next step in psychic development, and that’s How to Clear Your Energy Field (also known as the AURIC FIELD, or the AURA). 

Start by picturing a bubble of light around your body. It’s shaped like an egg, going over your head, under your feet and out to your sides. This is what we refer to as the AURA. On any given day, it will extend an arm’s length in any direction, though this varies from person to person. If you have ever felt someone walk up behind you, they may have overstepped your auric boundary. Those of us who live in crowded cities often keep our energy closer to our bodies. That’s because the AURA absorbs feelings and energy associated with our day-to-day thoughts and interactions. It can even sponge off others. Clearing the Aura releases tension from the physical, mental and emotional body. Otherwise, this energy builds until we start to feel overburdened. When I am under a lot of stress I try several Aura cleansing techniques, including meditation, breathing exercises, singing or even swimming and brisk walking.

Why Clear Your Energy Field? 

Clearing your AURA is a good way to release emotional baggage. This includes memories, social conditioning, even other people’s thoughts on how we should live our lives. Everything we experience leaves an energetic mark on the aura. By clearing our aura, we eliminate the noise that can drown out your inner voice, inner wisdom and higher purpose. It eliminates confusion. You can clear everything except for LOVE because that is what we’re made of. I find it best to use a combination of physical and energetic clearing tools, whether it’s meditation, flower essences, crystals or a quick light and water shower. 

Today we will cover three Aura Cleansing techniques:

  • Energy Clearing Visualizations: My personal favourite involves a tornado of light and water that circles your Aura,  taking any excess energy with it. We learned this at the School of Intuition and Healing in London, where I trained as a Healer. Start by sitting in a comfortable chair, picture a human sized tornado touching down in front of you. It slowly circles you in a clockwise direction, the spin cycle pulls any stuck or tired energy from your body. When it comes full circle, send it away to the universe. We usually pictured three separate tornados, some with water, others with light. This technique is helpful for normal human stress. I also like to do aura cleansing in the shower. Just intend for the water to wash away any stuck energy. It goes down the drain. You can also picture light flowing through your energy field into the ground at any time! 
  • Quartz Pendulums are wonderful for energy clearing, though first you’ll have to clear and program your pendulum. To clear the pendulum, hold it under the faucet and run cold water over it. Then hold it in your hand and use your intention to program it for your highest good. Crystals absorb our thoughts and feeling very quickly, so its a good idea to program crystal pendulums every time you use them. It takes a minute. When you are ready, let the pendulum hang on its string, and tell it "clear my energy and show me when you are done". You can also use this to clear the room you are in. It will usually spin slowly at first. Intend for the pendulum to stop spinning when your energy is clear. Finally, visualize white light running through your body into the ground. We always begin and end by grounding ourselves and by placing a protective bubble of light around our aura. If you'd like to try using a pendulum, these posts may be helpful: The Language of the Pendulum & Healing with a Pendulum. They are both from my early days as a student healer! =) 
  • Self-Healing: You can also clear, heal and release stuck energy by giving yourself healing, whether its Reiki or another type of Energy Healing. Reiki is a healing modality that originated in Japan last century. It’s simple to learn, but you do have to attend a class and receive an attunement before you can give yourself Reiki (this isn’t true for other kinds of energy healing). If you’d like to learn more about self-healing, I recently published a book called A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer and Love. The book is written for families who are coping with cancer, but the techniques by be used by anyone who is interested in self-healing and meditation. 

These are just a few techniques. There's a wonderful book by Karla McLaren called Your Aura and Your Chakras: The Owner's Manual which goes into this in a lot more detail, including healing and balancing each chakra and aura layer. We can also clear the space in your room, your place of work, etc. Next week we’ll talk about energetic protection, and how we can keep our energy clear  during the day. Shielding is the last step in this process!" 

Thanks for Listening and Reading! 

Please tune in next week. 



Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  

Image: (added June 2022)

Monday, May 19, 2014

Memories of the Soul - Life Lessons

A couple days ago I shared an update on the Memories of the Soul Facebook Page inviting people to post advice they'd give their younger selves. (MOTS is a forum that I moderate) The responses have been so telling! A few things come up over and over again: believe in yourself, get an education, save for the future, and of course "YOU ARE SO WORTH IT!" or even "GET OUT NOW!" 

They're all so valuable it's hard to rank them, here are the first fifty: 
  • 1) Finish School, 2) Live for Today, 3) Plan for Tomorrow
  • You are enough
  • Trust the journey
  • Put yourself first
  • Have no regrets!
  • It will be OK
  • Trust, Travel and Embrace
  • Always be yourself
  • Live without regret, lose any guilt, spread love where you go!
  • Go on, emmigrate
  • Go to college, know you're as good as anyone else 
  • Don't trust everyone you meet
  • You are loved
  • Live your life
  • Live, Love, Laugh
  • Follow your Bliss
  • Don't be afraid
  • Careful what you wish for
  • Follow your heart
  • Have no fears
  • Love yourself
  • Enjoy every moment
  • You are love
  • Just let go
  • Appreciate your family
  • Don't give up
  • You're worth more
  • Yes you can!
  • Learn to surf (one of my favourites!)
  • Don't be scammed, by yourself, friends, family, etc. 
  • Forgive yourself, forgive others
  • You are AMAZING
  • Love, Live, Breathe
  • Always respect yourself
  • Praise the Lord
  • Get it together
  • Run like Hell!!! 
  • Save your money!
  • Lotto number is ... 
  • It get's better (especially in high school) 
  • Listen to Mom!
  • Find your way
  • Go to college
  • You deserve greatness 
  • Reach for the stars
  • Pay attention to your inner promptings, it's your Soul speaking
  • Promise to always dance
  • Never ever settle
  • Don't take things so seriously, laugh more!
  • Hang in there
  • Live, learn, listen
  • Let it be 

Read the whole list HERE

Alsoooo, my new A1R PSYCHIC RADIO SHOW airs Tuesday nights, 10 pm EST. Listen live HERE or catch up on the archives HERE. Just scroll through the list and find Diary of a Psychic Healer with Regina. =) 

Please Join Me Below!
Reiki hugs, Regina 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Grounding 101 (Part 2!)

Last week we talked about how useful it is to develop our intuition and our natural healing abilities. The more we learn to trust our sixth sense, the easier it is to navigate the waters of life. I mention water; because this element is linked to our emotions, and boy do they have a tendency to trip us up! Think of a boat sailing through choppy waters, and how eager you would be to get back to shore. That's because the earth provides natural stability. Along the same lines, a firm sense of grounding is essential for energy workers. Which brings me to this week's topic: grounding!

So what is grounding?

Let's ask the expert ... A few months ago I had the pleasure of featuring Justin Bonnet from Healing for Grounding on my blog. Like so many spiritual seekers, Justin's energy is naturally "UP THERE" and he's had quite a journey bringing it back to earth. I am borrowing some of Justin's ideas today. I'd like to send him a big thank you for helping me with today's show! =) 
Justin defines grounding as "the quality of our connection with the earth." A firm sense of grounding will let us feel comfortable in our bodies, in our life and in our surroundings. Grounded people live in the moment, enthusiastically, rather than in their minds. It keeps us in the Now.
It's also the cornerstone of energy work. Energy Healers often use the GAPP protocol, where we Ground, Attune and Protect our Energy before asking Spirit for permission to begin the healing session). We learn to do this before every session because it keeps us safe. It also enhances our ability to channel healing energy. Think of the human body as a grounding rod, the excess energy has to run into the ground, or it will overheat the building (in this case, the healer). Grounding provides an easy outlet for all kinds of personal energy. That could be your own feelings, or emotions that you may have absorbed from other people. Grounding is vital for healers, it's also useful in daily life.

How do you GROUND yourself?

There are plenty of techniques to choose from. Yoga, Tai Chi and breath work are very effective, basically, anything that brings your attention to your body and how it feels. Spending time in nature also works wonders. Eating fresh vegetables can also be grounding. And my personal favorite: grounding meditations where you see and feel earth energy run through your body. The emphasis has to be on how it feels, to make it real, otherwise the exercise could be purely mental. The techniques are simple, the “quote un-quote” hard part is remembering to check-in every day.

Grounding is a daily practice, not a one-time fix, so it does require a bit of dedication. By now, Im sure youre wondering, whats in it for me?

Being grounded has amazing benefits: 
  • Stimulate your Root Chakra: Being grounded goes hand in hand with having a healthy and vibrant Root Chakra. The Root (or Base Chakra) is located at the bottom of the spine and is usually seen as red in color. It is our connection to the earth and all of it's wonderful, healing energy. The Root represents our sense of belonging, with our families, our communities and how safe we feel being ourselves. It is also the foundation for the rest of the energy system, including the physical body and any symptoms felt there. A healthy root feeds into the rest of our chakras, providing a solid foundation for every aspect of life whether its abundance, relationships, self expression or your connection to the divine. If you do nothing else today, ground yourself! ;-) 
  • Let off Steam: Grounding provides a special release mechanism. When we are grounded, stress and tension can be sent into the ground, where it is cleansed and purified. This includes anxiety and general energy absorbed from other people. If you are a sensitive person, grounding can be a godsend. Start by visualizing a grounding cord, extending from the soles of your feet or from your Root Chakra, down to the center of the earth. Scan your energy and intend for any emotional debris to fall through the cord into the ground. You can also finish by visualizing a violet flame at the center of the earth, purifying the energy so that it can be used again.
  • Recharge Your Batteries: We can also bring new energy into our body through the foot chakras. When I'm tired, the bottoms of my feet start to pulsate. I take that as a cue to put my feet on the ground and soak in the energy. You can activate your foot chakras by visualizing and feeling roots growing out of the bottom of your feet into the ground. The trick is to pay attention to how it feels, especially how it feels being anchored to Mother Earth. At first it may help to picture green earth  energy flowing into your body. Hold the intention and trust that it will happen.
  • Surf Through Life: This is a benefit that I am just wrapping my head around: being grounded makes it easier for us to capitalise on the natural ebb and flow in the universe. When you're grounded, things fall into place easily. It's like catching that perfect wave and letting it carry you to the finish line. The wave has always been there, but when you're ungrounded it will pass you by (or knock you down). Now that I think of it  surfing is also a great way to ground yourself! So go out and get grounded! 

This may seem like a lot of information, but don't worry, it's all intertwined. Working on the Root Chakra strengthens the legs and hips, or vice versa. Try a few approaches and see what works for you. Some people are better at grounding through their legs with yoga. Others are good with meditation. Please visit Justin Bonnet's blog for more details: You'll find lots of useful info on crystals, essential oils, massages and other grounding techniques. 

Once you are grounded, visualise a soft white light around your Aura. This serves to protect your energy and keep it clear, so you can go about your day with no fuss.

Read Chakra Healing & Magick more on grounding, clearing and shielding your energy. There  you'll find an introduction to the energy body, the auras, chakras, etc. Thank You for tuning in! =) 

Please Join Me Below!
Reiki hugs, Regina 

Image: (added June 2022)