Thursday, June 9, 2016

Things Every Psychic Explorer Should Know

In 2015, I signed up for an advanced class at my psychic school - our tutor focused on the skills needed to teach the intuitive arts. Students flex their chakras and give each other messages. It dawned on me, there are four things I wish I'd known (with certainty) when I was starting out.   

1) Everyone has psychic abilities, even if they don't know it. I was vaguely aware of this in school. Intuition is an ability that we all possess to an extent, and we can meditate to develop it further. But I didn't understand how psychic we really were until the years flew by and I began teaching. At first, I couldn't help smiling when a student mentioned feeling strong heat in their palms, often a sign of healing abilities, or when several saw the same clairvoyant image in their mind's eye during meditations. Students often mention seeing a specific image, like an apple or a color, before I described it in a clairvoyant meditation. These comments rang a bell.

2) Awakening our intuition is a process. We may start by feeling temperature changes, seeing flashes of color, or with fleeting thoughts. Then our angels and guides reveal themselves in our mind's eye. These are signposts along the way, letting us know that we are on the right track. I was lucky enough to keep a journal in the form of this blog; as I see my students evolve, I recognize many of the steps that I went through four or five years ago. As a teacher, it is easier to trust the process than it was as a student. There were plenty of times when I was sure I would never be able to give a full reading. The ability to receive messages builds with practice. 

3) We open up and advance at our own pace. Some of my classmates went through the intro and intermediate levels in six months while others took years. I think this may have something to do with our astrology. I suspect that people with plenty of Water (intuition, emotions) and Fire (divine spark) in their charts are naturally more intuitive than those of us who have more Earth (practical, materialistic) and Air (logic) in our charts. There are benefits to having lots of Earth or Air - we have more grounding to build on, and intuitive thoughts flow quickly when they start to appear. But to begin with, that materialism and my rational mind were big hurdles.

The fourth I did know as my teachers were fantastic. Always begin a session by grounding, clearing and shielding your personal space. Grounding makes it possible for us to receive practical messages, clearing releases any emotions that we may have absorbed from others and shielding keeps us safe. Follow the links below to go deeper with your intuition

Chakra Healing & Magick goes through the steps that have worked best for me. I am so pleased to share the book with you 💖

Disponible en español 🇲🇽

USA ~ Mexico ~ España

Join me on Youtube or Instagram for meditations to go with the book. Enjoy the process!

Reiki hugs,



Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  


Image Updated 2021:

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