Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Using Karma to Our Advantage

I used to have this concept of karma as a divine retribution system, where things we did selfishly came back to haunt us. Then I read a fantastic book called The Essential Dalai Lama: a compilation of essays and speeches on Buddhism, including a chapter on karma. That’s when I learned that we can use the law of causality to create luck for ourselves and for others. 

Before we talk about karma, let's begin with Cause and Effect: The idea is that everything we experience is brought about by an action of ours. This includes job opportunities, relationships, coincidences, etc. It has been said that  success is the result of  hard work and luck. Well, we can use the  karma to manifest all sorts of good luck for ourselves. It isn't magic, where you focus on a specific outcome. Instead, we are led to the right place at the right time. By now I'm sure you are wondering how we generate good karma (and hopefully lots of it). 

Our karmic balance is determined by:
  • MOTIVATION: The first is our motivation and our intention. Most of our actions are driven by an emotion, whether its ambition, love, compassion, self-preservation or fear. What do we want to accomplish and how badly do we want it. The stronger the motivation, the stronger the karmic load. 
  • ACTION: How do we accomplish that goal, and what are the consequences? Are they positive, negative or neutral?  For example, if we are motivated by fear or competition, and we do something to push someone out of the way (metaphorically), that has a negative impact on their life. It has negative consequences for them, immediately, and for us on a karmic level. Actions with positive consequences will generate good karma. Then there are neutral actions, there are no real consequences for better or worse. Ideally we would think about this before we take action. 
  • COMPLETION: How do you feel when you are done? This is where the Dalai Lama includes the potential for remorse as a mitigating factor: we might feel bad if our good intentions had unexpected consequences and it didn’t turn out so well. Ideally we will have strong motivations to do good, positive consequences and a sense of completion when it is all done. There may be times when our motivation is not that strong at the outset, and we can use this last step to tilt the balance in our favour (positive karma). 

The book also mentions that the good karma we create can come to us, or to someone else in the community, and vice versa. I like to think of good karma as a shower of light that rains down on us, it builds when we act on our selfless intentions. Communities flourish when it rains; they dry out when we experience a drought. To make it rain, all we have to do is inject a bit of kindness at the intention stage. Let that influence our actions. Self awareness and presence can also help us generate good karma, let's take a moment to think before we act. 


Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Predicting the Future - or Not?

Today we're going to talk about the Future. This is a funny one. The future doesn’t exist, but people ask about it all the time. Just this weekend I had an email from a potential client asking about psychic readings. She wanted to know if I predicted the future, and how much I charged for it. The short answer is NO. I have yet to see the future. We can  put 2 and 2 together and predict that if you continue doing XY or Z, you will find yourself in a pickle. But that’s not predicting the future. It’s using common sense and relying on our intuition.

For starters, I don’t believe that the future is set in stone. We are constantly creating it with our choices, our beliefs, our thoughts and our energy. And if I had to choose between predicting the future and creating it, I would go for the latter. I like to think of life as a “Choose Your Own Adventure” novel where your choices determine the path you’re on. If you’re not familiar with the books, Choose Your Own Adventure is a series where the reader follows one of the characters and makes decisions for them. 

If you choose Option A, it takes the character down one path. If you choose Option B, they end up somewhere else. It’s a fun action-adventure series and its easy to get your character killed. As a reader, you can go through the novel over and over again, making different choices and seeing where they lead you. There are multiple endings and several storylines with different challenges. Certain events fall across all of these storylines, and maybe in real life, these would correspond to those big events that we can’t seem to escape. Even then, what happens next depends on our reactions and how we choose to deal with adversity (or in some cases, how we deal with good luck – lottery winners often report chaos and upheaval in their lives. We can be completely unprepared even for the “best” of surprises). 

As far as psychic readings are concerned, it’s common to ask about the future. I’ve done it myself many times. But if you think about it, we usually ask about the future when the present moment is unclear. Is it worth investing more time and energy in our plans? Will our dreams work out? Should we give up and go with Plan B instead? All of these are valid questions and to some extent, our determination makes a huge difference. If this is the issue, I'd suggest a lesson on manifesting and meditation. We covered these topics last week, follow this link for Five Steps to Manifest Your Goals, including Meditation, Taking Action and Letting Go. We can also use these to see if our Goals are in alignment with the Highest Good. We’ve all chased the wrong carrot at one point or another. No point doing that again!

Beyond that, psychic readings can be really helpful. Especially when we are trying to navigate our next steps. We won’t always have visibility of the things that goes on around us, and you can ask questions to gain clarity. For example, if you’re angling for a transfer at work, you might not know about vacancies that will be opening up. Rather than ask if the transfer will come through, you can ask questions that will make it easier for you to target your job search. I did this a couple years ago. My contract was running out and I needed to find a new job, hopefully at the same company. I used my pendulum to ask which teams would have vacancies, and then narrowed it down to ask who was leaving. 

The pendulum can be really helpful because it gives you YES/NO answers though you have to keep a clear head. It told me that one of my colleagues was leaving. I went into work the next day and told my boss that I’d heard rumors about a vacancy on that team. Apparently, she was leaving but Human Resources hadn’t posted the vacancy yet. The pendulum was accurate, but I didn’t ask if the job was right for me and in the end, it didn’t work out! Asking the right questions is crucial too! 

Another question that comes up is if we can manifest ANYTHING. I don’t know the answer to this, but there is a theory that I can relate to (courtesy of my  friend and psychic school classmate, April). Think of life as a buffet dinner. We can only fit so many things on our plate, but there are a range of events, relationships and opportunities available to us. Some good, others not so much. The elements that we manifest depend on the choices we make, our beliefs and the energy we send out into the world. Just because something isn't on our plate now, doesn't mean that it won't be in the future. If you’re plate is too full you might have to wait until you have the time, presence and emotional maturity to deal with it. 

Some things won’t be on our manifesting menu to begin with. This can seem like bad news, but if we had a full view of all the wonderful opportunities at our disposal, we wouldn’t waste time worrying about the things that are off limits. This is one of the reasons why I like asking for my best and trusting the Universe to point me in the right direction. 

Thanks for reading! 
Reiki hugs, Regina 

Image: (Updated July 2021) 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Five Steps to Manifest Your Goals

Today I'm going to share a little secret (quick, tell your friends!); Energy Healing can also be used to manifest our goals. I like to think in terms of goals, because we are on a journey of co-creation. Divine intervention always helps, but personal initiative makes a huge difference. 

Even when it comes to magick we’re told to set an intention, ask for spiritual support, and take the steps necessary to make it happen (action). "The dream is free, the hustle is sold separately!" Give it some thought, and happy manifesting! 

Intuitive Goal Setting Tips

  • 1) SELF-REFLECTION. Think about your life, where you are now and how you want to evolve. Where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years? This can include relationships, career, starting a family, moving to a new location, paying for college, grad school, etc. It's also a good idea to connect with your Higher Self and ask for permission. We don't want to manifest something that will hurt or unduly influence other people. Once we have a clear vision of what we want to achieve, we move onto the next step.   

  • 2) ASK FOR GUIDANCE - This could involve asking your guides and angels for guidance, or a person that you respect and trust. The question is, what can we do now to make our dream a reality? Visualise your future and meditate on the steps that can take you there. I like to ask Archangels Michael and Uriel for help. Michael brings discipline and logic, Uriel is the angel of insight. If you have never connected with the angels, this meditation will help you access your intuition. Ask your intuition to show you your next step and what you can do to improve to be ready for it. For example, if you want to start a new business, an accounting class could come in handy. Or a business mentor/partner, etc. Can we improve our skills to prepare for success? 
  • 3) HEAL YOURSELF - Part of manifesting involves healing our fears and hang ups. For example, if we want to manifest a relationship, start by healing the scars from the past. This can include beliefs about self-worth, trust issues and in some cases, self-control. Here we can follow a simple self-healing meditation. For example, connect with your Higher Self and send healing and clarity to yourself. You could go back in time, and ask the angels to point out experiences that need healing. I like to start by counting up from Age 1, and letting images flash through my mind. When something comes up and I have a strong emotional response, I dwell on it for a moment, send healing to my younger self and consciously let go of the “contract” it created. We don’t need to see everything that’s ever happened, only the experiences that are related to the situation we’re living now. You can bless these memories with love and light. Send love to the memory. 
  • 4) WORK YOUR MAGIC! Once we're clear and emotionally ready, there are several techniques that you can use to manifest the opportunity you seek. Vision boards, affirmations, even sending Reiki to your goals. I learned a brilliant meditation from Cate McKenzie in the UK, also known as the Love Coach. It involves tuning into your Heart Chakra and using the love in your heart to bring about the changes you desire. It's quite simple: sit down, close your eyes. Visualize a rose quartz sphere in front of you, an arms length away. Fill it with images of your dreams coming true, milestones being reached, etc. Pay attention to how it feels, and when you have brought it to life in your mind, take that lovely sphere into your hands and draw it into your Heart Chakra. The Heart Chakra is the bridge between our lower chakras, which connect us to the earth's life giving qualities, and the Higher Chakras, which connect us to our Higher Self. By feeling it in our Heart, we create space for that mental picture to become a physical reality. Try it out and let me know how it goes! Good luck =) 
  • 5) LIVE IN THE MOMENT! In order to manifest, create or attract what we want, we have to stay grounded. In the present moment. Otherwise our vision board stays on the astral level, limited to the Third Eye. Being present also means you'll be there to take advantage of opportunities. So stay grounded. Keep moving towards your goals and enjoy the journey. I'd suggest checking in with your vision board once a month, during the New Moon. Make sure it is still relevant and restate your intention. If a specific goal is no longer relevant let it go and focus on what matters. We can also ask Archangel Haniel to energize our goals with moon energy; she channels both red and pink light. 

I also pulled a tarot card asking what else we need to know - willpower is key. The answer reminds me of something I read in Christopher Penczack's Ascension Magic book: to create a new reality for ourselves, we have to align our Personal Will with Divine Will, so that we're not creating on our own. It gives us force. This is what we do in the 1st step when we ask for permission and make sure it won't harm anyone else (align with the Highest Good).

On a practical level, commitment to your goals will see them through. Often it’s about using your willpower to keep going, and not give up. In some cases, we may need to adapt to keep moving forward, taking experiences with us as learnings.  
Reiki hugs, 


2023 Update! Read my book Chakra Healing & Magick; release inner blocks to self-love, healing and happiness.


Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  


Image: (updated 2023)

Friday, August 8, 2014

Christianity 101 - Part 1

A few months ago I published a post called Buddhism 101. It struck me that the compassionate philosophy is similar to Christianity. Buddha also taught that we have responsibility to end suffering in the world, which is similar to Jesus's concern for the poor. Though personally, I don't think suffering is limited to the poor. Anti-depressants wouldn't be so common in developed nations if it were. 

Anyhow, back to the title subject. If you've read my blog, its no secret that I drifted away from Catholicism a while ago (read the post called Losing My Religion). It wasn't until I got into energy healing that I reconnected with Jesus the Healer, if not Jesus the Son of God. After all, Jesus was known for healing the sick, performing miracles and teaching compassion. Unfortunately Christians get a bad rap these days and I started to wonder: where is the disconnect? 

Sooo, a few weeks ago I downloaded three versions of the New Testament: Greek Orthodox, King James and Roman Catholic. Also the Ancient Greek text with annotations as I was curious about one discrepancy. I read the gospel of Matthew from each version, wanting to filter out church politics, and made a list of insights. In my own words, this is what I found:

  • Love God
  • Love your neighbour
  • Fill your heart with compassion
  • We'll be judged for what's in our hearts
  • Be humble. Keep your ego in check
  • Don't judge others or throw rocks
  • Your faith (certainty) will heal you 
  • Ask and you will receive 
  • God will provide. Trust
  • Practice forgiveness
  • Actions speak louder than words
  • Chikdlike joy will open doors to Heaven  
  • Love Advice: Monogamy and respect
  • Follow the 10 commandments  :-) 

I haven't read much of the other gospels yet, but I like the messages in this one. Be humble. Be kind. Be compassionate. Ask and you will receive (Law of Attraction) and a bit of healing. I am planning on reading the rest of the gospels to sniff out the passages on healing, miracles and manifestation {LINK}. At one point Jesus said we would do what he did, and more. Why hasn't it happened yet? 

Note: I'm planning on exploring different belief systems such as Buddhism, Christianity, Kabbalah and some pagan religions. Look for the "World Religions" label on the right. Please comment or send me an email with any thoughts or suggestions. 


Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  

Image: (updated 2023)


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Energy Healing, Cords and Relationships - Part 2

Last week I shared a post on energy cords, relationships and what we stand to gain by healing them (see here). If you missed it, relationship cords are threads of energy that connect us with the people we know and see most often: friends, family, colleagues, etc. They allow for the passage of friendly vibes, but they can also absorb emotions like stress, frustration or jealousy: the by-product of our daily interactions. The good news is we can clear and heal these cords. Today I’m going to talk you through a short healing meditation that you can use to clear the air on a regular basis. The idea is to connect with the other person's higher self and have a heart to heart, airing your concerns and listening to theirs.

Cord Healing Meditation

Find a quiet place to sit. Think of a relationship that you’d like to work on. With your eyes closed, invite that person to join you. Visualise them taking a seat across from you, at a comfortable and peaceful distance. We are going to protect them by placing a bubble of amethyst light around their energy field. 

  • GROUNDING and PROTECTING. I always begin healing meditations by grounding myself, keeps you safe and grounded (see here). You can do this by visualising a bubble of soft, protective light around your body. I like to give it the quality of amethyst, for transformation, healing and protection. We then ground ourselves by bringing our awareness into the body, especially the legs and feet. Feeling connected to the Earth.  You can also visualise grounding roots anchoring you to the earth.
  • VISUALISATION: Visualise a cord extending from your Heart to theirs. Let your imagination bring it to life, for example: what color is it? Is it made of rope, steel, cotton, or barbed wire? Is the energy balanced, does it flow in both directions? How does it make you feel? Heart to Heart cords are present in every relationship and these we only need to clear and heal. If you see cords attached to other chakras, have a look too. Cords to the Solar Plexus, Throat and Brow can be about control, boundaries or even too much curiosity (what are they thinking, etc?) This kind of cord can be cut when we understand why its there and what may need to change.  
  • SELF-REFLECTION: Based on what you've observed so far, what adjustments would you make in this relationship? How would you make it better? Tell the other person how you feel. Is there anything you could do to create a balanced and collaborative relationship? Speak your mind and take a few minutes to listen to their side. Please remember you are speaking to their Higher Self. Let go of any expectations.  If you’re doing this at home, you might like to write out your feelings for a few minutes. 
  • TO HEAL OR TO CUT? Today we’re going to focus on healing the Heart to Heart cord by removing tense or stagnant energy and replacing it with love, compassion, and dialogue. The same healing can be done with cords connecting the Sacral Chakra in romantic partners, as this can clear and heal the bond for the couple. If however, you found a cord that you’d like to cut, for example, to your Solar Plexus or Throat, please stay tuned! 
  • CLEARING AND HEALING: Let's call on Archangel Raphael, the healing angel, and Michael the protector to help us clear and heal the cord. You can visualise a vacuum plugging into the cord at the half-way point. It slowly removes tense energy until the cord made of light. Once this is done, we’re going to fill the space with healing light. This light overflows from the cord, pouring into both of your Heart Chakras. We shed the previous cord as its replaced by a liquid gold, healing connection. Both hearts are open to give and receive love and understanding in equal measure. Once we’re done, thank the angels for their assistance. We're going to let the cord switch off, trusting that the undercurrent of love and understanding will remain in our subconscious. 
  • CLOSING DOWN: To end the meditation, bring your attention back to the bubbles of protective light around each of your energy fields. Intend for them to fill up with joy, faith, abundance, and any other elements you’d like to receive. Bless the other person and thank them for coming. Wave goodbye as they step into a lovely air balloon or a carriage, and continue on their journey. You have separate life paths, both filled with joy and purpose. These paths may overlap, especially with family and friends. Say farewell for now and bring your attention back into the room, slowly. Ground yourself,  take a deep breath and stretch. Drink some water. 

This is how we clear and heal a cord. We can also cut it by visualising big scissors instead of the vacuum and disposing of the cord, including any bits in your energy field. The important thing to mention here is that whenever you remove energy from the aura or the body, we need to fill that space with love, light and healing. Otherwise it could leave holes in the energy field. As with any healing meditation, intention is key. Intend for it to dissolve, and it will. Intend for your energy to heal and replenish itself, and it will. When this is done, please write down the things you noticed during the meditation, especially any adjustments you want to make to your behaviour. The cord and its imbalances are the result of our behaviour, experiences and reactions.

So that's it for today! I hope you enjoyed this intuitive meditation. If in time you'd like to release the situation or person, follow this link for a cord cutting meditation (after a breakup, for example). 

Reiki hugs, 



Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  

Image: (added July 2021)