Sunday, March 31, 2013

What is Trance Mediumship? Think Whoopi in Ghost...

There are perks to attending psychic and energy healing schools. One of my favorites is swapping sessions with my classmates. We like to meet for dinner at a particular friend's house and then give each other angel readings. It is fun. Our Christmas party this year was no exception. We had a real treat when one of my classmates gave us a demonstration of trance-mediumship. I had never seen a trance reading and was expecting it to be a little bit spooky. Not in the least! Our classmate's guide is a soft-spoken elder gentleman that comes across as being Asian. His presence is reassuring and the advice is practical. That said, there was a moment at the beginning of the session where a candle started flickering - you could say it threw sparks loudly. 

So what is trance-mediumship? 

Trance is similar to the last scene in the movie Ghost, where Patrick Swayze's character talks to his wife (Demi More) with Whoopi Goldberg's as an intermediary. Essentially he speaks through her. In the movies it looks dramatic; the real life scene is calm, relaxed and quiet. No Hollywood side effects though we did have some flickering candles. Our classmate sat quietly and let's his guide speak through him. The audience asks questions and waits for the answer. Pretty accurate; though the medium's guide won't know the background so you have to explain a bit more than you would to your own guides. I'm not sure how to describe it; it was different. Though I will probably never feel comfortable doing trance myself; seeing it live was a very interesting experience. 

I'll leave you with one of the funnier, non-spooky scenes from Ghost! 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Be the Peacekeeper in your Life

Last week I went to a lecture by Masaru Emoto, of Messages in Water fame. He inspired a non-watery post when he had us listen to John Lennon's song "Imagine." The lyrics are absolutely inspired and as the Law of Attraction tells us, we create the reality of our choosing with our thoughts. I’m a huge fan of vision boards, goal setting and affirmations. They change our direction in life. This also applies to the collective as shared beliefs shape the world. 

Today I was guided to send healing not to international conflicts, but to all of the cancer cells on earth. I started by visualizing these cells glowing with Love and Joy. My perspective then shifted to include the surrounding organs and tissues. The impression I got was that of a battlefield, with cancer on one side and humanity on the other. It dawned on me that this warlike mentality is not the most productive one to adopt. Essentially, we would be at war with a piece of ourselves. 

So how do you solve dilema? I was shown a picture of both sides giving up and putting an end to psychological warfare. At this point, the healing shifted to include all cancers, not just those who are biological. Cancer is the uncontrollable growth of a rogue cell. This could be a cancer cell in a human being, but on a larger scale it could be equated to the proliferation of guns, drugs, political warfare and the Ego's tendency to choose sides and start fights. The distant healing was meant for all human cancers, not just the biological ones that we see in hospitals.

My next question was: where do these conflicts come from? The answer I got was quick judgment and separation: believing our behaviour to be right and other's to be wrong. This can lead to conflict if we do not balance judgment with compassion. It is possible to disagree with others and still be respectful of their attitudes and beliefs. Or at least a little bit understanding (put yourself in their shoes!). I then imagined a stream of healing energy that balanced out judgment and compassion, allowing us to see the beauty and truth in our differences.

I ended the healing by visualizing a world that spontaneously healed itself of all conflicts. On a global scale you might call that wishful thinking, but the truth is peace happens one person at a time. We can all choose to be the peacekeeper in our life. Human conflicts can be prevented one at a time by bringing our consciousness into this space. All it takes is one person with the resolve to dialogue and find common ground. Grounding in the Heart also makes us less reactive to external triggers. You can also meditate on this Peacekeeper Consciousness for a few minutes everyday and bring it into your being. 

If you'd like to meditate on global peace this is a great song for that, if a little bit Christmassy. But I really do believe the biggest changes come when we take action in our particular sphere of influence. Love and Light! 

Let us know how the meditation goes!  =)

Reiki hugs,



Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  

Image: (2023)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Angelic Stress Relief Meditation

This is an excerpt from A Personal Guide to Self Healing, Cancer and Love. The book is for families who are coping with cancer, but the meditation can help anyone who is stressed.  

Angelic Stress Relief Meditation

Sit down in a quiet place. Bring your attention to your breathing, observing its natural pace. Take a deep breath in, hold... and release. Repeat this process three times, holding your breath only as long as it feels comfortable. 

Let your breathing go back to its normal rhythm.

Bring your attention to your Heart Chakra: the center of Unconditional Love. The Heart is also the seat of your intuition and natural healing ability. Breath gold healing light into your heart and release. Repeat this process at your own pace. 
See and feel that loving energy overflow from your heart.

Now place your hands on your Solar Plexus, just below the sternum. On the next breath visualize green and gold light reaching your Solar Plexus. Visualize and feel the light clearing and balancing the energy in your Solar Plexus. The healing light fades and we are left with a bright yellow Chakra. It spins beautifully. 

Hold that image in your mind and feel your Solar Plexus Chakra growing stronger. 

Next we are going to release our worries by placing them in an Angel Box. By placing our fears and worries in this box we hand them over to the Angels. 

Visualize a beautiful gold box in front of you.What does it look like? Does it have intricate designs on the side? Imagine how if feels to hold it. Let it come to life. 

Visualize the box opening as you place all of your fearful thoughts, worries and concerns in its gold center. Put everything that has been weighing on your mind in that box, even the thoughts that you do not want to admit to yourself. 

This box is a gift from Archangel Michael, who give us courage, and from Archangel Raphael, the healing angel. Imagine the box overflowing with gold and green angelic light. This light transmutes your thoughts and worries into positive energy. 

When you open it, you now see gold rays emanating from the Angel Box.  Thank the angels for taking your worries and looking after you and your loved ones. Sit with this feeling of gratitude for as long as you like. Let it fill your entire being with warm, loving energy. 

When you are ready, bring your attention back to your breath. Feel the weight of the chair under you and slowly bring your attention back to the room. 

Take as much time as you need. When you are ready, open your eyes. 



Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  

Angel Image: (Added August 2020)

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Is Transpersonal Psychology for Me?

A couple weeks ago I sat in as an guest at the Angel Readings class that I used to take. It was so much fun! Received four accurate readings. One of the readers told me that she saw me studying a masters or a PHd in a new subject what would complement my healing studies. She said not to be scared off by the statistics because I am good with numbers (true!). Variations of that message have come through in four readings though they never tell me what it is. I mentioned it to an intuitive friend yesterday and she replied with a two-word answer:

Transpersonal Psychology

What is that? I looked it up and its psychology mixed with spirituality, super consciousness and mystical experiences. Hmmm, sounds like that could be right up my alley. I went googling for more information and found a university in Palo Alto that teaches MA's and PHd's in Transpersonal Psychology. The curriculum looks pretty interesting. The masters looks like a better approach and if it ends up being awesome I think you can add 3 yrs for PHd.

This has me thinking though. How much schooling can and should you do in one life? I have already been though college, an MBA and a 2 year class in Energy Healing that I will (fingers crossed) graduate from in May this year. Transpersonal Psychology sounds pretty amazing but I'll be 35 when I'm done with the masters. Thirty eight if I go for a Phd. My healing and counseling career will take off when I am 40. Hmm. It does seem to fit well though. I might sign up for a class and see what it is all about. 

I am interested in psychology and had wanted to take a couple classes when I finished healing school anyway. Some of my case studies left me thinking I could do with a background in counseling. Giving Reiki is easy but sometimes I am left wondering what to say (and I refer them to a psychologist). This could totally do the job and a MA should give me a strong foundation. I wonder who teaches Transpersonal Psychology in London? Otherwise, Sofia University in Palo Alto has a distance learning program that looks really interesting. I wonder how it works and if we have live chats and sessions, etc.  

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Back to Work! Recess is Over

It is not what you think! I am not getting a day job again, at least not at the moment - though I did wake up this morning feeling like my holiday is finally over. Frankly, I was relieved! The past two months I have been a bit slow, a bit tired. Though I have been hard at work on my book I have also been sleeping in. Not as productive as I was at my day job (then again, the past 3 years I have been keeping a day job while going to school, blogging and writing a book on the side. It has been crazy.) 

Today I woke up and just knew that this slump is over. I am energised for no reason at all. My eyes opened on their own at 6.50 am. I wasn't tired, sleepy or wanting to stay in bed. I had  breakfast and got to work on my book. I think my book is finally finally done. Acknowledgements written, appendixes written (including an introduction to energy management for what I call novice Healers). I did one last check to make sure everything was consistent from an UPPER CAPS/lower caps point of view and I think I am all set to go! This is exciting!

What is next? There are 2 or 3 books that I feel like I need to read asap. One is on the biology and science of cancer, its called the Emperor of all Maladies. Though my book is on  complementary therapies like Reiki and Energy Healing and how they can help,  having a good understanding of the disease process will help me tap into the body at an intuitive level. Last year I attended a workshop at the School of Intuition and Healing where we learned how to tune into the organs and see how they are feeling (read more here). I also have to play catch up on a distance learning anatomy and physiology class. 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sharing with No Strings Attached

Last night I went to the Seder dinner at the Kabbalah Centre in London. It was my 1st Seder dinner so I didn't know what to expect. I should get one of the teachers to guest post and explain it properly, my take is that throughout the evening we meditated, ate and scanned Hebrew text with the intent of removing bits of our ego. Then after midnight when the cosmic windows are wide open you receive a shot of good and light that will last the whole year. I couldn't sleep when I finally got home. 

The dinner has fifteen short courses and the energy of each matches the intent of that particular meditation. I sat next to a good friend who explained each course as we went along. One of the 15 rounds was about removing that part of our ego that represents "kindness, with a hidden agenda." I thought that was a great idea. The thought of people being friendly because they want something from you doesn't sit well with me. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. In some societies, good samaritans may even be eyed with caution ... 

Ten years ago I volunteered to hand out food and clothing bundles in a poor town in Mexico. We were supposed to sit and chat, give them the goods and go - no strings attached. We were told to listen, help them feel cared for, etc. The initial reaction from all of the villagers was skepticism and disbelief. What did we want in return? Nothing! A few of them asked if we were there to talk about religion. Not the case.

Funny thing is this expedition was organised by my business school, which happened to be founded and run by the Opus Dei, I signed up after they clarified that we wouldn't talk about religion. The faculty member who was organising the event said it would be an abuse of power if we went into poor communities, giving charity with one hand and evangelising with the other. Totally agree! Not that I would have been any good at it (see what I mean here).

Not sure why I am writing about this now. I have been thinking of donating a percentage of my book royalties to cancer research or to support patients, through a charity like McMillan (or even sponsoring healing sessions for cancer patients). That's what my book is about though so it does support my goal of making it easier for cancer patients to try Reiki, Energy Healing and other complementary healing techniques. Would that be sharing with an agenda? Or just aligning my efforts with my book's purpose?  

Please Join Me Below!
Reiki hugs, Regina 

Monday, March 25, 2013

How do we diminish the Ego?

I have a funny story to tell ... Tonight I am attending the Seder dinner at the Kabbalah Centre in London. It is part of Pesach, Hebrew for Passover, and the point of the week is to take the air out from under our Ego's wings. The Kabbalistic definition of the Ego is slightly different to the one used in Energy Healing. Think back to those kiddie cartoons where a little angel and a little devil sit on the character's shoulders. The voice of your Higher Self is the Angel. The voice of the Ego is the little devil and it is there to test our resolve. It gives us a choice. When we listen to the angel our soul shines brighter. When we listen to the little devil we get a dose of instant gratification and then a slump.

Many of the techniques we've learned in the Kabbalah Centre are about using awareness and behavioural psychology to give the little devil the boot. Having that awareness gives us a choice. It is up to us which one we act on. Listening to the Light (the little angel) makes it stronger. Listening to the Ego does the same. This next week is supposed to give us an opportunity tilt the scales in favor of the Light, not the Ego. This is why I am giving up wheat, bread and all things that rise this week - they are said to feed the Ego. The food we can eat this week is supposed raise our vibration. I have never tried this before and it is an experiment for me. Pesach is said to help us break free of that Ego voice. I will give it a try.   =)

As part of the run up to tonight, we were meant to meditate on specific Astrological signs for the past 12 days. Each day corresponds to an astrological sign and we meditate on the positives of that sign. I only decided to sign up for the Pesach dinner last Wednesday so in theory I got the prep work a little bit late. As luck would have it, Madonna (the rock star) had been posting those meditations on her Facebook Page all along. I had actually seen them on her page and had been going back everyday to see what came next. LOL. So even though I didn't know it at the time, I completed most of the prep work for tonight's dinner. What a coincidence! 

This is one of the meditations on Madonna's FB Page. I am an Aquarius and sometimes find it hard not to be unique lol:

ps ... Madonna's Facebook Page (Hebrew letters). 

Reiki hugs, 



Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angels, tarot and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as an Energy Healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Blogging since 2010, Regina's passion is bringing the qualities of love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuits. 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Finding Unity in the Tree of Life

A couple weeks ago I started reading a Llewellyn book about Kabbalah and the Tree of Life, called Magical Qabalah for Beginners. It is written by a pagan author who calls himself a magician. I wasn't sure what to expect but the book is good - though I would caution against some of techniques in the second half. A spiritual safety check is definitely needed.  

What I appreciated is how the author refers to the Tree of Life as a roadmap that can connect us with a Higher Power through meditation. He also refers to Kabbalah as a meta-knowledge that can bring unity to a wide variety of spiritual belief systems. So true! 

What is the Tree of Life?  

It is a glyph that tells story of creation from a Kabbalistic perspective, which I find to be fascinating. If I understand correctly, the Big Bang is said to the moment when it all started. Before the universe was created all we had was nothingness and light. To the Kabbalist, that emptiness is the source of everything, including the universe, the solar system and also other dimensions where our ancestors, loved ones, angels, guides and (in the Hermetic tradition) even pagan gods and goddesses exist. 

When the Big Bang happened, that nothingness and light exploded into an abstract sphere of light (Keter = 1st sphere) that reproduced until we were left with 10 spheres of light. The 1st sphere is that highest point of solid light that could be mistaken for the Creator though it also has its origin in nothingness. It might be the 1st form of God that we can see, sense or feel. The 10th sphere represents the physical universe. In between we have 8 spheres that are dimensions of the spiritual world. 

Each of the 10 Spheres has a Quality

The 10 spheres are  also meant to be aspects of that Higher Power some people call God. Is God wise, all knowing, compassionate or judgmental? It all depends on the sphere that we are individually aware of. These spheres represent the Crown of God, Wisdom of God, Understanding of God, Compassion of God, Judgement of God, Beauty of God (which is said to be reflected in Nature), Splendor of God, the Victory of God, the Foundation of God and the Physical Manifestation of God, which is the Universe. This includes the Earth and Mother Nature which is also the Divine Feminine. 

The book's author is pagan and Kabbalah is often associated with a monotheistic religion (Judaism); so this tome goes one step further and links each of the spheres to pagan gods with similar attributes. He even jokes that some Wiccan beliefs are almost monotheistic because they see individual gods and goddesses who unite to become a Super God. 

The nine lower spheres of light are full-fledged copies of the original (the Crown). If you zoom in you might see one sphere and its attributes reflected in a particular pagan god, if you zoom out you'll see the whole and one Super God. For example, the Ancient Egyptian goddess Isis (proncounced Aset) can be found in the 9th sphere which is the foundation for the physical earth*. That is probably why she is associated with healing and magic, if you move a lever on that sphere it will eventually be reflected down here. It's like we are all see pieces of the same puzzle and that accounts for our differences. 

Even atheists, who often look to Science as their belief system or worldview, are looking at just one of the spheres (5th). It is as if that Super God has ten fingers and each of those fingers can choose to pull strings in our physical world. Most of us see one or two of those fingers and our mind equates it to God, to Science or to the gods and goddesses of the pagan traditions. The Tree of Life can help us bring a sense of unity to the different spiritual traditions that are out there.  

One last point! 

Each of the spheres can also be linked to an Archangel. The physical world has Archangel Sandalphon, the angel of  nature, music and prayers. In The Angel Tarot Deck, author Doreen Virtue links Sandy with Peace. Its hard to deny that religion has created lots of havoc on the earth. Maybe this can help us realise that we are all correct to some degree, but none of us have a complete picture. One of my next posts will be on Righteousness and how it has to be balanced by Love & Compassion to stay peaceful. Love to hear your thoughts on this, 

Reiki hugs! 


Ps... Each sphere on the Tree represents an archetype. A particular goddess might be found on different spheres depending on the quality  that we are connecting with at that time (Bina for great mother, or Yesod for the Moon and its influence on healing and emotions). 


Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angels, tarot and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as an Energy Healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Blogging since 2010, Regina's passion is bringing the qualities of love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuits. 

* The text in italics was added in July 2021 after more study into the Tree of Life. 

Image: (Updated July 2021) 

Tree of Life Image from