Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Back to Work! Recess is Over

It is not what you think! I am not getting a day job again, at least not at the moment - though I did wake up this morning feeling like my holiday is finally over. Frankly, I was relieved! The past two months I have been a bit slow, a bit tired. Though I have been hard at work on my book I have also been sleeping in. Not as productive as I was at my day job (then again, the past 3 years I have been keeping a day job while going to school, blogging and writing a book on the side. It has been crazy.) 

Today I woke up and just knew that this slump is over. I am energised for no reason at all. My eyes opened on their own at 6.50 am. I wasn't tired, sleepy or wanting to stay in bed. I had  breakfast and got to work on my book. I think my book is finally finally done. Acknowledgements written, appendixes written (including an introduction to energy management for what I call novice Healers). I did one last check to make sure everything was consistent from an UPPER CAPS/lower caps point of view and I think I am all set to go! This is exciting!

What is next? There are 2 or 3 books that I feel like I need to read asap. One is on the biology and science of cancer, its called the Emperor of all Maladies. Though my book is on  complementary therapies like Reiki and Energy Healing and how they can help,  having a good understanding of the disease process will help me tap into the body at an intuitive level. Last year I attended a workshop at the School of Intuition and Healing where we learned how to tune into the organs and see how they are feeling (read more here). I also have to play catch up on a distance learning anatomy and physiology class. 

Please Join Me Below!
Reiki hugs, Regina 

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