Sunday, March 31, 2013

What is Trance Mediumship? Think Whoopi in Ghost...

There are perks to attending psychic and energy healing schools. One of my favorites is swapping sessions with my classmates. We like to meet for dinner at a particular friend's house and then give each other angel readings. It is fun. Our Christmas party this year was no exception. We had a real treat when one of my classmates gave us a demonstration of trance-mediumship. I had never seen a trance reading and was expecting it to be a little bit spooky. Not in the least! Our classmate's guide is a soft-spoken elder gentleman that comes across as being Asian. His presence is reassuring and the advice is practical. That said, there was a moment at the beginning of the session where a candle started flickering - you could say it threw sparks loudly. 

So what is trance-mediumship? 

Trance is similar to the last scene in the movie Ghost, where Patrick Swayze's character talks to his wife (Demi More) with Whoopi Goldberg's as an intermediary. Essentially he speaks through her. In the movies it looks dramatic; the real life scene is calm, relaxed and quiet. No Hollywood side effects though we did have some flickering candles. Our classmate sat quietly and let's his guide speak through him. The audience asks questions and waits for the answer. Pretty accurate; though the medium's guide won't know the background so you have to explain a bit more than you would to your own guides. I'm not sure how to describe it; it was different. Though I will probably never feel comfortable doing trance myself; seeing it live was a very interesting experience. 

I'll leave you with one of the funnier, non-spooky scenes from Ghost! 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

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