Saturday, December 27, 2014

10 Tips for a Prosperous Life

In business school (yes, I did an MBA) we were encouraged to think about our strengths - what we were good at or passionate about - but also where we needed to improve to be well rounded.  

This approach has been incredibly helpful for me. And surprise, surprise! Intuition is the secret; it points us towards our uniqueness or genius (that inner spark of creativity), which makes it easy for us to shine without being overly competitive.

Along those lines, here are 10 Tips for a Prosperous Life. I have been applying most of these since my blog launched, without thinking about where it might lead. Enjoy!

  • Gratitude is the attitude! A prosperous life includes health, wealth, love, and emotional stability among other things. Take a moment to feel appreciation for what is going well in your life. Pay some of it forward - by sharing with friends or reaching out to those in need (of a hug, too!) Kindness goes a long way. 
  • Hold yourself accountable for habits that influence your finances. Don't stick your head in the sand, hoping for a miracle. Ask yourself if you could be more motivated, disciplined or proactive. Make a commitment to yourself. Ask for professional guidance if needed. 
  • Find a hobby you are passionate about and see how far it takes you! The resulting joy and enthusiasm will spill over to other areas of your life.
  • Invest in yourself and in your personal relationships. When you look back on your life, these are the connections that will make you feel blessed. If a friend is great at something you’d like to learn, ask for mentoring. Do the same for others.
  • Think Value Added: Ask your intuition how you can add value - where can you make a concrete difference in other people's lives. Add value, share confidently, and the money will follow. Read this post on generating higher earnings
  • Generosity: Time, money, energy and knowledge are valuable resources. Sharing is a good way to grease your manifesting wheels and break out of a scarcity mindset.
  • Talk Yourself Up! Know your self-worth and use affirmations to boost your confidence. If we believe in ourselves it's likely others will too, and in what we have to offer. We all have strengths and weaknesses; focus on what you do well. If a specific phrase rings untrue, choose one that boosts your confidence and is believable.  
  • Branch Out! Think about turning that hobby we discussed into a side business, whether it's photography, organic farming, or even angel card readings. Start small and let it snowball with time. You'll be surprised! 
  • Be more productive: When planning your week, start with the most loathsome task on your list. The one you'd love to ignore. With that done, the rest of your week will be a breeze! One of my dad’s friends gave me this piece of advice years ago and it has made a huge difference.
  • Visualise Success! Think about where you'd like to be in 5 or 10 years. Make an action plan and visualise yourself doing well! It helps to come back to this every couple of months. Ask yourself if you’re still taking steps in that direction, and if it’s still relevant. Thank the Universe for guiding you to prosperity. You'll still do the work, but it will help!

With that in mind, add a dash of magick💛

Reiki hugs, 


Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  


Image: (updated 2021)

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Magical Law of Individual Realities

I have been getting ready for the New Year with a series of posts on Achieving Peace and Prosperity. My New Years Resolution will be to apply these insights in my own life. It's time to put my theories to the test. Last week I covered The Magical Power of Compassion, and how we can use kindness and generosity to consciously transform our lives. Compassion is an essential quality on the road to Peace and Prosperity. 

Today we're moving onto The Magical Law of Individual Realities, and how we can work with it to influence our surroundings. The theory is that our unique experiences, and how we interpret those experiences create a set of beliefs. Those beliefs act as mirrors and magnets to create and attract situations that reinforce said beliefs. We create our reality: what is true for me may not be true for you. And what's possible for one person may not be possible for another. We all live in the same physical world, in theory we're all capable of the same progress, but sometimes our beliefs get in the way. There's a terrible anecdote I heard a while about about circus elephants, and how one of the baby elephant's legs is chained to the ground. As a child the elephant isn't strong enough to break the chain and it grows up believing it can't. As an adult, that false belief is the only thing that keeps it from breaking free and escaping the circus.  

This is why its vital to examine our beliefs, our assumptions and to release the ones that colour our worldview in a negative way. These might be the result of conditioning, what we grew up hearing from our parents - or even things we experienced in past lives. There are plenty of tools that we can use to release these beliefs, including energy healing, affirmations, introspection and even education, if there's a topic that we are not particularly knowledgeable of. To give you a human example, someone with a business background may tell you that you have to spend money to make money. Invest in your business, in yourself, build and strengthen your capabilities, etc. Whereas someone with a miser mentality may be prone to hoarding their wealth and seeing it dwindle over time. A good finance, marketing or business class would help the miser expand his or her perspective about wealth creation.  

It's about unlearning beliefs that hold us back, so that we can unlock our true potential. Our beliefs influence our actions, and these shape the outcome. So take some time to consider your beliefs, your fears and any assumptions about the world. The idea today was to give you food for thought. Please comment with any ideas, questions or experiences related to individual beliefs and realities. 


Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angels, tarot and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as an Energy Healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Blogging since 2010, Regina's passion is bringing the qualities of love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuits. 


Monday, December 15, 2014

Online Angel Reading Lessons!

The past year or so I have been toying with the idea of teaching angel readings and energy healing online, but my immense sense of procrastination kept getting in the way. No more! Today I finally went ahead and tested Google + hangouts as an online teaching tool. It went well! I was also lucky to have a very enthusiastic and talented student. Thank you Sara! As luck would have it, the others called in sick, which gave us a chance to iron out the technical glitches without having everyone on the line. :-) 

I also discovered that these Google chats can be taped and uploaded straight to Youtube, which could make for a fun video blog. But I digress ... I wanted to log on today to let you know that my live, online workshops will be starting in the New Year. With one teacher, a handful of psychic students and plenty of angelic TA's. Though in all likelihood, I'll be the facilitator, and the angels the real teachers. 

Please get in touch if you'd like to sign up. Today's class was an intro to energy management tools like grounding, clearing and protecting yourself, before "opening up" and connecting with the angels. In my psychic school days, I attended weekly classes like these, where we'd hone out skills in a fun and friendly environment. Now that I have moved abroad, I would love to take that lovely angelic energy wherever I go

Here is a guided meditation to get you started! 💕

Please Join Me Below!
Reiki hugs, Regina 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Magical Power of Compassion

Today we're looking at The Magical Power of Compassion. That's right! One of many levers that you can pull to bring Peace and Prosperity into your daily life, and to your community as well. This post is the second in a series on Peace and Prosperity, leading up to the New Year (see link below). 

1) Channeling your Generosity     

A couple years ago I took classes at the Kabbalah Centre, London. This is where I discovered that generosity is a marvellous tool that we can use to bring good luck and "miracles" into our lives. The K-Centre calls it spiritual technology, and I found the process to be truly magical. The theory is based on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life and the ten spheres of light (or the ten luminous emanations), one of which corresponds to our physical world, the rest to the spiritual realms. 

The theory is that by restricting and sharing 10 percent of our resources, be it time, energy, knowledge or money – we can tap into the unlimited source of abundance on the other side of the veil, bringing it into our physical reality. You can do this by volunteering, mentoring or coaching others, by donating to a spiritual, social or ecological charity, etc. It's also possible to share less formally, by taking time out of your day to help a family member or a colleague. It's about sharing with no strings attached, and trusting that the Universe will reward you at the right time and place. The 10% ratio is the secret, whether its time, money, or energy shared. 

It's been a while since I took the class, but two ideas are etched in my mind: Sharing (generosity) and Restricting (see here). You can transform your life by using these tools. Please note, this is how I apply the Kabbalah Centre's spiritual technology. 

2) The Magical Power of Compassion
Kindness also brings light to the world in other ways, and this is where The Magical Power of Kindness and Compassion come into play. I’m sure you’ve noticed how some people, especially strangers, will be visibly surprised when you help them. It’s so unexpected that their faces light up. Unwarranted acts of kindness restore our faith in humanity, at a time when the world sorely needs to believe in itself. Whenever we surprise someone with kindness, we erode the energy of cynicism that has found its way into the collective unconscious. This feeling is heavier in some places than others. 

Earlier this year I moved to Mexico, a beautiful country that has, unfortunately, been plagued by crime and corruption. While I love the culture (after all this is where I was born) it has been been sad to witness the belief that everyone is a crook and that no one can be trusted. A myth that I like to dispel by telling a story. My sister came to visit this summer and on her way back to the airport, she forgot her iPhone in the taxi. Now, people here tend to be especially wary of cab drivers. Don’t take gypsy cabs, make sure it's tracked, etc. 

Well wouldn’t you know it, the cab driver saw the iPhone, got out of the car and ran after her into the terminal, making sure she left with her phone. Whenever people start to moan about the situation here, I tell that story and the mood lightens. 

While it may be basic human decency not to steal a phone, that’s what we need to hear right now. These experiences change the way we approach the world. We can all be agents for positive change if we make a conscious decision to let kindness and compassion guide our actions. If you're wondering, compassion comes into play when we remember that everyone is equally deserving of our attention. Put yourself in their shoes ask yourself you can do to be of service. 


Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Controlled Remote Viewing with Lyn Buchanan

Last year I signed up for a class on Remote Viewing at The College of Psychic Studies. It was pretty cool, not that different from what I had done before even though the approach is a lot more structured. You start with a blank piece of paper, write down a number for your RV target and then go through a series of questions that are answered intuitively. 

Read about my first remote viewing class {link} to get a better idea of what it's like. I only took the beginners level class and would love to go back for more. My tutor at the College was Debbie Kay Edwards. I do hope she publishes a book one day with all of her exciting stories, tutorials and intuitive advice. Visit Debbie Kay's at

This interview with Remote Viewing expert Lyn Buchanan will give you an idea of how it's been used. 

Please Join Me Below!
Reiki hugs, Regina 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Peace and Prosperity on Earth

It's been two weeks since my last post and that long since my last radio show. Thank God for impromptu vacations, they make life more interesting, don't they? Now I'm back and ready to get going again. I'm also getting ready for my New Year's Resolution in 2015, which is to live life as a joyful, abundant and compassionate human being. I'm halfway there but it could be more conscious. The resolution was brought about by a comment on Facebook. Thank you Denise for this question:  

What is the purpose of us being here? I mean really - if we are infinite beings why would we choose to come here to experience disease and violence and sadness, even it it comes with joy and love too? 

Now that's a biggie, one that I don't know the answer to. When I tuned in, I got this overwhelming feeling that "it" was never meant to be that way. The sadness, the violence and the suffering is not part of any master plan that we are meant to experience, and maybe, just maybe, our souls choose to come to Earth because they know that things can be different. We have a choice, as individuals and as a society. I also got the sense that most of the suffering we see in the world has been  created by humans, and we inflict it on ourselves, on each other and on the planet. Again, it was never meant to be this way. We can create a different reality for ourselves.

Green is the Color of Prosperity

The question them becomes, how? I asked upstairs, as my healing tutors used to say, and got three words in response: history, economy and compassion. I'm guessing that the first word references our socio-political history. What have we done in the past to create the inequality in the world? Poverty is largely the result of our economic and educational systems. So is the damage we are  currently doing to the planet. This also brings me to the concept of economy, which I interpret as Prosperity: enjoying an abundance of health, wealth and happiness. It's about covering our basic emotional, mental and physical needs so that we can individually pursue activities that make our heart sing. Not necessarily about the Louis Vuitton bag, or the fancy car. What makes a country prosperous, what makes you feel prosperous? There are lots of levers we can pull on the road to prosperity, whether it's work ethic, manifesting or joy. 

The last reference is probably the most important one, and that's compassion. I don't foresee violence, suffering or unhealthy competition disappearing until we make changes that will benefit all of the players involved. Being compassionate and merciful is about helping someone when you have no "personal" reason to do so. Maybe they messed up and found themselves in a tough spot, maybe they're from a different race or nationality, or maybe you feel that helping them would come at your own expense. This last "maybe" can be the trickiest, but if we shift our mentality from one of scarcity to one of abundance, we'll realise that its possible for both sides to prosper. People often ask if I believe in God, and I do, but I would much rather believe in humanity. When we believe in our own power, we'll see the solution to these problems. Stay tuned for more on peace and prosperity, as we count down to 2015! 


Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  

Image: (2019)