Saturday, December 27, 2014

10 Tips for a Prosperous Life

In business school (yes, I did an MBA) we were encouraged to think about our strengths - what we were good at or passionate about - but also where we needed to improve to be well rounded.  

This approach has been incredibly helpful for me. And surprise, surprise! Intuition is the secret; it points us towards our uniqueness or genius (that inner spark of creativity), which makes it easy for us to shine without being overly competitive.

Along those lines, here are 10 Tips for a Prosperous Life. I need to come back to these more often myself. Enjoy!

  • Gratitude is the attitude! A prosperous life includes health, wealth, love, and emotional stability among other things. Take a moment to feel appreciation for what is going well in your life. Pay some of it forward - by sharing with friends or reaching out to those in need (of a hug, too!) Kindness goes a long way. 
  • Hold yourself accountable for habits that influence your finances. Don't stick your head in the sand, hoping for a miracle. Ask yourself if you could be more motivated, disciplined or proactive. Make a commitment to yourself. Ask for professional guidance if needed. 
  • Find a hobby you are passionate about and see how far it takes you! The resulting joy and enthusiasm will spill over to other areas of your life.
  • Invest in yourself and in your personal relationships. When you look back on your life, these are the connections that will make you feel blessed. If a friend is great at something you’d like to learn, ask for mentoring. Do the same for others.
  • Think Value Added: Ask your intuition how you can add value - where can you make a concrete difference in other people's lives. Add value, share confidently, and the money will follow. Read this post on generating higher earnings
  • Generosity: Time, money, energy and knowledge are valuable resources. Sharing is a good way to grease your manifesting wheels and break out of a scarcity mindset.
  • Talk Yourself Up! Know your self-worth and use affirmations to boost your confidence. If we believe in ourselves it's likely others will too, and in what we have to offer. We all have strengths and weaknesses; focus on what you do well. If a specific phrase rings untrue, choose one that boosts your confidence and is believable.  
  • Branch Out! Think about turning that hobby we discussed into a side business, whether it's photography, organic farming, or even angel card readings. Start small and let it snowball with time. You'll be surprised! 
  • Be more productive: When planning your week, start with the most loathsome task on your list. The one you'd love to ignore. With that done, the rest of your week will be a breeze! One of my dad’s friends gave me this piece of advice years ago and it has made a huge difference.
  • Visualise Success! Think about where you'd like to be in 5 or 10 years. Make an action plan and visualise yourself doing well! It helps to come back to this every couple of months. Ask yourself if you’re still taking steps in that direction, and if it’s still relevant. Thank the Universe for guiding you to prosperity. You'll still do the work, but it will help!

With that in mind, add a dash of magick💛

Reiki hugs, 


Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  


Image: (updated 2021)

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