Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Grounding Yourself in the Divine Feminine

Last night I did a meditation to develop more of a sense of security within myself. It’s part of a class that I’ve been taking the past few months. The teacher guided us through a visualization where we became aware of our connection with the Divine. 

My intuition kept pointing me towards the Divine Feminine in the form of an ancient egyptian goddess, a mix of Isis & Astarte. My family is originally Lebanese, on my mom’s side, and both were popular in the general region. The one in the picture is Hathor (at the British Museum).

My intuition followed through with a clear message: imagine a matrushka - the Mother Goddess is on the outside, then your Higher Self, then you. Like cosmic Aura layers. These visuals weren’t part of the guided meditation, but they made perfect sense. I loved the metaphor, and funny enough, the past few days I had found myself questioning the concept of a Higher Self. 

This clicked for me and it also resonates from a kabbalistic point of view, in terms of the different parts of the Soul; a little piece of us is connected to that outer most matrushka. There are also parallels in how that feminine energy is described in Kabbalistic books and my favorite Green Tara book. There are obvious variations for each time and culture, but there is a common thread that in the concepts. 

My feeling is that each culture perceives that divine feminine energy through its lens. The easiest way to get a sense of that energy  is in intuitive meditations! 

2024 Update ❤️❤️πŸ‘‡πŸ»

In Kabbalah, the world’s dysfunction and chaos end, in part, when we reclaim our feminine energy, raising it to the same level of importance as masculine energy. It’s a ladder of awareness that we climb through meditation and grounding; this takes us out of an energetic framework where zero-sum games rule. Your Higher Self is halfway up that ladder. Intuition opens the door πŸ™ŒπŸ»

Reiki hugs, 


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Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  

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