I taught an Usui Holy Fire ® Reiki class and something odd happened with the energy. It felt like Reiki was talking for me - I’m still trying to wrap my head around it 😅
Towards the end of the class I was talking about how I use Reiki in my daily life. For example, we can jot down our goals and fill the paper with energy before brainstorming on how to bring those plans to life. Reiki opens the door to our intuitive faculties, tapping into the unlimited creativity that surrounds us, including the knowledge that your higher self has to share. It opens our eyes to new ways of doing things. Placing your hands on your Brow Chakra also opens up the mind.
I was talking about these practical uses when my palms started to buzz the way they do at the beginning of a Reiki session. The energy usually feels like electric tingles, before becoming hotter and hotter as I am ready to approach the client in the healing session. But in class, the heat never came, the tingles never left and instead, I clairvoyantly saw a white mist floating out from my palms into the room. Fifteen minutes later, it felt like I was looking at the students through the mist!
Then on Monday I gave a one-to-one Reiki class. The student was curious about using Reiki with personal triggers, psychology and emotional healing. I mentioned that Reiki and journaling go well together and how I use it extensively in my own life - and funny enough, that white misty Reiki started to flow out from my palm chakras! It's like Reiki was talking for me LOL.
Back to the Mood Lifting Tip!
Journaling has always been one of my favorite activities since childhood, hence this blog 😇 Then in 2017 I signed up for a psychology class where we learned to write about the things that bother us as a way to release those feelings. As you write, you tend to gain a deeper understanding of how you really feel and why. Adding Reiki gives the session an extra oomph, as we direct healing energy at those feelings and let them evaporate gently. When you're done writing, place your hands on your Heart Chakra and fill your body with a sense of calm, peace and love (Reiki).
Reiki doesn't keep us from feeling our feelings, but it gives us a chance to understand them and hopefully feel just a fraction of what is there, as it makes its way out of our Aura. In some cases, for example trauma, it is best to see a therapist, but most of us will be able to give ourselves Reiki informally at home. Either way, Reiki is complementary to medical care, not alternative.
Many spiritual fads tell us to think positive, keep our vibes happy. I like to think of myself as a generally upbeat person, but I also spend a LOT of time thinking or writing about the sad, angry, and fearful feelings that make an appearance. And that is a big part of self-healing; otherwise the happy thought is no more than a bandaid. There is no reason to be afraid of our thoughts, but running away from an unhappy one can make it more resistant.
Reiki gives us an opportunity to deep dive into our feelings - letting the things that 'get us down' come to the surface in a gentle way. It serves to clear and heal the emotional body so that the things that aren't going perfectly well in our lives don't weigh us down so much. My spiritual psychology teacher likened each 'difficulty' of sorts to a glass that was full of water - every time we self heal, journal, or give ourselves Reiki, a bit of that water pours out.
Ready To Get Started?
We can only channel Reiki if we've been attuned by a teacher, and I would definitely recommend taking a Reiki Level 1 workshop. If the time is not right, there are other energy healing techniques that we can practice without attending a workshop. Both of my books guide us through the process. Chakra Healing & Magick includes creative techniques for chakra healing, intuition and a bit of crystal magick!
The energy healing exercises in the book can be done with Reiki or by following the steps in Chapter 5: Awaken Your Inner Healer. Available on Amazon below:

Join me on Youtube for meditations to complement the book.
Please reach out on social media with any questions, I’d love to hear from you! Thank you for reading Diary of a Psychic Healer.
Reiki hugs,