Friday, October 12, 2012

Open Night at the College of Psychic Studies

The College of Psychic Studies organizes an Open Night every semester for people to learn more about the classes and workshops. I've never been to one of these, but I hear about them in my psychic classes. When I started two years ago in the Beginners level Psychic Development classes, I was intimidated by some of the more advanced students. They were nice, don't get me wrong, but when you're just starting out readings can be incomprehensible. How did they find it so easy to talk and talk? I would get a random image, and I had no idea how that translated to a message. These guys would go on and on, so much that they even gave 15 minute readings at open night! Now its my turn to practice at Open Night! That is, if I can stretch my readings to 15 minutes.  =)

Yesterday I asked for a symbol, and I got three apples. The 1st one was the poison-laced apple from Snow White. The message was "Don't be afraid to take a bite out of life, you'll be enchanted, not poisoned." Next I got another apple, this time Eve's apple from the Tree of Life. The message was about occult spirituality, and the magic we can create when we understand the universe's secrets. Finally I got a series of life changing apples: Eve's Apple from Genesis,  The Beatle's first recording studio,  Steve Job's Apple Computer, and Isaac Newton's gravity apple. The reading was about transformation. Four apples that changed the world, and the symbolism behind those apples can help us change our own lives. 

The whole class was reading for the same guest, they were relevant for that particular person, but I think they can also apply to the rest of us. Most of us have a passion that we're afraid to pursue, and taking that leap can be scary. It is certainly true in my case! But then, we don't have to go it alone! I keep thinking back to some of the concepts I learned at the Kabbalah Centre, especially the Tree of Life and some of their so called Kabbalah Tools. It all links back to that Tree of Life and how we can use energy, thought and action to create the changes we want to see in our lives. 

Thank you for reading! Join me below
Reiki hugs, Regina 

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