Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Heart Chakra Healings

Today I am going to share one of the tools from my Self-Healing, Cancer & Love book (available here). The passage is about the Heart Chakra meditations, and how we can send the energy of unconditional love to any part of our life. It's also a nice followup from last week's post on Releasing Negativity

The heart’s capacity for love may be one of the most powerful healing tools at our disposal. Love heals fear, anger, anguish and other unpleasant emotions. It can also revitalize the spirit. I am not referring to romantic or familial love, which is loving someone because of who they are to us. Instead, it is universal love and appreciation. Recognizing and cherishing that spark of light in yourself and others. Some people find it easiest to describe this concept in religious terms, telling us that God, Jesus or Allah are about unconditional love – and wouldn’t it be nice if everyone lived that way. We wouldn’t have separation, judgment, discrimination, blame or guilt. Healing these qualities, as well as anger and resentment, is precisely what we need to find peace and harmony.

On a personal level, Heart Chakra meditations can be profoundly healing. I like to imagine a soft violet flame filling my Heart Chakra with warmth. The flame transmutes the energy in my Heart to unconditional love, filling it with warmth until it overflows into the rest of my Chakras and to the physical body. If I run into resistance, in the form of fear, pain or anxiety, the violet flame releases it too. Nothing to worry about. This technique also enables me to extend that violet flame to any people or situations around me who need it. To do this, I visualize a similar violet flame filling their Heart Chakras. From this place of love it is easier to handle any personal issues that resurface during self-healing. We merely observe them from a place of love."


Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Releasing Negativity

Today I would like to address a question that came in via Facebook. One of my followers wants to know how she can release negativity, especially vibes that she picks up from friends, family and colleagues when they are down in the dumps. I am sure we have all been in that situation at some point. The person next to you is going through rough patch and their mood rubs off on you. Today I am going to give you three tools that will put a stop to this. 

  • 1) Energy Basics: Let’s start by Grounding, Clearing and Protecting our energy every day. Grounding anchors our energy, connecting us to the earth’s solid foundations. You can do this by visualizing tree roots growing out of your feet to the bottom of the ground. Intend for it to anchor you. Then clear your energy by visualizing and feeling a shower of white light running through your body. This releases any tension, stress or unhappy vibes from your energy system. Finally, protect your energy by placing a bubble of light around your energy field. White, blue and purple work best for me, but you can use any color that makes you feel safe. Follow these steps twice daily and they will become more and more effective. 
  • 2) Step Away: The next technique can be harder to pull off, at least initially, because it involves a mental switch. When you start to feel overwhelmed, remind yourself that it’s not your problem. We each attract and create situations that mirror our beliefs. The person next to you may be operating on a whole other level of drama. Bless them and detach from the situation. If you’re the kind of person who wants to rescue others, it will be difficult at first and you may feel tempted to take on some of their baggage. It’s important to step away from it all. At school, my tutors called it objectivity. For me it's striking a balance between compassion and indifference. Not needing to rescue, to be right, etc. 
  • 3) Send Them Light: Finally, we move onto helping our neighbour release that negativity and send it back to the universe. I would suggest waiting until you’ve mastered the first two before trying this. Otherwise, you risk falling back into the whirlwind of emotions that surround you. Wait until you are grounded, objective and “indifferent” before trying this: Send them light, send their soul light, and encourage it to release the filter, if it can. Then offer a different way of looking at things. It doesn’t matter who is right or wrong, so long as they’re given a new perspective. Offer it kindly, without too many arguments or trying to reason with them. A simple observation is more than enough. Remind them of a time when "it" wasn't true. When someone was kind or helpful, etc. 


Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Certified Angel Card Reader Course!

I just signed up to take Hay House's online Certified Angel Card Reader course! So excited! Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine have been travelling the world teaching this course for a few years, but I had never been in the right place at the right time. My mom forwarded me an email a couple days ago - and voila! 

It will be fun to see how the theory lines up with my own approach. The past five years I have taught myself to read cards, starting with the classic Tarot and then moving onto many of Doreen's decks and a few by Sonia Choquette and Colette Baron-Reid. All fantastic. Oracle Cards are fun and also a bit of a cheat. My Angel Reading tutor at the College of Psychic Studies always encouraged us to rely on intuition and clairvoyance. If you develop that connection first, the oracle cards speak to you on a whole other level (and you don't need them so much). But oracle cards are loads of fun, and if you try both, the details that come through can be more precise. =) 

You'll also get four decks in the mail. One of them is the Angel Tarot deck, which I looooove using because of the simplicity and beauty of it.

Please Join Me Below!
Reiki hugs, Regina 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love

I’m pleased to share my book with you: A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love. Read it and learn to channel energy healing - whether it’s peace, emotional support or perspective that you seek.

My intention for this book was to create a short Energy Healing guide for cancer patients. The idea was to share my family’s experience with cancer - how it changed our lives - and to share the perspective I have gained since then through my own healing journey. I also wanted to give others a chance to apply some of the techniques from my energy healing studies. 

The end result was more expansive, looking at a variety of risk factors that we can influence: diet, weight, smoking, lifestyle, alcohol and even genetics. And how energy healing, meditation and other techniques are needed to help the whole family cope with feelings of fear, grief and anger after a cancer diagnosis.


    Energy Healing & the Role of Complementary Therapies

    Energy Healing involves guided meditations through the Aura, the Chakras and the body. The general theory is that spiritual energy flows through the mental (beliefs), emotional and physical layers in the Aura, releasing stress and facilitating the body’s natural healing process. This book will give you the tools to practice energy healing yourself, though in difficult situations, it would help to visit a qualified healer.  

    Energy healing is complementary to medical care, not alternative. Please note that it is NOT a treatment for cancer, even if we do visualize health and intend for the person to heal. Energy Healing helps in many ways that go beyond the physical.

    Benefits for the patient:
    • Relaxation, stress relief and an emotional outlet.
    • Some patients report increased energy levels, which makes it easier for them to maintain their quality of life through chemotherapy treatments.
    • Healing can also help terminal cancer patients draw on their inner strength, allowing them to face their fears and move on peacefully.
    • The peace and stillness felt during an Energy Healing session allow their intuition to speak to them, giving clarity on the challenges faced.
    • Energy Healing can also give the patient a fresh perspective on life.

    Benefits for the family: 
    • Self-Healing can be used to manage their grief, shock and stress.
    • It releases the emotional stress and burden in a healthy, productive way.
    • Engaging with self-healing can help family members stay mentally and emotionally clear, which will do a lot for their well-being.
    • By learning to give Energy Healing, family members can play an active role in the cancer patient’s healing process. I describe this in detail, as there are important health and safety considerations for the Healer.

    A Personal Guide to Self Healing, Cancer & Love is available on Amazon below. 

    I sincerely hope this helps you. Reach out on social media and join me on Youtube for meditations to complement the book. 

    Reiki hugs,




    Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  

     Images: (updated 2023)

    Tuesday, October 7, 2014

    Affirmations for Love and Prosperity

    This post has been revised to include an excerpt from Chakra Healing & Magick! Follow the links below; read the book and heal yourself  šŸ’

    We’ve all heard of Affirmations;  words or phrases that we can repeat to boost confidence levels, or to unlearn beliefs about ourselves. Often touted as a manifesting tool, affirmations are also great for self-healing. 

    My approach to Affirmations was shaped by a tutorial that you can find on the popular psychic development blog, A State of Mind. It belongs to Nathaniel, a fellow Healer and Reiki Master. In his post, titled Affirmations 101: What You Need to Know About Using them for Inner Growth, Nathaniel points out the sometimes massive gap between the affirmations we craft for ourselves, and how we feel about the subject deep down.  

    For example, you might affirm “I am a powerful, abundant and joyful person.” But how do you feel about those qualities? In this case, the way we feel about abundance, power or joy can create a slight feeling of discord. 

    Especially if one of those qualities is still removed from our life. Or maybe we feel guilty about chasing wealth? These moments of discomfort uncover a psychological block that can keep us from enjoying the comforts of an abundant life. Nathan suggests tackling both the affirmation and the belief, as follows: 

    •     Repeating the affirmation 3, 5 or 10 times.
    •     Jotting down any feelings, thoughts or emotions that come to you. 

    One of the first questions is: Do you believe that abundance is rightfully yours? And what about love, joy, happiness, or good fortune? If not, where does this resistance come from? Was it something you heard as a child? Or is it based on your previous experiences. Write it down, explore the topic and then let it go. You are going to come back to your affirmations daily for at least a few weeks. If you follow this process, you'll start peel back the layers that keep you from your desires. This is a simplified version of Nathaniel’s technique. His site is

    How Do We Write Affirmations? 

    I find that the most effective affirmations are the ones that we write for ourselves, based on our unique feelings, beliefs and desires. I also wrote a short phrase that you can adapt to meet your needs (see below). It’s based on some of the psychological blocks that I’ve encountered in my healing practice so far. Choose a quality that you’d like to bring into your life, whether its love, abundance, joy or health. Repeat the following three times, morning and night:

    I deserve love
    I enjoy love
    I give love

    Three important parts: The first line tells your subconscious that you are good enough, you deserve it. With the second, you give yourself permission to enjoy it. And finally, by bringing sharing into the equation, you trust that it (whatever it is) will never run out. You don’t have to hoard or stockpile it. By sharing, we also grease the wheels of life so that they keep turning. This generosity does have to be balanced. We share because we'll always have enough, not because we don’t deserve it, or because others will like us more for it. The giving is balanced, compassionate, joyful and measured. 

    You could also combine several qualities in phrase. For example: “I deserve happiness, I enjoy love and I share my good fortune with others.” Try it out and remember, the most effective affirmations are the ones we write for ourselves. 

     Read Chakra Healing & Magick for more.  

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    Reiki hugs, Regina

    Friday, October 3, 2014

    Clairaudience and Psychic Sounds

    This is my 400th blog post! I can't believe it! =)

    I thought it would be cool to focus on clairaudience today, the psychic sense that I was most excited about when I started blogging. It's about sound, listening to our guides, etc. Clairaudience is also one of the seven senses that I introduced on last week's A1R Psychic Radio show. As you may have guessed, clairaudience is when we receive intuitive messages in the forms of words or sentences, essentially messages that we hear. Song lyrics also come to mind. It helps to keep our mind relaxed, otherwise our guides have to make a huge effort to cut through the chatter. 

    Here's an example of a clairaudient message and how it might help us. A few days ago I was getting ready for an energy healing session. My first session with this client was spectacular. She came in with an old sports injury that had been bothering her for two years (she played through the pain), and the pain vanished two days after the healing session. I don't know who was more surprised, my skeptical client or myself! She went away a complete believer =)

    Yesterday she came back with a new (minor) injury in her lower back. Could I give her healing? She was travelling in a few days and had to be in tip-top shape. I agreed to see her, but I couldn't promise anything. Finally the moment came when she was lying on the couch waiting for the healing to begin. I was a little bit nervous, I didn't want to let her down but I didn't know what I had done "right" last time. My ego started acting up, putting pressure on me, when the words NO EXPECTATIONS flashed across my mind. That was the attitude I had to adopt during the session. It was a reminder from my guides that as a healer, I am just a channel for the energy. And that I should go with my usual "anything goes" approach. I put any thoughts of success or failure to one side. The "NO EXPECTATIONS" cue had me check my ego at the door, so that the lovely reiki energy could flow without any interference. 

    Today I sent her a message, asking how she felt. Funny enough her lower back didn't hurt anymore, but the pain shifted to her leg, indicating that we still need to do some work with the flow of energy in her body. Rather than suggest another Reiki session, I suggested that she follow a grounding meditation: bringing earth energy up through her left leg, across her hips and then down her right leg into the ground. This should help to reestablish the flow of energy in her body, so that she can release what no longer serves her. In this case a bit of self-healing will also come in handy. We can all learn to heal ourselves (click here for my Self-Healing book). From a complementary healing point of view, it's also worth mentioning that this was a minor muscle strain. I am not a physical therapist and Reiki isn't a replacement for treatment.

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    Reiki hugs, Regina