Saturday, November 30, 2013

Bending Time and Space

Hiro Nakamura was my favorite character on Heroes. They were all pretty cool, even the baddies, but Hiro was the best. It always cracked me up when he called himself the Master of Time and Space. He  would also squint/blink himself into a different location, usually to rescue someone from danger. 

So today I went to a class on Time Travel at the College of Psychic Studies. If you are wondering, we didn't teletransport ourselves to another time or place. Thank God that is impossible.  I imagine the real experience would be a lot more frightening than Michael J Fox would have you think.

Instead, we followed guided meditations to view our past lives, from the comfort of a nice yoga mat and hard wood floors in South Kensington. It was pretty cool. During the first meditation I saw myself in a Central American jungle scene, under the stars and near an archaeological site. I think I was some sort of a medicine woman or healer (big surprise) and it felt like I was grounded, less of a thinker. No concept of time either. I tried to get a sense of the century, say 1600's? It didn't feel like we had a concept of "European Time Keeping" so it must have been a long time ago. That was pretty cool. 

After lunch we did a second meditation and this time it felt like I was seeing a different place in the universe, but not a different time. It felt like a cluster of stars, rocks or light. And it was full of light beings but no vegetation or water to speak of. No air. No concept of breathing. There were also elements that I would describe as metallic. Some of that light was shining our way. 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Show Me The Money

There are a lot of reasons why I keep going back to the Kabbalah Centre. Something always clicks and even if I don't agree with everything said; there are a lot of good ideas that I can apply to my life. Yesterday we had a no nonsense lecture on MONEY and how to bring more of it into your life. Some spiritual personality types shy away from the desire to be rich, thinking that they would have to be greedy little dudes to focus on having more cash. 

But at the same time, we all have to think about rent and bills. It is also nice to have extra for holidays, a nice place to live, etc. So where do we draw the line between wanting enough and wanting too much? And what about quality of life: do we want to spend time, energy and life force chasing dough? Yesterday's class didn't cover this (haha), but in the past we have talked about money being neutral. Not good or bad. It's what you do with it that matters - and possibly what you do to earn it. For example, quality of life, legality, ethics, etc. 

How do you choose to spend, invest or donate money? You could buy free range products, which are expensive but less traumatic for animals. As an investor, you could look into eco-friendly businesses that treat nature as a stock holder, not a cash cow. Or, you can find another cause to support. The ones with the purse strings decide how and where money is spent. We can do lots of good and enjoy a better quality of life. Nothing wrong with that.  

Not everyone is destined to be a Bill Gates, or needs to be one. But we all deserve to live well. Yesterday's question was, how do we go about experiencing more wealth in our personal lives? Is it affirmations and meditation? Pushing yourself to get ahead? Climbing up the corporate ladder year by year, or venturing out there and starting a new business?

The Answer:  We have to create it, and most of all, add Value. 

Work smart. Work passionately, work with purpose, and ideally choose an enjoyable career that also adds value. No shortcuts here. But we can get a leg up by asking God, our Angels and Guides, or Spirit to point us in the right direction. Where does inspiration come from? Why did the Google Guys suddenly think to reinvent search? Where did JK Rowling get the idea for a wizarding school? The ideas were brilliant, both full of potential, but what made it happen was their ability to follow through. They were inspired, they embraced it and they didn't let up. One of my managers in the cola world used to say that everyone in marketing had good ideas; not everyone had the ability to follow through and get them done. That is makes the difference: Imagine. Believe. Do! 

I can personally think of a few ideas that I haven't followed through with. It's time to get started. Success may not happen overnight, but it can happen relatively quickly when the universe is aligned (including our intention, creativity, and action). Let's get on with it! 

Now just for laughs - a fun clip from Jerry McGuire! 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Image: (added 2023)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Thank You London!

My channeling class came to an end this week. Like so many things. My time in London is winding down and for once I didn't feel sad. Rather, I found myself feeling grateful for four wonderful years.

To think that so much has changed since I randomly moved here in 2009. At the time, I had never really heard of healing. Reiki Shmeiki. I didn't know spirit guides existed or that we could actually communicate with them and with our angels. Astrology was something I poked fun at (though I am still not a fan of horoscopes). And I had never had a psychic reading, much less given one. 

It's been a fun ride. Not sure what comes next but I am sure it will also be fantastic. And you never know, I may be back someday. But let's not get ahead of ourselves lol. The decision to go is fresh, only a few days old. And I am not leaving for a few months. 

A lot can happen in a couple of months :-) 

Please join me on Facebook or YouTube
Reiki hugs, Regina

Image: (Updated July 2021)

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Heart Centred Living

People often ask me how they can be sure they are on the 'right spiritual path'. Are they doing what they are supposed to be doing? I have wondered the same thing myself a few times. Am I living the life I was meant to lead? And really, what does that even mean? Who knows what we are supposed to be doing

Today it finally dawned on me that we're here to be ourselves, to learn to live authentic, heart-centred lives. For some this might mean being a devoted mother or father. Others might find a career that they feel passionate about. Or they may juggle both. So long as we live in the moment and bring love into our sphere of influence, we're on the right track. We can choose to do this on a large scale, or deeply touch the people we come into contact with in our daily lives. 

It's about our interactions with the people we meet, the environment, society, you name it. Every moment brings an opportunity to channel a little love and light into the world. How we do that is entirely unique. 

Please Join Me Below!
Reiki hugs, Regina 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Merlin's Advice

Yesterday I went to channeling class.  I never thought I would take the seat in front of the group and channel a message but I did! Sort of. The energy that came through all evening was Merlinesque and at times a little bit theatrical. As an observer, it felt and looked like play acting. 

We sat in a semi-circle and faced an empty red chair at the front. There was no particular order to speak. At first I thought I wouldn't say anything, then I considered staying in my own chair and saying a few words about magic. 

The first performances (ahem, messages) were fun to watch. More than the words, I was in awe of the energy flair in the room. It was pretty amazing. Then the group became very reluctant to continue, and when it seemed like we were running out of volunteers I began to feel like I had to sit in the chair.

Just sit. See what it felt like. I didn't think anything would happen and I still wasn't planning on channeling any messages. I didn't want to let that moment go by without sitting in the chair. I thought of The Sword in the Stone. And the possibility that none of us knows what we're capable of. I had to find out. 

So I volunteered to go next. When I sat down I said something about wanting to see how it felt like to sit in the chair. I mentioned this feeling, of taking the Sword from the Stone. That none of us knew what we were capable of. It's time to find out. Use your imagination. Just sit here and see what happens. 

Was this channeling? Who knows! 

I just had to try it. My energy felt very childish, in a good way. I had never been so keen to take a seat in front of a group of people and talk (or not talk). So maybe it wasn't me, or maybe it was more of me than I am used to. 



Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angels, tarot and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as an Energy Healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Blogging since 2010, Regina's passion is bringing the qualities of love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuits. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Going back to my roots ...

So it's official! I am moving back to Mexico. London is lovely but I need to touch base and reconnect with my family and friends. Will I stay forever and ever? Given my track record, probably not. After all, London was my sixth city and fourth country (in three decades of life) so the idea of staying in one place for the rest of my days is highly unlikely. But Mexico it is, for now. 

For once, I am not going to think of the "after Mexico step" either. I have a couple ideas on my radar. Will just let them sit for now. I want to write my second book. That and my personal life are the only things I will focus on now. This is me taking it one step at a time. Feels good not to have a master plan. I also want to give myself time to think about what I really want to do. 

What makes me happy? Like really happy ... 

I had been toying with the idea of starting an MA in Transpersonal Psych to complement my energy healing. Helpful from a counseling and client care perspective, though something fun and creative would make me happy. So I am putting psychology and all of the "should" thinking on the shelf. 

Last week I watched an interview that Oprah gave. She talked about a moment when she asked herself what she would do if she were fearless. In her case, it was starting her own TV network. In mine, it would be writing a fiction book. The idea scares the bejeezus out of me. 

I have loved reading since the age of six or seven. It started with Encyclopedia Brown, a little boy detective. By the time I was 10 or 11, I would fake sick to stay home reading the  Anne of Green Gables series. It took me two days to get through all eight books. I must've read the whole set half a dozen times. It would be pretty awesome to create a fictional world. 

So far, I have taken the plunge with a self-help book on energy healing and cancer. Step two, is turning this blog into a story. A memoir of sorts. That could be a nice bridge between real life and fiction. But for now I will just focus on writing this book and enjoying my last few months in the UK. 

One last thought! When I was starting business school ten years ago, we had to hand in a special assignment: mapping out our career path. Even then, I had planned on staying in the corporate world for 15 years, until I turned forty, and leaving to become a writer. Lol.

I made the jump eight years early :-) 

Why wait? 


Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angels, tarot and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as an Energy Healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Blogging since 2010, Regina's passion is bringing the qualities of love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuits. 

Image: (updated 2021)

Monday, November 4, 2013

Integrative Medicine, Skeptics and Angry MDs

Last year I went looking for a scientific explanation of energy healing. On some level, I may doubt myself, but more than anything I wonder how it works. There have been too many times when I clairvoyantly saw something and then had it confirmed by the person I was reading. Enough that I don't chalk it up to coincidence, though I'm not always accurate and I can blame that on my laziness - i.e. not doing a full meditation before doing my practice readings etc.

So I went looking for facts to explain my hobbies and I stumbled upon a group of skeptical and sometimes angry MD's. 

It wasn’t obvious to me from the name, but the forum is dedicated to debunking complementary and alternative therapies. The first post I commented on was about the danger of patients rejecting cancer treatment for natural and alternative therapies, which would be upsetting on so many levels. More on that below. 

I joined the conversation, saying that complementary therapies can help people relax, face their fears and cope with the disease. It is not an either-or case with medical care and energy healing. 

I made the mistake of introducing myself as a Reiki practitioner. I tried to highlight the complementary side, there was a bit of back and forth which led to me being told: 1) No machine or test has ever been able to detect these energies, 2) I had to be delusional or a victim of my mind and "wishing to believe" if I thought I sensed something, 3) I was wasting my time, the client's time, and their money if I was charging them. 4) Some name calling ensued, and these MD's used words that I haven't heard since the third grade. 

That made me wonder: 

  • Why were they so angry? They don't talk to their patients like that (I hope), so they must have been taking their frustrations out on me. Many alternative medicine practitioners do recommend experimental, natural or less invasive therapies in lieu of conventional medical care, without having the science to back it up. Having spent years in the healthcare industry (yes it's true! And btw, not all corporate cats are greedy or out to get us), I know a bit about efficacy studies, safety tests and the placebo effect. Proven treatments outperform the placebo; and testing any course of treatment is expensive, complex, and requires monitoring huge groups of people. Alternative therapies are not likely to go through the rigorous testing that doctors look for.  

In my corporate days I also learned that: 

  • Just because something is natural, doesn't mean it is safe. If a natural ingredient is strong enough to have an effect, that effect can be positive or negative. Safety tests are expensive and unfortunately, if a natural supplement or treatment is created by a small business, they may not have the funds to carry out safety tests that are statistically significant. 2023 Update: Some oncology hospitals do assess natural remedies💜
  • The same is true for efficacy tests, which tell us if the treatment does what it says. Drugs and treatments are usually tested at various stages of development before they are ever tested on humans (and those stages can involve petri dishes, so not necessarily animals). By the time a treatment is ready for a trial with people, tens of thousands ($) will have been spent. A trial on patients will also be expensive; research objectives have to be refined. 
  • A lot of money and brainpower goes into designing these studies; doctors use the data to make decisions on what to include in their treatment plans. Most holistic practitioners won’t have the funds or know-how to create a useful study. This can lead people to make decisions based on what they would like to be true. 

It's totally fine by me if these doctors don't believe in Reiki and scoff at the thought of healing energies. It isn't for everyone, and if you don't want to see it, you won't. But I do think it would be incredibly beneficial for mankind if this massive gap between conventional doctors and Natural/Holistic approaches was bridged. 

If for no other reason than the public asks for it. When people have concerns, fears and desires, those need to be addressed. Otherwise they look for answers elsewhere. Integrative Medicine is something we hear a lot about these days. I like the sound of it. We need to pay more attention to the mental, spiritual and emotional aspects, without diminishing the medical side. 

With regards to Energy Healing and Reiki: there are things we haven't been able to test or understand, and denying their existence until we see it in a lab is a limiting move. Especially when our body is equipped with the means to detect this energy (the Chakras!) 

But that is a whole other story ... 

... My inner skeptic is making an appearance, with a view to see how I can bring energy healing to science. 

Reiki hugs,



Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  

Image: (2023)