Monday, July 23, 2012

Be the Catalyst in Your Life!

The founders of E-Bay spoke at my college graduation ten years ago.  I had to look them up on Google as it's been a long time! Man and wife, met at college. Founded E-bay.

Funny thing is we loved the wife's address, but didn't particularly appreciate her husband's. She talked about how important it was to be the catalyst in life. Be the change you want to see. If you want something to happen or even just think it needs to, go for it! It was a long time ago and I don't remember the specifics, but I do remember the phrase Be the Catalyst!  

Her husband went on to talk about Ebay - what it was like founding it. His inspiration and the wonderful life it afforded him. Sounds like an interesting speech but it didn't resonate with me at the moment, after all I was busy looking for a job and he told us that he started E-Bay as an automatic auction house because he didn't want to work in the first place. The business could run smoothly from Day 15 without his involvement. It didn't matter if he was at work or not, things would get shipped. Auctioneers would send their goods, the buyers would receive it. It afforded him enough time to go surfing and the opportunity not to work (if he didn't feel like it, I still find it hard to believe that you can run E-Bay without going to work).

His message was to start a business that ticked on without our continued presence. Freedom. Financial Independence. Interesting!

That idea popped into my mind again this morning on my commute to work - my long commute to work. I had a brilliant idea over the weekend and will be working on putting it into place. 

The other thought that came to mind was Dr. Wayne Dyer's point about staying on purpose. We can be successful and fullfilled as long as we're on purpose. So my mission will be to stay on purpose with my energy healing pursuits, and my vision is to take it mainstream. 

Stay tuned ... 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

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