Monday, November 21, 2011

Taking a Breather ...

 I'm taking a short break from this blog while I play catch up with my homework! Flunking Anatomy is the only thing that has me worried these days and I better get to it.  Please have a troll through my archives - I'll be back in the New Year, if not before! 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Connecting with your Spirit

I'm going to lead you on a short breathing meditation. Read it and then try it at home! Feel free to improvise along the way! ;-)

Take a deep breath in, all the way down to your sacral chakra and then in one continuous movement let it out. Slowly, smoothly and then repeat the process.

Your breath revitalizes you and fills you with spirit. On the out breath let your worries, fears and bodily toxins drop away. Through the floor, down to the center of the earth.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath in, and ask yourself what your "life force" looks like. What color is it? How does it make you feel? This is the color of your spirit, soak it in and let it wash all over you.

Continue to take deep breaths in and out, go at your own pace and let the spark of life guide you.

Please Join Me Below!
Reiki hugs, Regina 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Healing School Assignment - Keep a Journal

This term we had a written assignment at the School of Intuition & Healing, to keep a healing journal: How do you feel? How are your case studies? Is it influencing or shaping your life? Lucky for me, I've been blogging all along and it makes it easier. I did like the snippet format though, it was fun to write. 


Entry 1:   I had to take the afternoon off , I was feeling ill and I started feeling  hot flashes and nausea when I was sitting at my desk. And sweaty palms, ick! One of the things I have noticed is that when I fall ill, I can feel the symptoms in my aura. The 1st time that happened I had a fever and a headache, and I could feel it in the space around my head. It was uncomfortable and oddly interesting at the same time.

Entry 2: It was a friend’s birthday on Saturday, we had our healing class the next day so even though I went out I didn’t stay late. Was home by 12 and I fell asleep really quickly. The next day I was really surprised though, I felt completely drained and hung over even though I only had one and a half drinks. Granted, one of them was a foot long mojito but it was full of ice. I’m not a big drinker and I hadn’t had anything in a few weeks, the change took me by surprise. I was really thirsty when I woke up the next morning and by the time I got to the School I had already finished off a 750 ml bottle of water.

I was really sleep and groggy and dehydrated all morning, when we were supposed to be learning chord cuttings I had a really tough time sensing anything. Completely off my game. It was a surprise. From now on I’m going to stay away from liquor the day before classes, and if I am due to heal anyone in the morning. The by time the evening came around I was fine. I think this might be a combination of turning 30 a year ago, and also doing so much energy work.

Entry 3:  Anatomy and Physiology are not my strong side! I enjoy A&P when I finally sit down and start coloring my diagrams. It's the discipline that I'm lacking these days! I’ve put too much on my plate: healing school, psychic school, anatomy class, Facebook Page, the books I'm not writing, and my social/personal life. Oh, and my day job! - Too Much! I like my job and I "need" it but I am less attached to it than I am attached to my extra-curricular activities. What wouldn't I give for a hefty book deal? LOL

Entry 4: Ever since I started working with so many different clients I find that I am less judgmental of people, or at least I try to be. It opens your eyes to this idea that we are all different, flawed and perfect in our own way. You never know what is going on in the background when someone acts out.

Entry 5: A couple days ago I was talking to my line manager at work, we’re in an open plan office and there are about 60 other people on the floor. I can’t remember what the conversation was about, but I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my throat and it instantly turned into a sore throat. The sensation was really weird; I had been feeling perfect before then. It really felt like it just hit me.  One of my colleagues always tells me my voice is too loud and that it carries. I wonder if someone was thinking “Will she please shut up?”  I wonder if someone sent it my way?

Entry 6:  The past few months I have missed having spare time, and wish we had less homework  =)

Entry 7:  I’m not sure if this is directly a result of the healing course, I’ve always been interested in flower remedies and I started playing around with them a few weeks ago. I really like Bach Flowers, I’ve been taking Clematis to be more grounded and Mimulus to cut down on the worrying (stressful job!).  It has worked really well so far, I feel a lot more relaxed and happy and carefree. And more in the moment although I still tend to daydream a lot.  The flower remedies were suggested in one of my psychic development courses. It has made a big difference.

Entry 8:  I've been centering from the heart for the past few days, and it makes a huge difference. I feel calm and unshakeable. It also strengthens my intuition and my feelings that something is right or wrong (or good/bad for me). Still a new practice, I tend to spend more time in my head thinking and worrying about things. It helps to be a little less analytical sometimes!

Entry 9:  One of the things I’ve noticed is that people at work are pleasantly surprised when I tell them I am doing this course. They think it is funny because I am very analytical and “straight to business”. And then most of them tell me they have a friend/cousin/girlfriend etc who practices Reiki. Or that they have had Reiki done. A couple people have also asked me more questions and they’ve admitted to being intuitive, even though they might not explore that side. Most of my case studies are from work.

Entry 10:  Working with so many case studies has helped me improve my client management skills, setting boundaries and being more responsible and confident in the way I communicate with them. I'm trying to apply this to my work life as well, I feel more confident in my healing practice. The angels help with that, especially Archangel Michael.

Please Join Me Below!
Reiki hugs, Regina 

Image: (added July 2021)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Energy Aches and Pains

A couple weeks ago I mentioned that I went out for drinks and was completely unable to channel healing the next day. Might have been the slight hangover, being sleep deprived or the fact that I was dehydrated. Tomorrow I don't have any healings scheduled, just my angels class but that's at night so I'm OK.

This term we're supposed to write about how being a healer has changed our experience in life. There are lots of big changes, for one the process of self healing has really helped me get past some of the hang ups that were holding me back. Some of the meditations we've done have also shed light on scars that still need to be cleared, and lessons that are still lurking in the shadows. Going through that process makes me feel a lot lighter and happier, and I'm also tapping into my potential. 

That aside, there are some things that aren't so cool about being a healer. For one, falling ill feels so much worse now that I am aware of my aura. The first time I got an "energy cold" was about 2 years ago, I had to leave work and go home because I was feeling sick. I couldn't actually feel the pain and grogginess in my body, it was floating in my etheric and emotional layers around my head!  That's a space of about 4 inches around the skull, feeling heat, tingles and grogginess outside your physical body is NOT the least bit appealing. Right now I have a headache on the left side of my brain and I'm not sure where it starts and where it ends.

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

How to deal with a blocked healing hand?

A couple weeks ago a classmate told us she kept getting burning sensations between her palms and elbows when she was healing, the teachers told her she had blocked chakras in her palms and that the energy was accumulating. She had it cleared and that was it.

Yesterday I had a similar sensation in my arms when I was healing one of my case studies, I hadn't even stepped into her aura and already I felt a strong rush of energy down my right arm. The left arm took longer to "turn on", I then stepped into her auric field (after grounding, protecting, attuning and asking for permission to heal her).

When I put my hands on her shoulders everything was fine, moving on to her crown I used my left hand and didn't notice much, if only a strong tingling on my right hand. By the time I got to her brow and her throat I felt shooting pain in my right palm. I stepped back and just held the energy in her auric field, I couldn't quite step in because I felt that pain in my right hand.

After a couple minutes I tried again and stepped in to work on her heart chakra. Placing both my hands on her heart chakra, I felt the pained sensation in my right palm and then both of my hands started to get very warm. I could feel energy filling my hands, forearms, and then rushing up toward my elbows. Mind you she was lying on a yoga mat on the floor, and I was standing next her. I am nearly 1.78 cm tall (5'10 for my American friends), so my hands were more than five feet from her physical body all along.

On occassions like this I have heard my classmates say they will hold the energy because they are unable to do any healing, and instead ask their spirit guides or angels to come in and do the healing. I always ask Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael to sit in on any healings for my benefit and the clients, so I stepped back and let them clear and heal her energy as I couldn't.

When that was done the energy shifted to the rose quartzy feel that I often get from angelic healings, and I came back into her auric field to ground her and to close her down. Needless to say it was a very interesting session, and I liked taking that back seat and letting the angels to the work. After the session I cleared the client's energy with my Alaskan Essences Protection and Space Clearing spray (flower essences!) And did the same for myself and my flat.

So off she went and then I sat down to clear the energy in my arm, once again asking the angels to pitch in and help. Throughout I felt lots of energy going back and forth between my forearm and my palms, with actual muscle soreness in my elbow. Even now my arm feels like I played a lot of Nintendo/Tenis, but the chakra is cleared and I can feel the energy flowing again. During the healing I wasn't sure what was happening, think some of the energy might have been too much for me to clear from the client and then having my strong healing arm out of whack didn't help much.

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Reiki hugs, Regina