Sunday, October 27, 2019

Healing the Soul and Spirit

I have been practicing energy healing since 2010 and it has helped me tremendously. The main benefits have been stress relief as we clear the Aura and release thoughts, beliefs, regrets and experiences that weigh us down. It wasn't until seven months ago that I signed up for a Holy Fire® Reiki class that I started to feel like a kite that was grounded on planet earth, and somehow flying higher and higher at the same time. I’ve come to value its impact on my personal growth more than anything else; how Usui Holy Fire® Reiki brings us into direct contact with our Spirit so that we can see where it takes us πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€

If you’re new to my blog, Reiki is a self-healing technique with Japanese roots. Rei translates as universal energy, divine love and intelligence. Ki refers to the energy in our bodies and how our energy levels are on a daily basis. We can meditate with Reiki energy to activate our inner guidance.

Your Soul & Spirit 

Rather than focus on the physical body, let's take a step back and think about the mind, the soul and the spirit. When we meditate with Holy Fire® Reiki we receive a boost on all of those levels. In my experience, this is what mystical experiences are about. The spiritual boost is where I have found the greatest benefits to practicing Reiki and meditation in my daily life. 

Developed by William Lee Rand, the Usui Holy Fire ® Reiki curriculum defines the Soul as the part of ourselves that has lived many lives. Some of those lives have been easier than others. In every life we tend to have have happiness, love and positive growth experiences, but also difficulties and sometimes traumatic events. We might not be aware of our Soul, but if you visualize it like a large cloud, it might be white, fluffy and breezy. Or dark, rainy and heavy. One of the purposes of self-healing is to clear the soul so that it can fly. 

Then far above that is our Spirit, all it does is grow. Your spirit is pure light, it is also the part of us that has mystical experiences. The happier and healthier the Soul and personality, the more your Spirit is able to soar. In the Holy Fire® Reiki class we learned that the Spirit has infinite growth potential because it is the part of us that is one with the Universe, and that taps into God's love, wisdom and power directly. In a recent Reiki meditation I heard a whisper referring to my Spirit as my Infinite Self because of its endless potential for personal growth, love and happiness. 

That is me flying in the picture!

Usui Holy Fire® Reiki Classes 

The Usui Holy Fire® Reiki Level 1 and 2 classes instill Reiki in the Soul, where it trickles down to our mind and body. The Reiki Master class sends it all the way to your Spirit. I'd been practicing other types of Reiki for seven years (Usui and Usui Tibetan, which I loved), but I didn't feel the turbo-boost until this Holy Fire® Reiki class. In my case, it has gone to my spirit and personality. 

The difference is how the student receives Reiki. In traditional Reiki classes it is through the teacher, and in Holy Fire® it comes down directly from above. Both are brilliant and underneath it all, I believe that we each are guided to the class that will help us at that stage in our lives. Usui, Usui-Tibetan, Holy Fire® and Karuna Reiki® have helped me tremendously on so many levels. 

Do It Yourself 

There are plenty of ways to access that part of your self. If you would like to know more, by all means sign up for a Reiki class. And have a look at my books on personal growth and spiritual development! The healing techniques can be carried out with a Reiki 1 class or by following the steps in the energy healing chapters. Find Chakra Healing & Magick and A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love in the Online Bookstore HEREπŸ’ž

Reiki hugs, 



Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  

* Holy Fire® and Karuna Reiki ® are registered trademarks of the International Center for Reiki Training.

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