Thursday, June 8, 2017

An Affirmation To Unblock Your Spiritual Vision

Gabrielle Bernstein has an awesome affirmation that goes something like this: Let me see this (person or thing) for the first time. Technically it's from A Course in Miracles, because that's where Gabby got her start, but I stumbled across it while reading her new book: The Universe Has Your Back: Transform Fear to Faith. 

The message behind this affirmation is that when we see something or someone, we don't see them as they are, instead looking at them through the filter of our past, opening the door to prejudice, misunderstandings and even blindness.

Why Would One See The Past? 

So for example, if we went for lunch and were introduced to an athlete, instead of viewing that new acquaintance as someone in their own right, we may project the feelings that we had about the jocks at school onto to them, despite the fact that it has been 20 years. If I had a bad experience, I may not respond so nicely. If I was part of the team, that perceived connection may lead me to be warmer, etc. 

In either case, we respond to a new person based on the past, and not on what is happening in that moment. It's one of many filters that color the way we view the world and how we interact with others. It is a big stumbling block to overcome! 

It Also Blocks Our Learning...

As I am sure you have noticed - I love reading books, attending classes and learning new things. One of the biggest blocks to learning something new is actually thinking that you already know the answer - or an answer. That is why, when I attended my first Reiki class in 2013, I made a conscious decision to check everything I thought I knew about energy healing at the door. This made it possible for me to open up...

I try to do this in every class that I attend, telling myself that there are many ways of working,  practicing healing or accessing our intuition. But sometimes our blindness gets the best of us and we see things the old way. All this year I have been struggling to wrap my head around a concept that we learned in my Practical Kabbalah Class, and today it finally dawned on me that I was viewing the material through the lens of the books that I have read, and missing the mark completely. 

Ask To See The Big Picture

This Practical Kabbalah class is unrelated to the Kabbalah Centre of red string fame, where I also studied. Developed by Dr Joseph Michael Levry, we use numerology, the Tree of Life and astrology to map out the planets that are most influential in our soul's path. Our main planets are represented on a symbol with five points for Spirit, Air, Earth, Fire and Water. In the books I had read before, whenever someone drew this symbol it was  to infuse an object or a space with one of these four elements (or to remove it). Here, we draw the symbol to activate our personal planets. 

It may seem silly, but I couldn't understand why we were told to draw this symbol in one direction and not another. This question has been on my mind since November, and our teacher, Dalia, explained it to me twice in class. Very patiently too... Anyhow  it wasn't until this morning when I remembered Gabby's affirmation and asked to "see this for the first time" that I realised I wasn't working on clearing or activating an object, I was healing myself. The panorama changes and they way you draw the symbol does too. So yes, this was my super stubborn way of learning to see for first time; I'm glad it is done and I can get back to activating my planets!

Interested In Affirmations?

Affirmations are wonderful if we know to pay attention to the feeling that arises when we say them. Is the feeling aligned with the phrase you send out to the Universe??? I like to combine affirmations with colouring, mandalas, music and even Reiki, as laid out in my Chakra Healing & Magick book. It is funny because I feel I channeled my Higher Self into the book and I’m now using it to heal myself. Hope it helps you too! See link in bio or check out the bookstore, HERE


Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  


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