So many of us catch colds when we are overworked, stressed or in need of a break. So as obvious as this may sound, it is important to get some rest and take care of ourselves. That said, I would like to share a convenient tool that I learned at the School of Intuition and Healing in London. I use it when I feel a cold coming on, to try and avoid a full-blown sneeze fest. The theory is that colds enter through the Aura before they reach the physical body, and that when we feel that scratchy throat or start sniffling, it's because the cold has found it's way to the innermost layer, just a few centimeters above our skin. At this point, we may still be able to clear it.
In my student days, I learned to focus my healing efforts here:
Work on Your Grounding: The more grounded we are, the more resistant our energy. Turn your attention to the soles of your feet, and intend for your foot chakras to open up and connect you to the earth. We can draw on earth energy for strength and support. More importantly, we can also release all of our excess energy into the ground, so that it no longer weighs on our system. Visualize a shower running through your aura, taking the cold symptoms with it, and the surround yourself with a bubble of light, warmth and healing. Please see below for a Grounding Tutoral by Sue Allen, of the School and Intuition & Healing.
The Root Chakra. This is the Chakra at the bottom of the spine, between our legs (see here). Not only does the Root Chakra help with grounding, but it also links into the physical Aura layer, where we can find the energetic imprint of our physical imbalances. The idea is to use Reiki or Energy Healing to clear and balance the physical Aura layer through the Root Chakra.
Personally, I like to place my hands over my lap for as long as it takes, intending for Reiki to flow through my Root Chakra to my whole body. If I have specific symptoms, I cover those as well. If my head hurts or my throat is scratchy, I will keep one hand on my Root Chakra and the other on my Throat or Brow Chakra, though focusing on grounding and the Root Chakra works best for me. The Root Chakra directs healing to the entire physical body which is great if you are feeling worse-for-wear, though ideally, we would make self care a daily habit to keep our energy levels high enough.
Send Healing to the Immune System, by placing one hand on your chest between your Heart and Throat Chakras. If you think back to Vicks Vapor Rub, this is the spot. It's as easy as a placing one hand a few centimeters under your collar bone when you are out and about. This placement is taught by the School of Intuition and Healing - the healing course is available in the UK and South Africa.

If you would like to learn more about healing, see here for A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer and Love. Though this book was designed to help families who are coping with a cancer diagnosis and the stress it entails, the self-healing techniques can be helpful for us all. Energy healing is complementary to medical care; these tools are to be used along with suggestions from your doctor.
Grounding Tutorial by Sue Allen, of the
School of Intuition and Healing UK
Reiki hugs,
Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuits. Read her books to heal yourself.
Image: Sourced via (February 2020)
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