Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mind Readers Anonymous

There's a psychic skill that makes me really uncomfortable. You may have heard of empaths, those special people who can feel what others are feeling. For example, empath #1 might be sitting on the bus with a friend. If their friend is down in the dumps that empath might feel down in the dumps as well. If you're perceptive enough you might also know who the feeling or thought is coming from. It's happened to me a couple times, at first I ignored it. There are people who make me feel like crying whenever I see them. I'm not always sure what to do,  how to help, or if I should ignore it and let them be. Awkward.

If empaths know how we feel, do they also hear what we think? 

Remember that Mel Gibson movie, What Women Want? Its about an ad exec in Chicago who wakes up one morning and he can hear all of the thoughts that run through women's heads. There is a scene where an intern thinks she could disappear or die without anyone in her office noticing or even caring. How sad! When he confronts it about her, she is shocked to learn that he could tell. She doesn't know how, but the realisation that her misery was so apparent has her feeling just a little bit sad. This is an extreme case, but most of us wouldn't be too comfortable if we thought other people could hear our thoughts or witness our inner most feelings. 

The past month or so I've had two thoughts that really surprised me. Usually something that I would never say or think in real life. Both times I glanced over to the the person next to me smiling. The first time it happened I was in one of my psychic classes and I thought that the lady sitting next to me might have heard my thought, but looking back on it I probably sensed hers. For a second I thought it was my own and I was really shocked at the un-politically correct joke. 

One of my psychic teachers told us that eventually you can hear other people thinking, particularly if their thoughts are really loud. On a few occasions she has verbally responded to her siblings' thoughts and they always get mad at her for being in their heads. To which she responds by telling them not to think so loudly! LOL

What is the difference between a loud and a quiet thought? I think loud thoughts are projected by our throat chakras even if we do not say them aloud.  That same "tone of thought" is the one I've used when I talk to my Spirit Guides, so it must be some sort of telepathic communication.  I guess there must be people who project their thoughts without realising it, and lucky for them most people can't hear it. 

This post feels like a flight of fancy, would love to HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS on the subject =)

Please Join Me Below!
Reiki hugs, Regina 


  1. I am very empathic. When I lived in Oklahoma and a tornado went through the city, I had this horrible sense of dread and felt the pain of people and it took me about a week to get over it. I can meet a person and sense their sadness but I don't say anything. Sometimes I will come across a person who I know is dying. That is the worst. I can sense when my boyfriend wants to talk to me on the phone or maybe it is he who does it. I will go to text him and the second I do, his text pops up. It is scary sometimes.

    1. That sounds really intense! And a little bit scary. I am not so empathic most of the time, and I also tend to be very disinterested so that makes me even less of an empath.

  2. Well as I get deeper into this Journey yes I do seem to take on energies. Last week I worked with 2 very odd people who had such awful negative energies that it shook me to the core. I totally lost who I was. I had nothing to say and I began to get so annoyed. I bit my tongue and the chances are I will prob never see them again but OH MY it was awful. I do also seem to know what people are thinking and often make sure I answer whatever it is so that they dont have to worry. At college my tutor always answers my question before I ask it !!!!! x

    1. LOL that is pretty funny. Some thoughts should be private though and I'm hoping people can't hear those! =)

  3. After reading AM healings comment I have to comment again. About negative energies....I feel those as well. Once while working in retail I came across this child who was sitting in the front of a shopping cart. I never thought I could feel such darkness from a child but I felt it. I felt dark negative thoughts. Almost evil. I don't ever want to feel anything like that again. I've never thought of people being born evil but maybe it is possible.

  4. Being an empathy myself, I think it has to do with how grounded you are. Oddly enough, when I am not very grounded is when i get things. That is when I am shaken 'awake' to my sense. I get much can feel negative and had a posessed woman come into my shop about a month ago. One look at her and I knew she was possessed. Her eyes were crying though she was not literally shedding tears. She confirmed this as her hello voice and her ordering voice were two different voices. My cousins 'talk' all of the time and they live across town from each other. They say it gets fun when one of them wakes the other up in the middle of the night saying 'Want to play xbox?' Without ever saying it out loud. I have also been aware of people's hobbies and will 'see' the person doing wjat they love to do and as I pass them (they will be going about their day) it dissolves. I served a man before who had been stabbed as his back was turned and ad I turned my back on him, the scene played out and I felt a sharp pain on my body where he had been stabbed. I felt utter suprised, like he wasnt expecting it. I have been the witness to chiod suffering just by sitting next to an abuser on a bus. So I guess, I suppose depending on how in tune you are, and the more sensitive you become, you can in fact hear people's thoughts. When a psychic, or sensitive person comes into my life, I can instantly identify them as so even without thrm telling me. Then I have to watch my thoughts to make sure theu aren't mean, or rude etc just in case they can 'hear' me. Like all abilities, I think we all have our certain gifts so to find someone who can hear us, is quite rare. At least I thought?

    1. Hello! Thanks for sharing, those are very intense experiences! Do you ever try to close down so that you won't feel that? I can't image it being very pleasant. Thanks =)

  5. I was napping one day and my daughter stood over me and said,
    this kid is awake when you going to get up. I laid there for
    a few minutes before yelling at her and going to the bathroom.
    When I came back in the room they said they didn't say a word.
    I told them what I heard and my daughter was shocked cause she was only thinking it but I heard it loud and clear.
