Sunday, April 17, 2011

My Take on Spirituality

Someday I am going to write a book by this name, for now I am still exploring the subject so a post is about all I can manage. All of this psychic stuff is fun, I like doing practice readings especially because its still relatively new for me and I am pleasantly surprised when I tell people something that actually makes sense. At the end of the day, the readings are a way to keep it fun as I pursue my own spiritual development.

The psychic stuff can be a distraction and its important to find the time to chill and connect with your life. The universe brought me to Germany for a little getaway this weekend. Little did I know that the town shuts down on Sunday, and as the concierge told me the only thing I can do is take a walk down the river: "walk left, walk right, take a seat in the park". Funny because when the plane landed yesterday I had the distinct impression that this trip would let me get in touch with myself again. Sometimes we need to remove all distractions.

This weekend I left Geena the psychic student / energy healer on the shelf and  focused on being myself again. It is important not to lose sight of the fact that the psychic readings, the healing and the blog are by products of my spiritual awakening. The book I am writing will cover this, it should give me clarity and by automatic writing the text hopefully it will also shed some light on my path.

Please Join Me Below!
Reiki hugs, Regina 

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