
Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Mechanics of Forgiveness

A lot has been written on forgiveness and why it is so important to let go of grievances; it’s one of the steps on the road to peace. But it is not the first step nor the most important. Think of a person who has been hurt or betrayed by an ex, a close friend or by a terrible loss. How can one expect to forgive if one still feels hurt? Yesterday I sat and meditated in a beautiful church called Mary Star of the Sea, where I had the most amazing insights on this question... 

The short answer: we can't forgive if we are still hurting. Based on my experiences with energy healing over the past ten years, the first step is to become aware of our emotional pain and let it be what it is. Accept the fact that you feel angry or hurt. 

If this emotion is the result of an abusive relationship, please get help and find a safe way out - but if it stems from the past, give yourself time and space to let those feelings come to the surface so that you can heal them. Therapy works wonders, and we can also try energy healing at home!

Three Steps to Forgiveness:  

1) Begin by grounding, clearing and shielding your personal energy before attuning to divine light. The steps can be found in both of my healing books. You'll find a basic chakra meditation HERE

2) Once you are ready to start channeling the energy of love and compassion through your physical body and Aura, visualize the part of yourself that feels hurt. Let a soft white, violet or pink light stream through you, sending any excess healing energies into the ground. No pressure to heal quickly or to experience forgiveness - just give that part of yourself lots of love. 

3) We then end the visualization by running gold light through our body and Aura, letting it fill all of the spaces that might have been cleared by the healing energy that we have just channeled. Always end by grounding and shielding your personal space (Aura). 

This approach acknowledges that a part of your psyche may be in an emotional or energetic ICU. With care and self-healing, it will come through stronger and more resilient. When that part of yourself is ready to emerge, the bruises will have faded; And instead of forgiving rationally because the mind tells you that letting go brings peace, it will come about naturally. 

Learn To Heal Yourself

Both of my books guide us through the process. If you would like to try a creative approach to self-healing, Chakra Healing & Magick is probably the best fit. Chapter 5 guides us through the energy healing steps required to balance and heal our chakras, or to send healing to specific themes by using crystals as a focal point. This works well as crystals amplify energy. My go-to stones for emotional healing are rose quartz, rhodonite and lapis lazuli. 

Find Chakra Healing & Magick on Amazon below

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Disponible en español 🇲🇽

USA ~ Mexico ~ España

If you are interested in forgiveness from a health and wellness point of view, I would suggest my first book, A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love. It looks at energy healing as a complementary therapy for cancer patients though it is also useful in other situations. The book might as well have been called Self-Healing, Cancer & Forgiveness. The healing tools are meant to help us channel our emotions, including stress, making it useful for the whole family. It is based on my family's experience with cancer. You'll find the book on the links below: 

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Ahora en español 🇲🇽

USA ~ Mexico España

Please give yourself a chance to run the energy of love, compassion and forgiveness through your body. Even if we feel that we have nothing to let go of, memories will come to the surface, often from childhood and young adult years. It is often the little things that leave energetic imprints, but they fade away just as quickly when we finally decide to dust ourselves off. 

Reiki hugs, 



Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  

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