
Thursday, September 16, 2021

Soul Healing, Astrology and the Higher Heart Chakra

Did you know that as well as the seven main chakras, we have energy centers in the Aura? These are seen as transpersonal because they take our awareness beyond our individual lives. This awareness can include past lives, the planet and most importantly, the collective experience.

Some of the Transpersonal Chakras are especially relevant when it comes to energy healing & astrology. Tuning into them will open up your natal chart’s gifts & lessons. 

I’ve listed these chakras bottom-up because they need to be approached that way or we’ll lose our footing, energetically: 

➡️ The Earth Star Chakra is beneath your feet in the ground, connecting you with nature and with the planet’s history. What has happened on Earth, in previous generations, that you still need to heal?

➡️ The Universal Heart Chakra (or Higher Heart) can be found above the classical Heart Chakra, near the Thymus gland. It connects you with your Higher Self, bringing in bigger currents of love from that aspect of your full self. Grounding from the Higher Heart gives you extra strength when channeling planetary energies.

➡️ The Soular (Soul Star) Chakra is about six inches above the head. I tend to see and feel it as a Moon. It has to do with past lives and with your soul’s path. This is also where the energy of your birth chart is stored, which then cascades into the spiritual layer of the Aura. Astrology transits are felt because of the Soular

The energy in the spiritual Aura layer filters through the inner layers of the Aura, as discussed in my book, Chakra Healing & Magick. Healing the emotional and mental Aura layers also makes it easier to perceive spiritual energy around us. This is an essential part of self-healing. The Aura and the seven main chakras are covered in the book. I’ll start to include the transpersonal chakras in my meditations on YouTube.

Energy Healing Meditations

There are lots of ways to work with the astrology chart when we think about energy healing. Activating the Earth Star Chakra releases excess energy into the ground. It also attunes us to plants & crystals, which can be used to harmonize the Aura and our lives. Chapter 1 of Chakra Healing & Magick looks at this.

Please begin with this Earth Star Activation on Youtube. Don't forget to check out the Astrology Tab in the Menu Bar for an introduction to healing & the stars! I have been sharing the basics of astrology on Instagram, this was today's post! 

Reach out for energy healing sessions that focus on your natal chart. 

Reiki hugs,


>> Also Read: Integrating With Your Higher Self. A transpersonal chakra meditation. 


Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  


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