
Thursday, December 3, 2020

Soul-Healing with Archangel Raziel

Archangel Raziel is one of the angels that I connect with most often. He resonates with the planet Uranus - insight, illumination and cosmic connection - and as an Aquarius, I love that vibe. Like most of the archangels, his name comes from Hebrew. We can get a sense of what angels represent from the letters in their name: Resh (R), Zayin (Z) and Yud (i) with El referencing the role that angels play as messengers of Light. 

Hebrew letters have a number, a meaning, and an energy signature. They are also said to be conduits of energy and according to the Sefer Yetzirah, visualizing the letters as black fire against brilliant white light activates them in the physical world*. The Hebrew letter Resh brings Peace*, Zayin is a blade that cuts through illusions of fear or confusion, and the Yud represents the spark of divine light that resides in all of us. 


Archangel Raziel guides us in soul-healing and symbolism, especially where past lives, family lines and unconscious attitudes are concerned. Natal Astrology paints a wonderful roadmap; One of the things I learned in Demian Allan's class at The College of Psychic Studies is that past life theories about the North & South Nodes often mirror what happened to previous generations in our family. We can think about what our parents and grandparents went through and how their experiences influence our beliefs and attitudes. This is much easier to put into context in our lives, although past life healings can be powerful too. 

If we call on him before studying our natal charts, Archangel Raziel can help us spot unconscious patterns, conflicts and also talents that we can tap into. As discussed in a guest post with Dark Pixie Astrology: 'My Shadow is Somebody Else's Light" - we find our hidden treasures by working with shadow astrology. Raziel can help us pull back the veil in a safe and loving environment, while filling us with peace. 

Let's Meet Archangel Raziel

As the archangel of mystics and cosmic information, Archangel Raziel's range of themes is pretty wide. Ideally we'd begin by connecting with some of the more grounded angels, such as Archangel Michael and Raphael, before venturing up towards the more mystical angels. 

In the coming weeks I will share a guided meditation with Archangel Raziel on Instagram or Facebook. In the meantime please begin with an Earth Star Meditation to connect with Mother Nature. This gives us much needed grounding before reaching for the stars with Raziel.

Reiki hugs, 


* I'm reading the annotated translation of the Sefer Yetzirah by Aryeh Kaplan. Resh = peace is in chapter 4. Adding this note so I don’t forget. 


Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  


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