
Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Lighting Candles with Magick

The past few years I have been working with the elements of Fire, Earth, Air and Water to heal and balance my personal energy. This after I learned to read astrology charts four years ago and discovered I had virtually no Fire or Water in my chart. We need all four to function properly.

Each of these gives us a different quality or skill. Fire gives us confidence, ambition and creativity. Water is all about intuition, emotions and personal relationships. Air is about communication skills, thought processes, thinking skills and how we see things. Earth makes us practical, grounded and materialistic; it relates to spiritual and physical wealth and how we experience it.

Healing Tip! Lighting a candle activates all four if we do it consciously! Ground yourself first by sending your attention into the Earth and shield yourself with violet light 😉 

When I mention that I have little Water in my natal chart, people are often surprised (2 of 10 planets and luminaries). My saving grace is Mercury in Pisces - the planet of the mind in a highly imaginative, intuitive and empathic Water sign. Nevertheless, I did have to put in a lot of work to connect with my emotions and intuition. It took a year of weekly classes at The College of Psychic Studies to get to the point where I felt relaxed. Now that I am teaching, I find most of my students are quicker to access their intuition. Having looked at some of their charts, astrology explains it.

Which brings me to the other Element that is underrepresented in my chart - Fire! Without Fire, our enjoyment levels go down and the motivation that keeps us going disappears. Fire gives us ambition, confidence and belief in ourselves. One of my tarot students put it perfectly, using exercise as a metaphor. We all know it is healthy to go to the gym or to work out. If you find a work-out that you love, time flies and before you know it an hour has gone by. With other workouts, we might give up after 10 or 15 minutes. This definitely rings true for me - spinning classes fly by and an hour is gone before I know it, but after 15 minutes on the elliptical I am bored silly. 

The past few years I have gone out of my way to channel Fire and Water in Energy Healing sessions. The intention is for the archetypal energy to become part of me so that I can rely on it in my daily life. There are many ways to go about it. The easiest has been to call on the Archangels that govern the Element that we are missing - Michael for Fire, Gabriel for Water, Uriel for Earth and Raphael for Air. Another option is to meditate with the Moon as it travels through the Zodiac. I have been connecting with the Moon in Scorpio to dial-up both Fire and Water. Scorpio is a Water sign, but it is ruled by Mars, the planet of ambition, war and sports. People with lots of Scorpio energy tend to have tons of intuition, fire and power in their lives. It is pretty intense though and grounding and healing ourselves is incredibly important (true for any star sign).

Lastly, we can program crystals with lunar energy and take them with us. If you'd like to know more check out Chakra Healing & Magick as it lays the groundwork for this fun stuff - details below!

The Elements Are Magickal Too

Six months ago I signed up for a class where we learned to channel the purifying and healing qualities of archetypal fire. It is a Reiki class so the energy flows from your hands and it is so intense. I had always had strong sensations with energy healing but with this new Reiki, I sometimes feel like a character in a Marvel movie =) 

Last week I tried to light a candle but it would barely take. Then the symbol that we use to activate Reiki Fire flashed through my mind and I intended for it to go to the candle. It lit up!!! I was so excited - it's the witchiest thing I have ever done. Then this week we were talking about the Elements in class, and when I mentioned Fire the students gasped and pointed at the candle in the room. I didn't see it, but apparently, the flame lit up when I mentioned Fire. 

Meditations to Get You Started. 

Below you'll find meditations to connect with the archangels of Fire & Water. If you'd like to know more, read Chakra Healing & Magick. The book focuses on energy healing, intuition and crystal magick. We explore the Elements and how they relate to physical, mental (mindset), emotional and spiritual healing, including crystal magick to balance our personal energy. 

Working with the Elements has been life changing. I also love how they relate to Tarot - we can connect with the images on the cards to heal ourselves, as the four suits include Fire, Air, Earth & Water.  

Healing with tarot symbolism is one of the themes in Chakra Healing & Magick - essentially how to heal yourself with crystals based on the cards that you are drawn to on a particular day.   

The book is available worldwide, HERE.  

Reiki hugs, 



Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  

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