
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Meditating with Claude Monet, Van Gogh and Degas

One of my favorite meditation tools was inspired by a Disney movie. Like so many kids, I loved Mary Poppins. My favorite was the Spoonful of Sugar sequence, followed by the chalk drawing scene in the park where Dick Van Dyke's character has them jump into a piece of street art. The park comes alive in chalky technicolor. Last week I went to the Met in New York and even if I didn't jump into the paintings, they do come alive if you spend enough time looking at them. It's hard not to imagine the subjects coming out of still life or laughing between takes. 

The meditation tool is just that, choose a photograph, a painting or a tarot card and bring it to life around you. Relax your mind and let your imagination do the rest. So for example, if you're looking at a vase of flowers ask yourself how they smell, what texture does the vase have? Imagine yourself picking it up. Is it heavy? If your memory is great, you can close your eyes. Otherwise keep them open and let the images move in your mind's eye. This is a great way to hone your psychic skills too, whether it's sight, sound, touch or feeling the energy. 

I thought we could try a fun exercise today. Here are pictures of some of my favorite's from the Met. Choose the one your drawn to, and then follow this brief Opening Meditation to activate your Chakras. When that is done, turn your attention to the image and let it come to life around you! Be sure to close down again, when you are done.  

Opening Up Meditation
  • Sit down, close your eyes and relax. Take three deep breaths. Visualise tree roots growing out of the bottom of your feet into the ground. Connect with the earth and draw warm nourishing energy into your legs. Let that energy travel up your legs, your abdomen to your Heart Chakra. 
  • Take your attention up through the atmosphere to a distant star. The star is going to illuminate our Crown, Brow and Throat Chakras so that we can see and feel the beauty around us. Close your eyes and wait for that beam of light to touch the top of your Head. Let it flow down to your Heart. 
  • Place a bubble of protective light around you. Open your eyes. 

Choose a Painting Below ... 

All of these pictures are from the Met, you'll see Monet, Renoir, Degas, Van Gogh and a few others. Choose the ones you are most drawn to, the ones that speak to you naturally. Enjoy yourself, relax your mind and let your imagination and your intuition bring it to life. Be sure disconnect and close down your energy when you are done. You can do this easily by thanking the star for it's light, disconnecting and letting your Chakras switch off one by one. Surround yourself with light and off you go!




And finally my favorite from Monet's garden in Giverny! 

We can also connect to these paintings through music. Here is Don MacLean's Starry Starry Night; feel the energy behind the music. Please share your experiences in the comment box below. Enjoy! 

Hope you enjoyed this post!
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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Image Sources: The Met Museum

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