Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Path of Non-Resistance

I was listening to The Beatles when Let It Be came up on the playlist. Funny thing is I often listen to tunes and hum along without paying attention to the words (I can hear songwriters groaning in the background). Today the lyrics struck a chord and I hit the rewind button, specifically when the song mentioned Mother Mary appearing and saying "Let it Be, Let it Be"

Initially I mistook Mother Mary for 'Mary Mother of Jesus' (being Catholic, you can see how I made that leap). But apparently, Paul McCartney's mom was named Mary and he dreamt of her. Wow. That gives it a whole new meaning - I was touched by the story.

Let It Be: A Powerful Message 

So it struck me how insightful this message is. What you resist persists. And the more we resist, the more it persists. I have heard this a million times but I don't know who gave birth to the idea. 

If the Beatles predate the Law of Attraction folks, they may be the groundbreakers (no, really!?!). Eckhart Tolle explores this topic in his book,  A New Earth, suggesting the best plan is to accept our troubles for what they are, and deal with unbearable ones by: 
  • Removing yourself from it, if humanly possible.
  • If not, accepting it for now, as this too shall pass ... 
Raging against the situation isn't a viable option because  it would only drain our personal energy. If we can't change  the situation or remove ourselves from it, acceptance is the easiest way to live with it. This isn’t to say we give up if we feel powerless, because that feeling can be an illusion. 

The difference between wanting to change it and being able to is the reason for Reinhold Niehbuhr's Serenity Prayer, which encourages to ask for clarity so that we can know the difference between those situations that we can and can't change. 

Earlier this year I felt stuck in a situation that I desperately wanted out of. I threw inner tantrums draining my energy and adding to my  stress. Thankfully, nothing lasts forever and the time came for me to move on. Hindsight having the benefit of 20/20 vision; I now know that I would have saved myself lots of stress by relaxing. 

Letting external circumstances determine our state of mind is akin to living on a roller coaster. In A New Earth, Tolle explains exactly how happiness is an inside job. He also teaches us how to create that bliss NOW. I highly recommend this book, if you haven't read it. For starters, it is helping me switch off the mental chatter. That in itself makes it so much easier to just let it be, let it be ... 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Image. (updated 2023)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Story of Our Past Lives

I am reading a brilliant book called Past Lives, Present Miracles by Denise Linn. It's about using past life regression to identify blocks that might be stemming from other incarnations. For example, someone may have vowed to never love again after losing their husband or wife. Imagine what that would do to your relationships now. Others may have vows of poverty that limit their ability to manifest abundance and wealth in life. Having visibility of our past lives can be useful because it will help us lift blocks, and also identify strengths and talents that we may have no idea about. The past lives we are shown are relevant to what we experience now, as it would be overwhelming to see everything. Most of the past lives I'm sensing at the moment have to do with spirituality and healing. 

For example, I am convinced that I've had at least one life as a Tibetan  Monk or a Claustered Nun, like the character in the Sound of Music before she leaves to become a governess. I think I've also had lives as a scientist, a medicine woman, a lawyer, and not so pleasant lives during the witch trials and Inquisition. The life in the convent was fairly recent, and it came after several lifetimes where I was persecuted by my community for being a seer or a healer. This life in the convent would have been an attempt at spirituality away from prying eyes. A vow of silence also keeps you from saying anything that will land you in hot water. The solitude was sure to be overwhelming at times. I get the sense that it was a brief interlude before going back to the outside world. 

As a child, I had strong reactions to stories of Catholic saints that lived their entire adult lives in monasteries. Saint Terese is the first one that comes to mind, especially because she joined at a young age. I was horrified by the isolation and I remember thinking I didn't want to do that (again?). Funny thing is I do enjoy spending time alone writing and meditating, though I also need to socialise. I tend to alternate between the two. The message I got yesterday was that I can draw on that  inner peace and connection; taking it with me wherever I go. That short life in the convent gave me a tool that I can tap into now. The time for being quiet and discreet is over, especially as we now live in a day an age where you can be intuitive without being ridiculed or mocked. That's a gift too. 

Two years ago I thought of writing a novel that revolved around the protagonist's past lives.  I could use my own past lives to write this and self-heal while I'm at it. That would make for a nice journey of exploration, especially as so much of what we see in these types of readings is wrapped up in our imagination. The combination of emotions and clairvoyant images tell a story that clue us into what is happeneing with our subconscious. This can be really useful, whether it really does portray a past life or just a block that we're dealing with at the moment. I'm going to start writing these next year and see where it takes me.  It could also be fun to write past life stories for other people. Let's see where this goes. 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Language of the Pendulum

Over the past few years I have tried different tools to connect with my Higher Self. Some have been more trustworthy than others, including runes, angel cards, automatic writing and crystal pendulums. 
The latter can be least reliable; if you're not careful the pendulum will tell you what you want to hear.  I like to write questions on pieces of paper and fold them up in a pile before I start. It's important to keep a clear mind when you're writing the questions down, and when you're actually using the pendulum. The best approach is curiosity and neutral emotions. 

Next comes grounding, attuning and connecting to be sure I tune into high vibrational energies. The pendulum can be guileful, if you are not clear and centred  you will tune into your emotions instead of receiving accurate messages. When I'm ready, I go one by one and ask the pendulum to show me the answer. This approach yields three sets of answers: 

  • YES means whatever I'm asking about is aligned with my highest good. I will sometimes ask if a particular outcome is possible or probable and by what percentage. 
  • NO usually means what I'm asking about wouldn't be aligned with my highest good, it's not an option. Sometimes it also means that I shouldn't waste my time and energy on that. 
  • SILLY QUESTION comes up when the pendulum doesn't know the answer or when it can't be answered as it's been phrased (is it a yes/no question?). This doesn't come up as often. 

It can also be useful to include "Am I Asking the Right Question in the pile, as we have a tendency to get bogged down in details that aren't part of the big picture. If you get a NO to that question then the issues you're concerned about are not the ones that should be top of mind. Lately I've noticed that if you do ask a relevant question, the pendulum will  highlight it by saying YES to that and NO to everything else. This happened to me recently and I assumed that I need to put my energy and action into that scenario (do I pursue a particular path).

I like to ask the pendulum questions about what is real or possible now, rather than what will happen in the future. For example, three years ago I was looking for a new job at work and decided to inquire about potential vacancies in the wider marketing team. I ask about each brand team and when I got a YES for one brand, I asked about the individuals on that team. The pendulum told me that a particular person was leaving, and 2 days later I heard she'd quit to take a new job outside the company. She quit before I asked the pendulum, so it wasn't predicting the future. It gave me visibility of what was happening behind the scenes. This can be useful if you are trying to navigate a situation with incomplete information. The pendulum can give us direction, though fact-checking the information is a good idea. And obviously, don't stake your life on the answers. 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Image: (Updated Oct 2022)

Friday, December 14, 2012

Distant Healing of Relationships

One of the things I love about distant healing is the singularity of each session. For starters, I have two healing techniques, one that I use for individuals and another for groups. The technique used to send healing to an individual entails visualising a beam of healing energy entering my crown chakra, flowing down to the heart and then going out the front of my heart chakra to the person who is receiving. 

The second technique is easier for sending healing to a group. I’ll imagine a sphere of rose quartz energy floating in front of me and I invite the recipients' higher self to put them in that space. This makes is easier to get a sense of healing a group as I can imagine their miniature selves in the sphere. I hold that sphere in my hands and channel the healing from my heart chakra, down my arms and out my palms. This is similar to what I would do in a contact healing session with the person sitting in front of me.  

Yesterday I used this technique to send Reiki. I also listened to a sound healing meditation that is meant to cleanse the energy body. So far so good, the reason this healing was different is that I was prompted to focus on the three lower chakras only:  root, sacral and solar plexus.  I sent healing to the root chakra with the intent to ground the recipients and to send healing to any physical ailments. It didn't require as much healing as you might think. Most of the Reiki was drawn at the sacral chakra (emotional health, relational cord healing) and solar plexus chakra (self-esteem). 

I'm going to focus on Relational Cord Healing because this is where most of the Reiki went. I'm also reading a book called Reiki for Life; one of the things the the author mentions is that a change in consciousness may lead to lasting healing. Without that awakening, we end up falling in the same traps that led to our energy imbalance in the first place, whether it is emotional or mental. So here it goes! 

Relational Cord Healing is about clearing stuck, stagnant and heavy energy between people, which enables us to heal relationships. It clears the aftertaste left by misunderstandings, quarrels, jealousy, etc. There is some debate over cords and whether they should be cut or cleared. Cutting the emotional bond to another is done under certain circumstances, and they need to be evaluated on a case by case basis. Yesterday there were 50+ people in the group and it was easier to facilitate the healing by asking the recipients' higher selves to let go of any emotional baggage they'd like to be rid of.  Quite a few cords were cleared, though not everyone was ready to let go. This is an important caveat, the recipient has to be ready and willing to move on. Some people still need to grieve and feel the pain before letting go. Others like to  nurse old grudges, as a healer it can be very difficult to help them. I like to think of Reiki and Energy Healing as assisted self-healing, and as a healer you can only go as far as the client is sub-consciously willing to take the healing. 

I think healings are more effective when the recipient engages with the process. If you received distant Reiki this week I'd encourage you to build on it by observing your interactions with others. How do you react when your buttons are pushed? Do you hang on to the feeling? This healing may have given you a clean slate to work with. I'd suggest releasing the energy before it starts to build again. 

This can be done by:
  • Speaking your truth with compassion, especially if the tension and conflict if passive aggressive. If this isn't possible try journaling about the experience and releasing the energy that way. I like to write about what bothers me, get it all out and then tear it up. If I had a safe way of burning the paper I'd do that, but I don't have a fireplace so it's not feasible. =)
  • Visualising yourself telling the person how you feel. Listen to them as well. This can be done by sitting in quite meditation for 15 minutes, imagining yourself in a safe open space and meeting them there. This is useful if you want to clear the air but don't feel comfortable speaking to them directly. Helpful if it's your mother-in-law, your boss or a difficult family member, etc.
  • On a deeper level you can also send healing to the "your buttons" with the intent to dissolve them and release the mental pattern that triggers your negative reaction in the first place. People don't anger or annoy us, we react to "neutral" situations with negative emotions because that is how our ego is programmed to react. When that programming is gone, the unpleasant experience goes with it. This is the topic of a longer post =)

It's a good idea to keep your energy clear going forward, as our thoughts, actions and feelings cause this energy to build both in our own energy body, and in our relationships. Find an outlet to help you  work through your emotions and release them, and be sure to speak and act from the heart while standing your ground when it comes to being treated with respect and fairness.

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Energy of Perfectionism

I'm looking forward to the New Year! My time in the corporate world is drawing to an end. Soon enough I'll be a Reiki Healer and author, though I'm not sure what the balance will be. Maybe its best to let the chips fall where they may. I'm thinking I'll start by offering my services as a corporate Reiki Healer. I figure there are plenty of offices in London that could use some stress relief. It's also more and more common to see health and wellness programs.

I'm being guided to approach financial institutions, maybe so I can heal the employees and give the economy a boost too. Funny thing is I've given several angel readings to people who worked in finance recently. They came to our school and volunteered as guinea pigs for the psychic students. My school encourages blind readings so all we get is a basic introduction. Knowing next to nothing about the client keeps the logical mind from interfering. The readings are great fun and we find ourselves talking to people from all walks of life. We also tend to draw on our own experiences; and twice I've found myself using financial theories to illustrate the angel reading. Not what I had expected but it works. 

Here's a useful example: One of the volunteers who came to class was burning himself out trying to be perfect. Quality is valuable, perfectionism not so much. The message for him was that the energy expenditure would go to waste. The thought that came to mind was complex: The Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns. This states that you can increase your business expenses to increase profits only for so long before the profit-per-dollar drops. From that moment a penny spent is a penny lost. The profitability of the business goes down. The same applies to the effort we put into a particular project or task.  Going overboard will not pay off.

This volunteer was a banker and it made perfect sense to him. What are the chances that I'd remember a random lecture from business school? I'm pretty sure my guides pointed this out. I like how they drop relevant metaphors into readings =) 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Open Night at the Psychic College

Tonight I had a chance to give readings at my psychic school’s Open Night. The event looks like a ton of fun: lots of lectures, taster readings, intuitive healings, etc. I didn't experience much of it, as I was incredibly late and ended up missing most of the lectures that I wanted to hear. What a shame! Got there just in time for the readings.  I was looking forward to it but also a little bit nervous about giving readings on the spot. Have to admit I cheated by pulling three angel cards before I left home. One for each of the three strangers I was going to read for. The cards were incredibly  accurate.  I'm going to keep this up my sleeve for the future.  =) 

The readings went well though I could get to the point faster. I waffled a little bit with one of the messages, and the lady stopped me with a question before I got to the card. Funny thing is  it answered her question and confirmed her intuitive hunch. Love it when that happens! We were also supposed to channel messages from specific Archangels. The angel that shows up can clue you into what the person needs. Healing with Raphael. Direction with Uriel. Courage and strength with Michael. It points you in the right direction. All in all, the evening was nice though short, thanks to my late arrival. Next time I'll have to go early enough to mingle, as I missed a few friends that I wanted to catch up with. 

Tsk tsk tsk ... 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

The Cancer Gene

Does cancer run in the family? The question crossed my mind in the 1990's when three relatives on my dad's side were diagnosed. Was it bad luck, genetics or something else? The truth is cancer genes do exist, but as I've learned, we need to see two people on the same side of the family with the same type of cancer for it to be genetic.  Even in those cases there is plenty that can be done to minimize the genetic risk. I am sharing the following insights to dispel the sense of gloom that can surround a family's medical history. I find it useful to look at this from three points of view: 

Genetics >  Epigenetics > Memetics 

The first is fairly straightforward. One of the first things a doctor will ask for is your family's medical history. For example, a history of breast cancer in the family tree is flagged as a potential risk.  Risk factors identify groups who may benefit from regular screening and early detection. But having a risk factor doesn't mean that someone will get sick - and people without obvious risk factors sometimes do fall ill.   

My first reaction is that we have yet to discover all of the causes for cancer, though this is another matter. I would rather focus on how we can minimize the risk of a person getting sick in the first place. One way is to eliminate lifestyle factors such as smoking and drinking. What about genetics? Many people assume that genetics is set in stone, though there is research to the contrary. Diabetes and obesity genes are less likely to activate if a person has a healthy lifestyle. This means that we may be able to reduce the risk of "inheriting" these conditions if we work out, eat a balanced diet and drink adequate amounts of water. Is it possible that cancer genes react the same way? I posed this question to a geneticist friend of mine; her initial response is YES. I am trying to track down research to support this and I will reference it in the book. If this is true, the implications would be enormous. It would encourage people to live healthy lives and stay optimistic about their future. 

Update! A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love was published in 2013. Follow this link to read the introduction and learn more. 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A Request for Help

So good news, I'm nearly done with my 1st book!!!! It is an energy healing guide for families that are dealing with cancer. Initially my thoughts were to write a lengthy post on the benefits of adding Energy Healing to medical care. Healing can help on so many levels: maintain personal energy, clear and heal mental and emotional blocks, stress relief, etc. It can also help the whole family by providing a healthy emotional outlet. All of this would be really useful, though it doesn't tell the whole story. I had also been thinking about why people get sick in the 1st place: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. 

That took me down a different route. I have landed on a curious mix of science, intuition, healing and cultural beliefs. Beliefs are important as the placebo effect can be a very strong factor when it comes to medication. I'm still refining and rewriting the content  to make sure it's clear. Over the next few weeks I'd like to post a few excerpts that still need more work. It would be incredibly helpful to get feedback on what makes sense, what doesn't, etc. Look forward to any thoughts, comments or suggestions you may have  =)  

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Battersea Dogs and Cats Home

One of my friends was going to buy a dog and I suggested she adopt instead. The thought of paying for a pet just seems wrong. You wouldn't buy a friend or a relative, would you? Pets are just as much a part of our inner circle. We were chatting about this over lunch on Sunday and went to the local shelter that very afternoon. We barely made it, they let us in to "meet" the dogs about 15 minutes before the place closed down. The Battersea Dogs and Cats Home is in a huge building; it reminded me of a doggie zoo.  Each of the dogs has it's own pen and you can see them through the bars as you walk by (though no touching please!). The pens have signs reading: Don't stare at me. Don't tease me.  Awwww. 

I'm not going to lie; it was a depressing to see so many lovely dogs in cages. Even so I'm sure the dogs are better off now than they were before the home took them in. What I really liked about the place is the fact that people can volunteer to socialise with the animals. They also have a foster home scheme for dogs that find the kennel environment stressful. Not sure what this has to do with healing, but I figure some of those dogs could use a little energy healing too! Anyhooo, I thought I'd post this in case someone was thinking of getting a dog or a cat. Adopt, don't buy. What an amazing Christmas present! 

Please look up your local shelter or click on this link if you're in London! 


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Reiki hugs, Regina 
