Monday, April 30, 2012

The Gluten Free Craze

Have you ever gone on WebMD? I was just on there Googling a few symptoms of mine. Wish I hadn't, it would be so much better to visit an actual doctor and have them give an assessment. When I was done filling in a list of symptoms the calculator spit back about 3-4 conditions and diseases that I could potentially have, and what other condition those can link to. In the space of 3 minutes I read the words: celiac disease, anorexia nervosa (yeah right!), Diabetes 1, small intestinal cancer. Etc etc etc. 

While I was reading it I had to tell my body that 

"I am not having that!"

The only explanation that made a bit of sense from a symptomatic point of view was the gluten intolerance. My little sister thinks she is gluten intolerant and I have had some of the symptoms for the past year or so. A couple weeks ago I asked my Guides to point me in the right direction. Will cut back on gluten for a week or two and see how it goes. I'm also up for affirmations to remove the allergy from my energy system. I really love spicy food and would rather blame the gluten than my special hot sauces. Is that the peer of suggestion working for or against me? We'll see how it goes. 

A couple years ago my dermatologist had me alternate between various types of foods over the course of 3 months to see which one was making me break out. The culprit was cheese and milks. I quite cheese and milk for a couple months and now I'm on it again with no problem. I think it may be time to go through a trial and error phase to find out what it is that I'm eating that has my tummy worked up. That and cutting back on the stress! As of last week I've made a point of choosing not to stress out at work, at home, over my healing homework's, or anything else. You can still get things done without stressing about them! It's a life lesson for me. 

What shall I add to my trial and error list?

  • Gluten
  • Coffee
  • Spicy Food 
  • Over Eating in General! 
  • Any other ideas?

Not even sure what contains gluten, will need to do a quick Google search.  I might give it two weeks and then move on to the trial phase. Don't try this at home, and if you do, go see a doctor 1st. 

I'll make a quick trip to my neighbourhood NHS GP for an assessment as well. Think it is great that medical care is still free in this country. Especially with the taxes we pay! Tough stuff ... 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Image: (added 2023)

Saturday, April 28, 2012

A Little Ancestral Clearing ...

What a great week! I had two great readings and a distant healing all the way from Mexico! I actually feel much better because of it, and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. The 1st reading was about my job and how I should just chill out and enjoy it. What I'm going through now is a stepping stone that will help me reach my goals in the next couple years. 

"Enjoy it!" 

The second reading actually came with the distant healing, and it was about family, career, relationships and a bit of ancestral issues that needed clearing and healing. My mom went to see a healer in Mexico who worked on clearing my family's spiritual DNA, and then cleared me through my mom. Based on what my mom told me after the session, the healer worked on clearing psychological and emotional traits that can be passed down through the generations. For example, someone might have a stubborn streak running through the family.  There can also be positive streaks like optimism, joy. The positives you want to keep, the negatives you want to clear so that you can move upwards and onwards.

What I really like about healing is that you can take something that is pretty good to begin with and make it even better. We have no idea how great we can have it. It isn't until someone shows you what life could be like if only you worked on your ego, etc, that you start to register the possibilities. The other great thing about healing (as if there were only two great things about healing!) is that the healer can clear blocks that the client isn't aware of. If you've been wearing blinders all your life, you wouldn't realise it until someone takes them off. The healer may also be able to pinpoint something that the client is already working on, and facilitate the process by shifting stuck energy. I think this is what the distant healing session has done for me. Will let you know when I start seeing major breakthroughs in my life.  =)

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Has technology made us more or less psychic?

I read an interesting article the other day. It caught my eye because the BBC was reporting a set of telepathic goggles that the military is working on. At 1st I thought they were trying to teach soldiers telepathy, not the case! Men Who Stare at Goats probably talked them out of that idea, if it ever came up! This article was about goggles that will somehow read thoughts, encrypt them, and broadcast them to the rest of the team. Sounds a lot like the telepathic communication that the pack of wolves had in the Twilight series. I suppose if you're in a combat situation it comes in very handy. In civilian life though, I would much rather be intuitive and tap into psychic and energetic pathways. 

The army isn't the only group that is mimicking psychic skills with technology. Google is rumoured to be launching a new set of reading glasses that include Google Search, Maps, GPS and a host of other things. You can ask questions and it will give you the answers along the way! How cool! That is just what my spirit guides do, though to be honest I have only used them once or twice with direction. At the time I was driving, lost, and without a mobile. Their assistance and clairvoyant messages came in really handy! Google's glasses are probably a huge win for technology, but what will they do to our intuition? I really think that a lot of these huge investments in technology are only compensating for the fact that as a society we have lost many of our natural gifts.

I've also been thinking about the impact that mainstream media can have on our intuition. As a kid I spent a lot more time reading books than watching TV. I really loved seeing the stories play out in my mind and immersing myself in these alternate realities. Your mind's eye can bring these to life and take you to that location so much better than a movie or a TV show can. I think my being a book nerd has really helped me develop my clairvoyance. My visualisation and imagination are strong, the only thing that changed is the source of the inspiration. I really think my being a book nerd as a kid has helped me develop my clairvoyance throughout life. Reading books and visualising the scenes works your clairvoyant muscles. This makes it a lot easier to step into a guided meditation, or to give a clairvoyant reading. I think reading has made me a lot more psychic. Watching TV, the news and constantly being bombarded by messages from other media will probably have the opposite effect. It is harder to notice your intuitive guidance when you're being saturated by the media. 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Quieting the Mind is a Vacation in Itself

Today I tried a new approach when I was closing down my healing client after our first session. I asked two of her overworked chakras to take a holiday and try to switch off for the next week or two! One of them readily accepted and the other one pushed back LOL. 

This client had an overactive brow/mind that was feedings lots of worrying thoughts into the solar plexus. This in turn, manifests as anxiety and stress, which the client is very aware of. She asked me to work on anxiety in the healing session and after clearing, balancing and healing the SP for about 10 minutes I was finally led to the brow. What else did I do during the session? I cleared her channel and there was a lot of clutter near the solar plexus. I also worked on her heart chakra and put in a strong grounding chord from the heart to the centre of the earth. 

It wasn't until I was closing her down that this idea of a holiday came to mind. I've read about chakras switching off for a short period when they need a break, but I had never thought of suggesting it. Her solar plexus really welcomed the idea of a prolonged holiday. I told it that the heart could take over for the next week and intercept any worrying thoughts. Hopefully these will just go down the grounding chord to the centre of the earth. Next time I do a healing I will talk to the solar plexus again and ask it to send anything it doesn't want down that grounding chord. 

The brow chakra is going to be a tricky one to work with. Her mind is still very active, and there is a big difference between thinking, worrying and seeing. What our minds eye really needs to do is see clearly so that our heart chakra can process the information and make a decision. For those of us who are very analytical, the problems start to arise when we let our brow chakra hang on to all of the information and expect it to make a decision on it's own. Things are more than what they appear to be, and only our heart chakra can make sense of it all. This healing client was a bit of a mirror for myself as well. I've spent a lot of time lately worrying and thinking about the future. Instead I should just let it slide and wait for things to happen - if they ever do! So many of the things that we worry about never happen. It is more relaxing to go with the flow and deal with things as they come. If we are grounded and centred I'd like to think the universe and our guides will send warning signs before something big happens. 

I will take my own advice and give my brow chakra a holiday for the rest of the month. I am also going to go off coffee - for real this time - and I am going to work on being grounded, in my body and aware of my surroundings. This will help me take it easy and I will only deal with what is right in front of me! A nice mental holiday! 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Energetic Cord Cutting

I have had lots of questions from readers who are trying to move on after a break up. But something holds them back and they keep falling into the same rut over and over again. It's as if they are attached to the very thing they want to escape!  In energy work, we call these cords.  

Cords are currents of energy that connect us to the people around us. When we hit it off with someone new, our heart chakra opens up and we form a bond that allows for the passage of friendly vibes. We tend to have these energy pathways with friends, family, and even acquaintances that we hit it off with.  Cords can be positive but they can also be affected by the tension that comes with human relationships.

When a cord is compromised by fear, anger, control, or jealousy it will need healing. People can also cord to us in unhealthy ways if they are intent on having us behave a certain way. For example, an overbearing boss might cord to your solar plexus because they want you to do things their way. All this this can happen without either party being aware of the process. Entire books have been written on cords, cord cutting, and what it means if someone cords to a particular chakra or body part.  Good stuff.

Today I will to talk you through a basic visualisation that can be used to remove a negative cord. These exercises have helped me get closure and I have also used it to heal a tense relationship with someone that I am not going to cut out of my life (i.e. the boss, the mom, the ex-boyfriend that still goes to your school, etc etc etc). This can also be used if you want to move on from a relationship that has ended without talking to the person involved.  

1. GROUNDING & PROTECTION:   Sit down to ground and protect yourself. This can be done by visualising a bubble of soft white light around you, and then focusing on the bottoms of your feet. See and feel roots growing out of the soles of your feet and dropping to the centre of the earth.

2. A SHORT GREETING:  Imagine yourself sitting in a chair a few feet away from the person you are corded to.  In your mind say hello, explain what a cord is and tell them that you are going to remove it. Reassure them by telling them that it won’t hurt either of you, it is important to be compassionate because any negative thoughts or ill will during a cord cutting can defeat the purpose.

3. SEE OR FEEL THE CORD:  Let your imagination come in and visualize any energetic bonds that you may have. What does the cord look like? A rope? A string? A chain? Does it connect your solar plexus to their solar plexus? Or are they holding on to your wrist? Pay attention to the material, how thick it is and what direction the energy flows.

Ask yourself if you are really ready to let go of this cord, if the answer is no then stop. You can always come back to this at some point in the future when you are ready to move on. Think about your motives for keeping or cutting the cord. Be honest with yourself, what do you stand to gain by keeping this cord? You can always come back to cut it when you feel ready and safe to do so.

4. DOUBLE BUBBLE OF LIGHT: The next step is to protect the souls involved by putting a protective bubble of light around each of you (separately!). At this point you can tell them all of the things you need to get off your chest. Make sure you get closure, this is a great exercise because we can say things that we would never tell them in person.  When you are done, let them respond and listen to any of the impressions that come your way. You are speaking to their higher self so they may be friendlier, but go ahead and cut the cord.  The important thing to remember is that cutting cords does not mean ending the relationship. We can cut dysfunctional cords with family members, and it will strengthen our interactions going forward. Unhealthy cords are unhealthy cords* 

5. VISUALISE BIG SCISSORS cutting the cord in the middle, so that you each have half. Then visualize the cord slowly coming undone and letting go of your own body 1st. It helps if you imagine a fireplace and the cord goes in there and it's burnt. Visualise a ball of white light filling your body with energy, make sure any gaps  left by the cord are sealed with white light. Its really important to see their white light and let it turn to gold color, before you move on. Then ask yourself what feeling you most want (love, happiness, security, etc), and fill your bubble with the same. From here you tell your ex that you will return everything that is theirs,  and you let go of them.

6. HEAL THE OTHER PERSON: Follow the same process with the other person, this is really important as you need to let them heal from the process so that you can both move on safely. You visualize the cord slowly letting go of them, it comes out and it goes into the same fireplace. Their body is also filled with white light, and then gold light to heal and protect them. From here I recommend filling up their bubble with happiness, but you can send any good emotion.  If this is difficult, ask Archangel Raphael to step in and complete their healing.

7. SEND THEM OFF:  This is when you send them away. I will visualize a flowing river behind them, with a small boat and you put their bubble on the boat and let it be taken out of sight by the current. Make sure the river is safe, and just let go of them. On one occasion I wanted to cut a cord with a person that I never wanted to see again in my life (seriously) so I dropped a Great Wall of China between us and then used my intent to have them be carried away - with love but away. It worked too! Despite having friends in common we have never turned up at the same event! LOL

8. END THE HEALING:  When we are done with a healing session, we finish by closing down our energy and shielding it before going back out to the world. You can do this by following three simple steps: 
1) Ground your energy by visualising tree roots growing from the bottoms of your feet, anchoring you to the earth.
2) Desensitise your chakras by visualising a soft ball of light that travels down your core from the top of your head, to your feet. It clears and switches off your energy sensors.  
3) Finally, surround yourself in a bubble of protective light, et voila


Our teachers always tell us that we create cords with our thought and intention, so when you're done cutting it do your best to NOT think about them. If you catch yourself, imagine the same white bubble around yourself and keep yourself safe in there. If the cord was to you heart, you can also put your hand over your heart to protect it. It is good to look at our cords every couple of months. 

If you see a cord to your crown, brow, throat, solar plexus or base chakra, this is 100% an unhealthy cord. Is the cord is tied to your ankles, feet, wrists, waist, neck, etc? We can and will have many healthy cords with our friends, family and loved ones, these will always connect heart chakra to heart chakra and they will not feel like a burden. Couples will also have healthy bonds connecting sacral to sacral, assuming the relationship is healthy and balanced.

The chakra that is most often corded to is the solar plexus, this is where we hold our personal power. If someone has an interest in controlling or influencing us, that energy will more often than not be directed at our solar plexus. The first time someone corded to my solar plexus I was a little bit offended and pissed off at their intrusion, but in reality it takes 2 willing people for any cord to form even if it's subconscious.

I had to take a good look at myself to understand where the gaps were in my energy, and made sure I closed those off so that it wouldn't happen again. Energetic cords or bonds can be viewed as symbolic representations of our relationships, and when one is spotted, the solution is often to adjust our behaviour. 

Insecurities or fears can make us vulnerable, and we will develop cords if we think we have something to gain (i.e. approval, love, security, etc etc etc). In all truth I respect people who subconsciously cord to you through the solar plexus's front side, they are above board and honest if a little too controlling.

If you are interested in Cord Cutting and Psychic Attack, there is a great book called Spirit Release by Sue Allen. It does go into some of the scarier details so maybe not for amateurs or hobbyists?


Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  


Monday, April 9, 2012

What is Next for Me?

It's ironic how life takes us in directions that we don't expect or want. Three months ago I had a job that I liked well enough, though to be honest I was already a bit bored and looking at other options.  I work in marketing and in the past I've worked on lots of fun  projects. The perks are amazing. One of the coolest was working with the NFL and then getting tickets for the Giants-Pats Super Bowl in Phoenix. Eli Manning is amazing.  =) 

Marketing can be a lot of fun. My line manager worked on a completely different part of the business though, and though I did occasionally help out with her projects I am not interested in doing her job full time. I like working with consumer insights, campaigns, new product launches, etc. If you work on a dynamic brand there is tons to do and it can really be a lot of fun. Exciting, challenging, varied, etc etc etc. I don't enjoy marketing as much as healing, but coupled with a cool work environment it can be a good career path. Possibly not my vocation but a good day job ... 

If you were to plot a my level of interest on a graph, where the X-Axis is Passion and the Y-Axis is "Time-Fly-Ability",  energy healing and spirituality would be in the upper right hand corner at the very limit. Brand management would still be high on the "Time-Flies" scale but not so high on "Passion".  The line of work that my boss was in would fall in the lower-left-hand quadrant, nil for Passion/Interest. And time doesn't fly if you're not having fun. 

About two months ago my line manager left, I got promoted, and since then I have been juggling her projects and mine. To make it more fun our PA also left. What my line manager used to do is important, so my old job has been re-assigned  and now I'm 100% focused on what she used to do.  Lower-left-hand-quadrant stuff. 


This is only supposed to be temporary. They're going to find someone to replace my boss, and fingers-crossed someone to replace me. Working in a corporate environment is like playing with legos, a whole lot of pieces have to fit together for people to move from one job to another.  Right now nothing would make me happier than being able to skip this step altogether, but that won't be possible. Plenty of people hate their jobs so I suppose I can be dissatisfied with mine for a couple of months?  How bad can it be? I'm hoping when I get into the details it will be a little bit more interesting and challenging. If time flies a little bit I'll be happy. 

I'm also thinking there has to be a lesson in all of this for me. Not sure what it could be ... is it patience? The "King of Wands" from my last post tells me I need to work on my leadership skills.  I will take that on-board for now, and think about my options in the background. I'm going home for 2 weeks in May and when I'm back I shall start thinking about my next steps.  My notice period is a couple months anyway, so even if I threw in the towel I 

Grrrrr ...

I was thinking about this today while I was out shopping in High Street Kensington. There are a couple ways to look at it, one is that I'm stuck. I don't want to adopt this attitude.  The other is that I am merely "baby-sitting" this job for the time being, and in the near future I will be doing something I love. The question is, what do I want that new job to look like and where will I find it? Is it still in marketing? Is it healing? Is it writing? Healing and Writing are definitely in the top quadrant. Brand management is a close 2nd,  and it has the added benefit of a stable income and job security. 

So I wonder, what comes next? It is time to think about what I want to do with my life, and then manifest it. I feel like I'm at a cross roads and there are actually lots of options. At least I know what I don't want to do, and that will force a change in the coming months. Change is good. This is my silver lining  ...   =) 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The King of Wands

A couple days ago I bought a really cool tarot deck. I love it because it takes you through four greek myths, and ties each scene to a different card in the series. So say the Suit of Cups is about a love story, with the ups, downs and steps that you might expect in a normal relationship. The Suit of Wands is about that creative spark that drives us to create wonderful things in our jobs and in our hobbies. Think it also has to do with how to act on our ambition.  

I've been playing around with it the past few days and have actually done multiple mini-readings on myself to test my knowledge of the cards and also to test my intuition (if that's the right word). One of the things I asked about was my current job, and funny enough the card I pulled reflected one of the things that I'm supposed to work on this year:  Leadership! 

This isn't to say that I'm not a leader now, but what I need to work on is becoming more of a people leader; taking responsibility and initiative. I think the more you advance in the corporate world the more of a leader you need to be. And in life. I am sure it will come in handy if I ever make the move to full-time healer/writer/intuitive. With this in mind I wasn't too surprised when I pulled the following cards last night: 

  • Knight of Wands:  Juliet Sharman-Burke tells us this often signifies a change of residence, because the individual feels to cramped in their current surroundings. This is so me! Moving half-way across the world because I was bored and cramped 2 years ago, and I'm still a bit of a nomad. And now my sights are set on healing, but that is definitely part of my life plan .... 
  • Ten of Wands: Poor little soul who is overburdened by a really heavy load of sticks. Half them they could dump, and the rest they could carry in a much more convenient way. So true!  I could take a lot of my plate and still be full. This being the 2nd card tells me what I should do. Instead I find myself drifting back to that Knight of Wands and wanting to skeddadle. Not the way forward ... 
  • King of Wands:  To quote Juliette Sharman-Burke, this is "the spirit of leadership, the belief that one has a better idea worth promulgating and working to make it manifest." It is also about engaging people and getting them on your side. LOL I wonder what is in store for me here! Maybe soul healing on a much larger scale? I like the sound of that   =) 

I thought this reading was fantastic because I have the qualities of the "Knight" and need to work on becoming a "King". The Queen isn't anywhere in that reading and I'm wondering how one goes about hopping from point A to point C.  The second card connects the dots -> I need to choose my projects carefully and decide what I will focus on.  Again this is something my boss told me to work on LOL. Funny how you can hear the same message in real life and then see it in the cards. It really hit home when I saw the spread, in part because it confirmed what I already knew, but mostly because the cards are so VISUAL. 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Past Life Traumas of the Physical Kind

Today was another 1st in my healing sessions! I was working with a Healee who complained of headaches and migraines. Wasn't entirely sure what to do with migraines and we are often told that the head is a very sensitive area to begin with. I went straight for her feet and grounding and channeled healing energy upwards towards her brow and crown chakra, with the intent to gently clear them. 

When that was done I felt moved to work on the solar plexus and the brow chakra, with my hands about 4-5 feet off the body. My dad used to get migraines a lot and it reminds me of him sometimes. I have read up on migraines in my healing books and it will often be tied to the brow chakra's symbolic sight, the client's fearlessness to see their future and their life clearly. The fearlessness can also be affected by the solar plexus, which also happens to be paired with the brow chakra. For this reason I spent a good deal of time working on my client's solar plexus as well as her head. Finally I moved on to the heart-crown pairing for clearing, balancing and healing.  

How do I choose what I work on during a session? Sometimes I cover the bases that I am taught in class. Other times I will remember what I read in a book, so in the case of migraines I worked on the crown and brow primarily. When this isn't enough to cover everything, my clairvoyance or clair-sentience will send me a sign. Today I was pretty much done with the healing session, and had moved to ground the client and close him down. I used a huge grounding cord to draw all of the excess energy from his aura and then send it to the ground, and then used my intent to desensitise each of his chakras. I will visualise a flower petal closing down over each chakra, so that it is contained and protected but not shut. 

I was almost done closing him down when I felt a pain on my skull, around the back on the right side. It was dull but persistent, and told me that I wasn't done with the healing session. When this happens it is important to acknowledge it and then send it away - otherwise as a healer you might hang on to other people's aches and pains!  I asked the pain to tell me what it meant, and  a page from Barbara Brennan's Hand's of Light came to my mind. It is from the chapter where she talks about how past life injuries can cause severe aches and pains. This could be the case if someone was killed in a car accident, or in a war and the injury isn't fully healed from their etheric template. I got the feeling the the migraine was linked to an injury from a past life, and that healing that could "cure" the migraines by clearing the memory of the injury. 

The healing session went on for an extra 10-15 minutes while I worked on the head injury.  I put my hands on his shoulders and asked the injury to show me what had happened and where the pain was located. Then I sat behind his and held my hands on either side of his head, just a few inches off his skull. I visualised the injury, the pain and the memory has a reddish haze around his head and used the healing energy to clear it upwards and away from his head. Whenever we remove something from the energy field, even if it's a bad memory or a trauma, we need to fill that space with gold healing light. I put my hands around his head again, and channeled gold healing energy all over his head, brain, and even the top of his spine. Finally I put my hands on his shoulders one last time and asked for a good dose of gold energy to fill his up and continue healing throughout the week. I don't think I'm quite done, but that will hold over until our next appointment and it will also enable the healing to continue when I am not there. 

I didn't mention the past life injury to the client when I was done with the healing session. He did feel the energy during the session, but I don't think it will do him any good to know that he may have had an accident in a past life. He may not believe in past lives to begin with, and having that conversation might cast "doubt" and "skepticism" on the healing. What are your thoughts on this? I can't say that I'm 100% convinced that past lives are real, but believing in them makes it easier for me to make sense of things. Past lives put astrology into context and they also make for very interesting discussions on Memories of the Soul! Clients don't need to know what we "see" during a healing session, the healing will still work regardless. I also think I have a deep rooted fear of quack-healers who go about scaring people, so I would rather not go there at all. 

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Reiki hugs, Regina