Sunday, March 27, 2011

How to Hear Your Angels?

I had lunch at a friend's house today, and I was lucky enough to sit next to her auntie who also happens to be a Reiki Master. We were talking about writers like Caroline Myss whom I love, and Doreen Virtue who I have fun with, even though something keeps me from trusting her work and her angel messages entirely. 

It might be that after two years in the UK, I've lost touch with the very polished, packaged, consumer vibe in the USA. It just feels a little bit too polished, and a little bit too perfect. Almost too good to be true … that’s how I see Doreen V. 

My friend’s auntie also had a really good point about whether or not there really are humans who can see and hear the Archangels.  A few weeks ago, in one of my meditations I asked my Spirit Guides why I could see and hear them, but I could only sense the presence of the angels. Their response was that an angel's vibration is too high for me to have direct contact. I just had to trust that they were with me and  know that they were looking out for me. Even now if I ask Archangel Michael for help, I'll reflect on what I need help with and then I get on with it. Only after the day has gone by will I start noticing all the little miracles that happened along the way.

So today my skeptical side made an appearance. 

I'm sure there are people out there with higher vibrations than mine, after all I am still a newbie with lots to learn and a lifetime ahead of me. I am wondering, has anyone actually seen or heard an angel? And if so, will you tell us about it? 


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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Friday, March 25, 2011

Starry Starry Night 🌟

I have been feeling very grounded and awake today, it's new for me and I thought it would be worth documenting. For me, being grounded means being firmly in my body and aware of my surroundings, as well as looking through my eyes and actually seeing what is there. Seeing, smelling, hearing, and feeling. Most people would take this for granted, but in my daily life I tend to be wrapped in a bubble of thoughts and imagination.

Yesterday I went for a jog and suddenly felt compelled to take off my earphones and stop running. Instead, I walked around the block exploring the streets behind my house, and just listened to the sound of my sneakers on the pavement. It struck me that I don't really hear that sound, and it should be more familiar as levitation isn't one of my psychic abilities lol. The experience was really peaceful, I think I could hear every last sound because I was the only person out on the street. The sky was clear blue, with a few stars and all I could hear was the breeze. I really like these warmer nights, it brings all of the life back into the city. 

Today I got the same "aware" feeling when I was sitting in my flat, and for the first time in a while I started noticing all of the details. My dresser table is really messy, there is make up strewn all over it. My shopping from 2 weeks ago is still in a nice little Phase Eight bag in the corner, and there are a couple books on the nightstand that I should have cleared out at least a week ago. So, I'm sure you're wondering why this is important in a blog about psychic development??? Well, developing our extra sensory perception is about achieving a heightened sense of awareness.  For me, the biggest challenge is actually becoming aware of the details that I should be able to see with my "regular" senses. 

A few months ago I was suprised by a very vivid meditation in one of my classes. I could smell the ocean in the background, I could feel the cold earth under my feet and I could taste the salt water in my mouth. What impressed me was the level of detail, as I sensed things that I usually wouldn't give a thought to in real life. That was when I really started to enjoy the meditations, and what my Guides are telling me now is that I should make an effort to capture all of those sensations in my day to day life. My waking moments are more "vivid" when I'm aware. And for some reason, I have the feeling that drinking more water is helping me achieve this, now that I'm off coffee I feel more myself.  =)

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Blackouts During Meditations?

Has anyone ever blacked out during a meditation? I had one of those yesterday, only I can't say whether I blacked out or if I just went into a very very chilled state somewhere in limbo. I've had a headache on and off for the past week, and I felt like I needed some extra healing. My instuition told me to sit down on my sofa, put a cushion behind my neck and just start grounding myself. 

The lights were on outside and my window was open so the room wasn't totally dark. I dropped the anchors from the bottom of my feet into the floor, I know use this meditation where I visualize a huge wheel unwinding as the big grey wires sink into the ground (gravity is the best grounding technique). My focus was on my legs, while the bottom of my feel could feel the wheel turning. I slowly let calves relax, then my thighs, my stomach and all the way up till I got to my neck. When my face and head started falling asleep I closed my eyes and suddenly zoomed out. I didn't feel like I was asleep, it was just pitch black and out of the blue my eyes flew open again 1 hour later. 

My headache is almost gone, and I feel a lot more relaxed now. Oh ... I missed one thing, when I was relaxing my psychic eye went over every inch of my brain and slowly put it to sleep. I could feel my spinal column falling asleep at the base of the neck, and my attention followed every last nook and cranny till my head was empty inside and out. I feel like I've had a brain transplant lol. 

Also made a small effort to talk to the headache and ask it what was wrong. This was my 1st attempt at medical intuition. And it told me I was spending too much time updating my facebook on my phone, so I'm going to have to lay off the fan page for a while. I didn't go on once today and my eyes and head feel fine. I also felt a pressure on my brow chakra, and got the message that the pressure point was meant to open it up. So I'm looking forward to more exciting clairvoyant readings  =)

Will get my eyes checked as well, just in case.

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Meditation, Prayer and Santa Claus

I am feeling philosophical today. One of the things that has been on my mind is the difference between meditation, prayer and calling on your psychic support system (hats off to Sonia Choquette). When I was a kid I put the same faith in all fairy tales: be it the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, the Three Kings, or Jesus, Mary and Joseph. My 7 year old mind couldn't see the difference between them, and I prayed to God and the Saints half heartedly, because all of my bets were on Santa or the Tooth Fairy delivering toys and gold coins.

Looking back on it, my interest in the miraculous side of spirituality lost out in the competition with Santa Claus. The problem is that reindeer and elves don't last forever, by the time I was 9 they had vanished and I was left with a spiritual belief system that didn't ring any bells. I was in the habit of praying half-heartedly and asking for things because I had to (but without any real thought or intent going into them).

Prayer is a great form of meditation, especially if you're reciting a nice soothing mantra. Reciting the Hail Mary can be a great source of calm and inspiration, but if you don't learn to couple it with intent and certainty you won't see action in your life (at least I didn't). Now that I've discovered the power of intent, the world is full of truly exciting opportunities. Who would have thought that having that certainty can sort out a job, a new apartment, or even a chance encounter with a soul mate?

All of these miracles and synchronicites exist because of our psychic support system: the angels, spirit guides and the energetic currents in the universe. Even now as an adult, I find these unseen forces to be even more exciting than the fairy tales I believed as a child. But as an adult we have that big barrier of scepticism to get over, before we open our eyes again.

How cool would it be if tomorrow's kids learn about intent, certainty and all of these psychic buddies instead of Santa Claus and the Reindeer? We would have generations of awakened beings, instead of going through this period of darkness between the end of Santa Claus and the next spiritual awakening (which took about 20 years in my case).

I'm not really up to the challenge of taking on organized religion, but we don't really have too. Most modern religions and/or spiritual paths recognize one of our ascended masters, and maybe even the angels and spirit guides (what are saints, after all?). Do you think it could work? I think our kids are ready to grow up without Santa. Dramatic, but maybe they can grow up with a lot more than just Santa.

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Image: canva (added 2022)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Meditations with Nature

Opening up to the spirit world requires a lot of discipline, I find that no matter how fun it can be, I still struggle to quiet my mind so that I can start practicing.

Our teacher tells us we have to adopt a "daily spiritual practice", even if we only  meditate for 3-5 minutes everyday. The sitting down is where I get stuck in the first place, I need to make an effort to unwind before the meditation takes.

On weekends I have an easier time of it, as I'll start with a power walk in t park, and by the time I start to get tired I will sit down on a bench to rest and listen to the sound of the trees and the breeze. This is what I did before my chat with Seamus, the tree spirit in Kensington Gardens. The trees vibration also helped ground my energy and get me in listening mode.

Some of my classmates have commented on the same thing, its so much easier to tune in when you're out in nature. I think that the wide open energy of the grass, the trees and the sky amplifies your communication with the stars. On some occasions I can almost feel like something is up there waiting for us - and no! Not aliens ;-) lol

I've enjoyed the energy in the park and am now becoming very curious about going fishing (not that I want to catch anything). But the thought of sitting on a lake with a blank mind seems so appealing. Water has its own calming energy, and it also helps us get in touch with our emotions. I used to tease people who said fishing was a sport, but now I am starting to think it will be good for me.

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

My Personal Experience With Chakra Work

Working with the chakras is kind of like exploring uncharted territory. It took me a few weeks to get to the point where I was comfortable with actually finding them on the body. That was an interesting process that I’ll go on to describe below. Since then I’ve been pleasantly surprised during most of the sessions. Over the course of my studies I have been able to sense the chakras in three different ways, the first being clairvoyance, the second temperature and the third clairsentience. I’ve separated the 2nd and 3rd as they each served a different purpose. 

When I started learning energy healing I was a little bit lost as to where the chakras were placed. I asked Spirit to give me a sign when my hand was in the right spot, and it gave me temperature. My hand usually felt heat throughout the session, and I started to notice that this sensation turned to cold when my hand was over the areas I came to identify as the chakras.  This went on for a few weeks, until I started becoming a little bit more confident about the placement of my hands. On some occasions I felt cold when I wasn’t working on the chakras, and took it to mean that I should stay there for a while. Overall temperature really helped me find my way during healing sessions. 

Next I started feeling prickly sensations when there was a lot of healing energy coming through. This prickly sensation evolved into a flow of energy that my imagination saw as white light. This is when my experience with the chakras started to involve clairvoyance. At first I saw this as pure white light flowing through the chakras, and I would count beats in my head until it was time to move on. One day, this white light turned to gold after 10 beats, and I took it to mean that my time there was up.  This method helped me establish a rhythm to the healing sessions, especially I’m under time constraints during a healing session. 

When I had gotten used to the pace of a 15-20 minute session, I stopped looking for that gold light and started seeing colors instead. For example, on one occasion I noticed that my client’s solar plexus was bright yellow with a twisted black cord going through it. It was striking because the colors were very defined and the contrast between the yellow chakra and the black cord were impossible to miss.  During the next session, I noticed that her heart chakra had a lot of orange in it. It didn’t feel angry, but I did get the impression of a very passionate attitude towards life. After the session she mentioned that she was tired because she felt like she needed to pour her heart out into her work and her relationships, and was frustrated that she didn’t get the same in return. This helped me understand the link between our daily life and our subtle energy body.  

Finally, on a few occasions I’ve felt tightness, electricity or even discomfort in my own chakras and /or in my body.  It doesn’t happen very often, when it does it’s usually at the beginning when I’m just tuning into the person’s energy. This will let me know what to focus on during the session, and where to direct my attention if I have time left over. On one occasion I felt a constriction in my throat when I was going to ground the client. I went back to that area for another minute before proceeding to ground her.  This has only happened a handful of times; the reading tool I use most is still color and shape. 

My last point regarding the chakras has to do with tracking progress that a client makes. It’s really helpful to see colors and shapes, especially if you take notes on how the chakras evolve over a series of sessions. One of my clients started the sessions with a very dim crown chakra; at the third session it was funnel shaped and a very light blue. By the last session it had grown into a clear cylinder, and when I discussed this with her she was very happy to learn that her crown had opened up.  It was pretty cool because you can talk about it in very concrete ways that both the healer and the client understand and remember. 

Now that we’ve started to work with the aura I’m really looking forward to going through a similar process. Working with the chakras feels familiar even though I still have a lot to learn. The last time I tried to sense the aura layers I had to give up because I forgot how many there were, and what each one stood for. It doesn't really help if you sense heat over the throat in the 3rd layer, unless you remember what that 3rd layer means. We have class tomorrow so I have to go read last month's notes, as we might be tested on these aura layers !



ps ... This is my homework, due tomorrow at my Energy Healing class. 

Hope I get a GOLD STAR!

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Do Clients Mirror Our Own Issues?

One of the aspects of healing that comes up a lot in my classes and in books, is how clients will mirror our issues. They come to us hoping to get positive energy and to clear their own blocks, but at the same time their issues will prop up a mirror that gives us a chance to see our own problems. My cynical mind tends to ask if this is really a part our spirit guide's plans, or if we're just projecting our own issues onto the clients.

Sometimes you won't even notice that it is a mirror until someone points it out.  For example, I get the impression that one of my clients burns herself out. I've been careful with giving this feedback because I wasn't sure where the idea was coming from.  Last week I went in for a healing session of my own, and I got the same feedback from my supervisor at school. It wasn't until then that I realized that the issues I'd seen in that particular client were also part of my own problems. There was another piece of feedback that I haven't given my 2nd client, and as it turns out the message was for me. This girl tends to have a very concrete idea of how things should be,  accompanied by very high standards.  Guilty as charged! I often set myself very high goals, and I won't celebrate the little wins till I reach the big one (if I ever get there). This came up during my healing session last week too, my crown chakra was cluttered with all the pressure I'm putting on myself.

As a student healer,  I haven't passed this feedback on to my case studies, except for a few instances where my intuition told me they were supposed to hear it. Instead, I've sat with this observations for the past few weeks, until it finally dawned on me that the messages were meant for me.  The thing that I've come to appreciate about healing, is that we pass on the positive energy regardless. The healing ends up benefiting both the healer and the client.

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Friday, March 4, 2011

Kundalini Blast

I have never actually had a kundalini blast; they say it's the cocaine rush of the energy world. A lot of people like to trigger it with breathing excercises, and they get a steady flow of energy upwards through their body. If it continues, you'll supposedly blow your top off and through yourself off kilter. 

Not that this is happening to me now, but I've been meditating on my root and my sacral chakras. Those of you who know me would probably say that I'm quiet but aloof and my mind is usually travelling the universe. I'm not always very present in my body. Anyhooo, the past few weeks I've been a lot more centered in my base, and it was finally expanding and connecting to the earth energies. The problem I have now, is that after a small emergency at work my kundalini seems to have fired up and I can't put it out anymore. I'm constantly in a state of fight/flight, and the smallest thing will set it off. 

Today I was sitting with some friends, and after lunch when they all became very calm and quiet my energy went into overdrive and I had to get up and leave. Granted, I had somewhere to go, but it's like my body had this intake of food & energy and suddenly went into overdrive trying to burn it. Not sure what happened, but we'll see. Hopefully I'll chil out over the weekend, I need to ground all that excess energy into a tree and send it down into the earth, instead of up into my body. Today I felt tense, like I had a current of energy going up my spinal chord and centering in my heart. Not such a nice feeling!

Funny thing is one of my friends mentioned kundalini yoga a couple hours ago. It's only just dawned on me that the fiery Kundalini energy may be throwing me off balance now. I have to ground myself again.

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Reiki hugs, Regina